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121 Cards in this Set

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What is the larges growing age group?
85 plus
Whats the sandwich generation?
People who care for their aging parents while also taking care of their normal routine, job house spouse kids etc.
the biosocial movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of the population
Positive eugenics
fixing broken genes and recombinant DNA (rDNA)
Down syndrome
Chromosomal conditoin, an extra copy of genetic material on the 21st chromosome.
Spina Bifida
Developmental birth defect caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube 1-2 people out of 10,000
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Located on chromosome 12, an autosomal recessive metabolic genetic disorder can lead to brain damage and siezers 1 person for every 15,000
Sickle cell anemia
8% of African Americans, the red blood cells are not circular, shaped like a twisted frisbee due to hemoglobin. The shape blocks blood flow through the blood vessels, making oxygen difficult to circulate. Blood also has lower than usual red blood cells.
Sickle cell trait
Begun with James Herricks (1904) Sickle cell trait is when only one parent has passed on the disease, it usually goes unnoticed.
Cystic fibrosis
inherent disease that causes thick mucus which builds up in the lungs, many children result in early death, common in Europe (1 in 4,000 people)
Huntington's disease
is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder that has detrimental effects on muscle coordination and leads to cognitive decline, common in western europeans. first loose motor skills, then speech
Prokayotic cell
no nucleus
Eukarayotic cell
Restriction enzymes
cuts the strands of DNA at specifically at nucleotide sequences, allows us to reprogram DNA which is where treating genetic diseases becomes possible
"Bio-Identical" hormones
anti-aging, testosterone and growth hormone
Mosquito born disease caused by eukaryotic protists, widespread in tropical areas, kills about 2 million people a year and can be cured if treated early. The carrier is named anopheles gambiae, only the females bite and the parasite is in their salivary gland. This disease is chronic (able to fight off the disease) in almost every baby in Africa, they are becoming immune.
contagious bacterial infection that mainly involves the lungs then spreads to other organs. Most people in the US recover from this without knowing they had the disease at all. People with weak immune systems, elderly and infants are all high risk
Non-compliant patients
is a patient that stops goign to treatments, the disease lingers back with more fatal consequences.
Typhoid fever
is a bacterial infection caused by diarrhea. The bacteria lives in filthy water and transmitted through feces. Cholera is the same infection in Latin American countries and a few others. The people usually die from dehydration.
New Biology (3 groups)
1. Control of death and life
2. Control of human potentialities
3. The control of human achievement
New Biology- control of death and life
medicine, prolonging life and of controlling reproduction
New Biology- control of human potentialities
genetic engineering
New Biology- control of human achievement
neurological and psychological manipulation
Ethics behind technologies are always __________and __________ questions never _________.
Ethics behind technologies are always MORAL and POLITICAL questions never TECHNICAL.
a medical procedure used for chromosomal abnormalities and fetal injections in which a small amount of amniotic fluid which contains fetal tissues, is extracted from the AMNION surrounding a developing fetus. This allows for fetal screenings.
Tay-Sachs Disease
Ultimately lethal; heritable disorder, caused by a genetic defect in a single gene with one defective copy from each parent. Named after Warren Tay who first described the red spot on the retina of the eye in 1881. Later found by neurologist Bernard Sachs. The disease results in chromosome 15. This is not exclusively a jewish disease though more prevalent.
Payton, Caucasian Baby with tay-sachs...
... began to roll over, no longer able to crawl, then could no longer sit up. Her symptoms worsened, with no ability to coordinate muscle movement. She died at three and a half, the doctors never suspected Tay-Sachs because neither parent was Jewish.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing
takes a snippet of DNA to forecast the unborn babies health.
Genetic Testing
is not a single model, but refers to a broad range of methods gauging genes in cells. Genetic testing by itself can never predict an individual's future traits, immunities or susceptibilities with perfect clarity.
1970's Sickle Cell Anemia
Government hosted Sickle Cell Testing, lack of education led to perfectly health carriers believing they were sick. This ignorance led to legislature where Massachusetts passed a law that students be tested for "the disease" before enrolling in school. The sickle cell TRAIT, by law, now became a "disease"
Third party reproduction (example)
Ms. Kehoe hand picked an egg donor, sperm, and surrogate, Kehoe announced the arrival of twins, police took the twins when the surrogate reported Ms. Kehoe as mentally ill. 5 parties were involved. egg donor, sperm donor, Ms. Baker and the Kehoes.
Doctors ignoring industry guide lines
Only one embryo is supposed to be placed during the fertilization procedure but doctors are placing extra embryos in the womb to increase the chances that one will take. This is what happened with the Octomom.
Problems with kidney donation
Mainly the poor and vulnerable are thought to supply 10% of the worlds kidneys. $1700-$2700 value in Egypt. the money earned is usually gone in five months. A law was up for debate that could legalize transplants from brain dead donars and regulate living organ donation. Price ranges from $1,000 to $40,000. Some Egyptians have said they have been tricked into giving up their kidneys.
Is Physician Assisted Suicide the same as euthanasia?
No, the physician is providing the means and the patient will administer the lethal medication. Euthanasia generally means that the physician would directly give a lethal injection to end a patients life.
Terminal sedation
This refers to the practice of sedating a terminally ill competent patient to the point of conciousness, then allowing the patient to die of his or her disease, starvation, or dehydration.
Withholding/withdrawing life-sustaining treatments
When a competent patient makes an informed decision to refuse life-sustaining treatments, there is virtual unanimity in state law and in the medical profession that this wish should be respected.
Pain medication that may hasten death
often a terminally ill, suffering patient may require dosages of pain medication that impair respiration or have other effects that may hasten death. It is generally held by most professional societies, and supported in court decisions, that this is justifiable so long as the primary intent is to relieve suffering.
Arguments against PAS
Sanctity of life, passive vs. active distinction, potential for abuse, professional integrity, fallibility of the profession. (in most states PSA is illegal and considered a crime)
Ananda, India
"reproductive tourism" destination: an estimated $626 million business. Indian women go there to host babies in their bodies, live near fertility clinics, and obtain money for their own children.
When was the first vitro fertilization? and what was the success rate?
1978; 40-50% (now 8-10,000 born per year)
the structure formed in the early embryogenesis of mammals , after the formation of the MORULA
commonly known as Prozac, after being on the market for a year, it became the most prescribed anti depressant, 15% of patients had intolerable side effects, some becoming suicidal. Doctors questioned the elimination of bad feelings, they wondered if they were somehow useful and therefore not wise to be blocked.
What makes depression unusual?
depression is unusual in the sense that it is one of the only diagnoses that a patient tells the doctor that is what they're suffering from.
Where does the US rank when it comes to healthcare in industrialized nations? Cost? Quality, efficeiency, access to care, and the ability of it's citizens to lead long, healthy and productive lives?
Last (compared to 6 industrialized nations). Most Expensive, and last in everything else.
What are some of the problems with the US health care system?
-Too many duplicate tests
-Too much paperwork
-High administrative costs
-Too many patients using emergency rooms as doctors offices.
On average, what is the difference in genetic material between two random people on earth?
.2% difference
What percentage does race account for in our genetic material?
Why can't anthropologists determine race based on remains? -Bred in the Bone-
Because race is a social construct, not a biological fact.
Osteoporosis -Bred in the Bone-
a progressive loss of bone mass that leads to 1.5 million fractures a year. A disease that was once argued that blacks could not obtain. Race does not work as short hand for biological variation.
How is race definitively divided? -Black, White, Other-
It isn't. It's impossible to precisely divide up race based on a single model.
What are the three forces that gradients are produced by? (determines race) -Black, White, Other-
1.Natural selection
2. Genetic drift
3. Gene flow
Who was Blumenbach? -Black, White, Other-
He had a theory of five human races, he developed these findings from the research of human skulls
1. the caucasian race, (white)
2. the mongolian race (yellow)
3. the malayan race (brown)
4. the ethiopian race (black)
5. the american, race (red)
What did Samuel Morton believe?
He believed he could tell the intelligence of a person from the size of their skull. He measured by using mustard seeds.
Kinship systems
People who are related by both decent and marriage (mating).
Local race
example: Colorado and Montana
Micro race
example: South and North Boulder
not being expressed together, the traits do not match. Example: skin color varies all over the world; they do not match, but they are all skin colors
Humans as a whole have immense genetic variation from individual to individual. 2 unrelated humans differ by about _______________ distinct DNA variants.
3 million
The largest amount of variation, about _____% is amount individuals within _______, _________ or __________ populations.
The largest amount of variation, about 85% is amount individuals within LOCAL, NATIONAL or LINGUISTIC populations.
A small number of genetic traits such as ________, ___________, and _______ (traits for which the genes have not actually been identified) vary together.
A small number of genetic traits such as SKIN COLOR, HAIR FORM, and NOSE SHAPE (traits for which the genes have not actually been identified) vary together.
the study of heritable change in physical appearance or gene expression caused by mechanisms aside from changes in the DNA sequence. Epi means above. Two to the 23rd power is how many variations of a sperm a male can produce.
single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, in which the genetic material is not separated from the rest of the cell by a nucleus
cell that possesses a well-organized nucleus, the outer boundary is defined by the plasma membrane, which regulates the transport of material into and out of the cell.
The fluid filled space within the cell and surrounding nucleus.
in eukaryotic cells, the part of the cell in which the genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell (cytoplasm) by a plasma membrane.
in a eukaryotic cell, the region within the cell membrane that surrounds the nucleus; it contains organelles, which carry out the essential functions of the cell such as energy production, metabolism and protein synthesis.
Complex multi-cellular life forms are made up of hundreds of billions of cells but the basic division of life on Earth is between _________ and _________.
Complex multi-cellular life forms are made up of hundreds of billions of cells but the basic division of life on Earth is between PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES.
Complex organisms have _________ cells, cells of the body, but not ________, sex cells or germ cells that are directly involved in reproduction.
Complex organisms have SOMATIC cells, cells of the body, but not GAMETES, sex cells or germ cells that are directly involved in reproduction.
the cells can become any of the somatic cell types found in a fetus or adult.
the cells can become several cell types and differentiate only a certain cell type
______________ research is controversial due to the ___________ capacity used for ______ ____________. But _________ stem cells can be useful for treating diseases that are caused by the loss of specific types of cells, such as parkinson's disease, when the nervous system has problems due to loss of cells in the brain.
STEM CELL research is controversial due to the TOTIPOTENT capacity used for VITRO FERTILIZATION. But EMBRYOTIC stem cells can be useful for treating diseases that are caused by the loss of specific types of cells, such as parkinson's disease, when the nervous system has problems due to loss of cells in the brain.
In most eukaryotic cells, the nucleus holds hereditary material called ____________.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
What are the two main functions of DNA?
Making proteins for the body (protein synthesis), and cellular replication
What is the "backbone" of DNA composed of?
Sugars and phosphates
The DNA molecule is assembled from what four different units? How are they paired?
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Cytosine pairs with Guanine
Hydrogen bonding cannot pair between....
Adenine and Cytosine
Guanine and Thymine
RNA is similar to DNA except....
Thymine is not found in RNA, it's replace by uracil which bonds with adenine
During DNA replications where do mutations occur that can pass from one generation to the next?
the workhorse molecules of biological organisms and the most common large molecule found in the cells.
Structural tissues like bone and muscle are mostly....
a protein molecule in red blood cells, bind to oxygen and transport throughtout the body, (diseases with hemoglobin problems are malaria and sickle cell).
Some proteins function as ___________ and regulate many bodily funtions.
Proteins are complex and made up of ______ _______, also a ________but smaller that share a common _______ _________ that allows them to bond to one another in long __________.
Proteins are complex and made up of AMINO ACIDS, also a MOLECULE but smaller that share a common CHEMICAL STRUCTURE that allows them to bond to one another in long CHAINS.
how many different amino acids function as the building blocks proteins? how many are essenital?
20 amino acids, 9 essential
the amino acid chain made up of 200 amino acids, this forms a typical protein.
________ is found in the _______ that transport _____________ and ________ are cells in one ________ of the ______ influencing the activity of cells in a ____________ location.
HEMOGLOBIN is found in the CELLS that transport OXYGEN and HORMONES are cells in one LOCATION of the BODY influencing the activity of cells in a DIFFERENT location.
proteins that catalyze chemical reactions (could be an increase or decrease rate)
Chemical messengers, shapes determining where they can go
What are the three types of hormones?
1. steroids
2. protein/polypeptide (includes HGH)
3. amine hormone (contributes to parkinsons)
Proteins are chains of...
...amino acids
The structure and function of proteins determined by the sequence of _____ ______ in their ________ _________.
The structure and function of proteins determined by the sequence of AMINO ACIDS in their POLYPEPTIDE CHAINS.
What does the structure of DNA (A-T or C-G) do?
It carries out information such as the sequence of amino acids in protein.
Genetic code
The system that has evolved to represent protein amino acid sequences in the base pair sequence of DNA.
a triplet of bases in mRNA. Ex. TGA CCA CTA
the unit of heredity, consisting of a sequence of DNA that contains the information to make a protein
Transcription and translation are two steps that take __________ to make __________, within ______ to actual become a _______.
Transcription and translation are two steps that take INFORMATION to make PROTEIN, within DNA to actually become a PROTEIN.
occurs in the nucleus of the cell, begins when 2 DNA strands spit in a region where a gene is represented on one of the strands. The gene is a template to form a mRNA molecule to carry information.
Translation (protein synthesis)
Occurs in the cytoplasm. Codons are read to the end of the molecule completing synthesis (???? is this right)
discrete structures composed of condensed DNA and proteins.
Genes are located on...
Each somatic cell in the body has how many chromosomes?
23, haploid
Most organisms have 2 copies of each chromosome in each cell. Where are they from?
one from the mother
one from the father
# of chromosomes in somatic cell is the
diploid number
the members of each pair of chromosomes are....
... homologous chromosomes
# of chromosomes in the sex cell is the...
... haploid number (half as many as the diploid number in the somatic cell, only one copy)
alternative versions of a gene,
when chromosomes pair together and have the same allele for a gene on a chromosome
when an individual has different alleles on a gene.
the complete chromosomal complement of an individual shown is in a single somatic cell, usually based on a photo of the chromosomes under a microscope.
Humans have __ different chromosomes (haploid) and diploid of __, __ are divided into pairs (homologous).
23, 46, 44
Sex chromosomes
23rd pair of chromosomes, girls are XX guys are XY
Chromosomal abnormalities
individuals having chromosomal number abnormalities and suffering from medical and developmental problems or nondisjunction errors (incomplete divison of the chromosomes).
medical procedure used in the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities, associated with fetal screening and karyotyping.
Down syndrome
person has 3 copies of chromosome 21 (trisomy)
Turner syndrome
when a person only has one x chromosome (monosomy)
Chromosomes are vulnerable to ______.
it is difficult as women get older to produce viable...
union of two gametes
sum totally of all the genes carried by an individual
polymerase chain reaction
takes a small amount of DNA and can make millions of copies of a specific DNA segment.