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40 Cards in this Set

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Polygenic Traits
Most of the traits that interest us are the ones we can see, like color, shape and size resulting from additive effects of may genetic and environmental factors.
Mental traits
studies found that status such as wealth and power run in the family
Thorndikes claim
human psychological genetics is the problem of "mental ability". Success in the modern society depends on the power of abstract reasoning. Cognitive ability measured by IQ tests
IQ tests became a method on a scale of....
intrinsic mental ability.
IQ tests were designed to be the...
predictors of scholastic ability.
Childhood IQ might be correlated with adult income because....
-IQ is a cause of school success which can cause an income path
-It is a predictor of adult IQ
-It is a cause of school success
Inborn does not mean _________ or _________.
genetic, unchanging
Genetic does not mean _______________.
Blue Babies
Born with an anatomical defect of blood circulation can usually be fixed by surgical procedures to close of the connection in the blood supply that should have been closed off naturally during fetal development.
Kallikak family
Example of the critical role of heredity in determining mental and moral traits. Mr. Kalliak slept around.... with wealthy women... good kids. With the tavern girl.. bad kids.
Problems with heritability studies of mental traits.
-Small size
-Confusion of observed correlation between relatives with genetic correlation
-Selective adoptions in fostering studies
-Subjective ratings of similarities
-after the fact statistical adjustments that bring the data more in line with genetic expectations
Genetic does not mean unchanging... IQ's usually rise if the child is...
Matter how high heritability, upper middle class families tend to....
raise that of their children.
Five sexes
Male, Female, hermaphrodites, male pseudo hermaphrodites, female pseudo hermaphrodites
possess one testis and one ovary
Male pseudo hermaphrodites
have testes and some aspects of female genetalia but no ovaries
Female pseudo hermaphrodites
have ovaries and some aspects of the male genetalia but lake testes
Frequency of intersexuality is unknown... but thought to be
1 in every 4 births
The term Hermaphrodite comes from...
the greek name hermes, known as the measure of the gods. Aphrodite parented hermaphroditus who at age 15 became half male and half female
Testes and ovaries can grow 2 ways in hermaphrodites.
-Bilaterally, one testis and one ovary.
-Grow together in the same organ forming an ovo-testis
Difference between hermaphrodites and pseudo hermaphrodites.
Hermaphrodites contain one xx gonad and one xy gonad. Pseudo hermaphrodites contain two of the same gonads, with their external genetalia not matching their chromosomes.
embryological term for a structure that during usual development goes on to form either a clitoris or penis
The embryological gonad generally chooses early in development....
to follow either a male or female pathway.
All mammalian embryos have structures that....
can become either the female uterus or the male sperm-transport system.
____________ is the most controversial when pertaining to racial differences in intelligence.
Polygenic inheritance
Commons threads
adaptation to environment, ability to learn
Conceptions of intelligence...
vary around the world, sometimes match views of occupation
Random genetic drift
allel frequency differences at polymorphisms are the rule because of the chance effects, as a result of natural and social events only some genotypes are transmitted through generations.
genes change in random ways, resulting in the rise of functional (coding) and nonfunctional polymorphisms (noncoding)
Random genetic drift
alleles in finite populations may change in frequency over time as a result of the accumulation of random sampling error int he passing on of alleles from generation to generation.
Gene flow or genetic exchange
interbreeding among certain groups can result in those populations becoming increasingly similar to each other
natural selection
organisms with gene patterns that are adaptive to a given environment become more prevalent over time. Ex: adapting to changing climate patterns
Less than ___% of human DNA varies globally
Race does not fit into the genetic patern, it is a ______ ________ concept.
socially constructed
Sickle cell genes most often in African Americans kill ___________ but protects ___________ from Malaria.
Homozygotes, heterozygotes
incurable, can be passed from both parents if each are heterozygous, higher frequency in eastern-euorpean jewish ancestry, child is usally dead by age four, they were homogenous
Why is Tay-Sachs more common in jews?
-Mutation could explain new copies of the gene
-Genetic drift only significant in small populations
-Natural selection restores the gene frequencies to normal
-Favored accumulation of ganglioside and related fats in the cells
Where are the new diseases born?
They come out of the forest when the forest is cleared for economic development, moving from animal to host. (Lyme disease, AIDS)
Small pox is still around a little but...
with every generation, there comes more resistance.
Human populations exposed to particular pathogens are more prone to....
resist the microbe.