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37 Cards in this Set

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it is an institution that organizes and teaches social relations and gives social structure.

Kinship diversity (categories)

categories of kin are specific to each culture. They are generally one's relatives, very special people who you have enduring relationships with.

Kinship diversity in underlying logic of kinship ties

their is great diversity in the logic of kinship ties because you cannot just translate one person's kin terms to another culture. Each kins terms has their own meaning and connotation.

Enduring diffuse solidarity

A social unity that should last and exist.

(used to explain ppl in your kin that aren't really your blood family but you still call aunt/uncle.)

biological kin types and notations

is a description of genealogical relationships

F - father M - mother

S - son D - daughter

B- brother Z - sisters

H - Husband w - wife

c - child FZ/MZ/FBW - aunt

mzs/mzd/mbs/mzd/fzs/fzd - cousins

kin terms

list of words in a specific language to refer to different kin terms in their culture.

nuclear family and extended family

nuclear family is parents and children.

extended family expands from nuclear.

Industrialism and FamilyOrganization.

-General differences by class

- General changes in North America

- age of marriage

- size & composition of households

bilateral descent

descent is traced equally through males and females.

unilineal descent

only trace descent through either male or female side.

patrilineal descent

when you trace descents through only male side.

matrilineal descent

when you trace descent through female side.


A kindred is thus not ancestor-focused but ego-centred.

family maps may vary while descent groups vary. No individuals the exact same except maybe siblings.

NOT A GROUP, just ppl u know and are connected with.


can have corporate functions like sharing land, resources ,etc.

patrilineage -A descent group traced through men on the paternal side of a family

matrilineage -A descent group traced through women on the maternal side of a family


they are groups

noncorporate descent group in which genealogical links to a common ancestor are assumed but are not actually known

corporate groups/functions

own things collectively together and have land, resources, etc that belong to them.

genitor and pater

function of marriage

its a special institution that creates legitimate descents or socially legitimate children/heirs.

descent and alliance in marriage

alliance - when u get married you get affines or relatives by marriage

descent- how u trace husband/wife/kids, etc,


affinal relatives, family or relatives you gain by marriage.

incest taboo

restrictions on sex; no sex w/ close relatives.

they are off limits to you sexually so off limits as partners for marriage.


being married to one person at a time.


2 types:

polygny - have 2 or more wives at a time.

polyandry - have 2 or more husbands at a time.

material conditions and social organization

affects how people decide to live their lives. e.g. pre industrial intensive agriculture limited availability of land and resources so they had to land tonsure.

himalayan agriculturist and polyandry

they had to manipulate their resources so they can have agriculture. paternal polyandry let women can marry of sets of children.

Land Tenure


being the first child and having the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child.

especially the feudal rule by which real estate is passed to the eldest.

sororate and levirate

exogamy and endogamy

exogamy: practice of marrying outside one's group. (e.g. linear descent groups, lineages, clans) it doesn't allow incest.

endogamy: practice of marriage inside your own group or category. (e.g. must marry someone of same class or race to maintain status and hierarchies.)

cast system of india

you are born into one of the 4 casts.

they practice cast idogmy. Keeps you in your cast all your life marry within it like endogamy.

post martial residence

where you and your spouse reside after marriage.

matrilocal residence

is when couple end up living with mother's village, compound, etc., to keep materlineal line going.

it keeps mothers and daughters together.

patrilocal residence

is when newlywed live in father's village, compound, people, etc., and keeps son and fathers together.

neolocal residence

when spouses residence is sepreate from both the husband's & wife's natal/native home.


payment of grooms family to wife's family for them "losing" their daughter.


it's a special transaction and marker of new sets of relationships.


payment of bride's family to groom's family/ it isn't a purchase but an inheritance of sorts for daughters even though husband has control of it.