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58 Cards in this Set

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How we know what we think we know, and how we came to know it. The study of knowledge.


The idea that we must experience something to gain knowledge of it. Pioneered by John Locke. Our minds are a blank slate when born. Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1689.


That a study or experiment can be replicated reliably. Kaplan.


The ability to prove something as false, created by Popper.


The current scientific set of beliefs that everything fits within, and new paradigms are created when scientific revolution occurs. Today's paradigm is evolution, a past paradigm was biblical creation.

Social constructivism

Group knowledge and the restrictions on how the group can know something within their belief system. A collectively known knowledge within a culture.

Cognitive Styles

Different ways of obtaining knowledge to get to a similar answer.


Beginning with a general idea, and through testing and observation, coming upon a specific conclusion.

Middle Range Theory

A tool used to understand smaller aspects within a culture or specific population. Narrow focus. Developed by Malthus and then Binford.


How questions are answered using consistency in procedures. Hume.

Author of Principles of Geology

Charles Lyell

Two important ideas put forward by Lamarck

Evolution happened quickly and was passed to offspring via inherited traits. Single origin hypothesis. Vestigal organs may be a type of historical marker for stopping use of organs due to behavior or environment.

Associated with the "theory of divine intervention"

Lewis Henry Morgan

Three notable contributions of Karl Marx to Anthropology

1. Created working social models 2. He theorized as to why societies are created and dissolve 3. Studied sub-cultures of societies. Also, wrote Des Capital in 1848.

Author of the Theory of the Earth 1788

Hutton, the father of geology

A significant contribution of William Chambers Wells

That skin color was simply an indicator of internal differences that we cannot see, such as disease resistance.

Describe two contributions of Adam Ferguson

1. First person to realize interchangeability 2. Primitive people owned property, and were not superhuman or uncivilized

Author of the Essay on the Principle of Population

Malthus in 1798

A noted American Evolutionist

Lewis Henry Morgan.

What is the importance about Tylor's Researches into the Early History of Mankind?

He discussed survivals

Describe the comparative method

Collecting data from different cultures and comparing that data to other cultures. It was utilized in describing early man based on cultures visible presently. Pioneered by Pitt Rivers.

Author of The Antiquity of Man

Charles Lyell

Prehistoric Times was written by


What is notable about Boas' the Mind of Primitive Man?

He discussed psychic unity, stating we are all wired the same. Culture is what changed people.

Paul Radin wrote a famous work noted for it's emic perspective--it's title is

Crashing Thunder

Define the concept of the "superorganic"

Pioneered by Durkeim. Emergent culture takes preeminence over the individual

The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer is the first comprehensive study of

Mystical practices, how mentalities effected culture evolution. This book took on myths and religion.

The "mismanagement of resources" is associated with

Robert Lowie

Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America was written by

Alfred Kroeber

Define Graebner's concept of "underinventiveness"

That certain societies/cultures were only so capable of new thought and innovation.

Ancient Society was written by

Morgan, 1877

The American Indian was published in 1917 by

Clark Wissler

Ratzel might be described as what kind of theorist?

Cultural geography was a focus of his, and was a motivational force behind the idea of Kulturkreise. Came up with "organic state theory".

Kroeber's "Zuni Potsherd" paper introduced what to American archaeology?

seriation and cross-dating

In Fighting Property, Helen Codere critiqued Boas' work concerning what ethnographic group?


What book did Paul Radin write that featured an emic perspective?

Crashing Thunder

Who believed skin color could be an indicator of underlying attributes?


What book did Boas write concerning psychic unity?

The Mind of Primitive Man

What does Lowie's "mismanagement of resources" refer to?

The Bantu Beef Taboo in Africa, milking cows in China...essentially rejecting available resources due to taboo

What did Frazer write that discussed myths and religion?

The Golden Bough

Clark Wissler introduced what concept?

Age area concept

What is age area concept?

A diffusion idea that states the cultural traits and materials in a center of distribution are newest, and the further from that point the older they are. The age of cultural traits can be determined by their geographic location. Clark Wissler.

What important concept did Mason come up with, that was further used by Kroeber and Wissler?

Culture area

Helen Codere wrote what book criticizing Boas?

Fighting and Property

Who came up with "superorganic" concept?


Malthus was known for..

Economics, population growth and pointed out what keeps populations in check and either inhibits growth or helps spur growth.

Who was responsible for the HRAF

George Peter Murdock

Primitive Society was written by...

Robert Lowie

Name two universal historians

Turgot and Condorcet

Who criticized Murdock's use of statistics

Harold Driver

Who wrote Essay on Principles of Population?

Thomas Malthus

Which book by Tylor discussed animism?

Primitive Culture

What is the difference between Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski?

Radcliffe-Brown was unilinear while Malinowski was multilinear. Radcliffe-Browns approach was geared more towards society as a whole, while Malinowski focused on the nuclear family and the role it played.

Who said technology is not a primary driver in cultural progression?

Adam Ferguson

Who came up with ExT=C?

Leslie White

What is Julian Steward most known for?

Definition of bands, in 1936 Economics and Social Basis for Bands. Expanded upon White's equation and demonstrated his ideas further. Multilinear evolutionist.

What is important in Antiquity of Man?

Lyell discussed human evolution and challenged the church.

Who wrote Patterns of Culture?

Ruth Benedict