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88 Cards in this Set

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Relations of Production

Ways humans organize themselves to get work done, products distributed & used

No just physical products, but also classes and social structure

Marxist theory

Mode of Production

Activities and tools used by society to satisfy its material needs

The political economic "social order"

Economy =

Natural Resources + labor + tools + knowledge/skill + "capital" (in some form)

3 Phases of Economy

1 - Production

2 - Distribution

3 - Consumption


Economic phase where raw materials are turned into human "social or cultural" goods


Economic phase where goods are moved from the producers to the consumers


Economic phase where products are used.

Systems of Production

1 - Foraging

2 - Pastoralism

3 - Horticulture

4 - Intensive Agriculture


Belief that the people/culture arose directly from the earth

Swidden Agriculture

"Slash-and-burn" agriculture

Field rotation: after depletion (2-3 yrs) let plot

return to nature & clear new area

Not in the large commercial sense

Intensive Agriculture

High-input, high-yield farming techniques

Uses plows, irrigation, fertilizer & draft animals.

Lead to more "permanent farmlands"


Form of society based around cities & typically dependent on intensive agriculture


A place & practice for exchanging value based goods

Types of

Distribution Systems

1 - Reciprocity

2 - Redistribution

3 - Market exchange

Forms of Reciprocity

1 - Generalized

2 - Balanced

3 - Negative

Reciprocity has no hub/center for distribution

General Reciprocity

Goods given without determining value and without expectation for "return" goods

It's understood people will share

Balanced Reciprocity

Goods have estimated value and have

expectation of equal value return in reasonable time

Negative Reciprocity

Goods given with calculated value with an

expectation or intent of receiving more value than one gives

Most closely resembles the "modern market"


Exchange of wealth or surplus collected by a hub group that controls distribution and use

Controlled hub/center is key characteristic

Market Exchange

Distribution using a specific location, &

impersonal principles of supply & demand, to pursuit profit

Two principles in Marx's view on the importance of society's material basis

1 - it is NOT equivalent to socialists or


2 - Capitalism is NOT the same as 'the market' or 'market economy'

Anthropological view of economy

6 initial domesticate crops

1 - Wheat

2 - Barley

3 - Rice

4 - Millet

5 - Tubers

6 - Maize

Social Control
Process of directing members of the group to perform their duties, follow norms & "do the right thing" ad defined by society
Externalized Control
Creation & enforcement of appropriate behavior by others, such as parents, teachers, police, etc.
Agents of Social Control

Those who instill the social norms in an


Ex: Parents, teachers, peers, etc.

Internalized Control

Process by which a person conforms to the

societal standards

Tools the agents of social control can use when people violate the norms
Formal Sanction

Punishments that are explicit & well known

Often written down & administered by a specific authority

Informal Sanction
Reward or punishment that is understood by the society, but not written or truly defined
Legitimate power of person, group or institution to enforce norms
More or less formal social position with specific rights & duties
Intermediate power based on one's ability to influence or manipulate people to comply
Symbolic Capital

Resources that can be used for influence

Ex: Knowledge, social relationships, flags, myths, etc.

Integration typologies as stated by Elman Service in Primitive Social Organization



Least Most

Integrated Integrated

Small, autonomous, & typically leaderless group
Leveling Mechanism
Practice used to establish or re-establish social equality

Multiple local communities organized into a

single system, with informal power


Multiple local communities under a central office with formal political power & redistributive

control over surplus


Formal centralized government with power over a defined territory.

Establishes laws, collects taxes, maintains army, etc.


Spread of a cultural trait - objects, ideas,

practices, etc.

Secondary Innovation

Combination of already existing principles or


Cultural Loss

Process of losing cultural traits over time

Syn: Deculturation

Process of acquiring a second culture
Destruction of a group's culture without killing the people
Directed Change
Planned, coordinated & sustained efforts to change part or all of a culture
Colonies of Settlement

Colonies where many foreigners immigrate, sometimes to the point they become the


Colonies of Exploitation

Colonies where few foreigners immigrate, but territory is used for resources or strategic


Internal Colonialism

When a society penetrates a territory with in its borders, but people in this area do not relate to occupying society

Ex: Pre-Civil War northern societal influence over the south

Goals of Colonialism

1 - Wealth

2 - Resources

3 - Land

4 - Labor

Methods of Colonialism

1 - Taxation

2 - Markets

3 - Geopolitics

Doctrine of Discovery
European colonial principle that whoever arrived first had the right to occupy & administer without interference
Terra nullis
Doctrine that "empty land" (without inhabitants) could be claimed & settled
Use of territory for maintenance & projection of power
Plural Society
Group of cultures that occupy same area by do not interact except in limited ways
Identity Politics

Politics of identity

Ex: Prussia splitting into two cultures, Germany & Austria

Communal Representation
Practice of setting aside representation for the various cultures within the government

Concept that groups have the right to choose their own political arrangements & their

collective destiny

Corporate group that shares a political identity
Territory that a society inhabits
Multinational State

Contains some or all of two or more cultures

Ex: Iraq

Multi-state Nation

Cultural group that spans two or more state borders

Ex: Kurds

Prenational Group
Social group that has yet to achieve mobilization & self-awareness of a nation
Potential Nation
Group in the process of becoming a nation
Offshoot Nation
Group that emerges as a local or historical branch of an older group, eventually pursuing its own culture
Dispersion of a social group from its homeland
State Terrorism
Use of force & terror by a government against a portion or all of its people
Movement with goal of cultural/political disengagement of two groups
Primary Production
Production of raw materials in form of farming, mining, etc.

Gross National Product


Total value of goods & services provided by a

society or state

Gross Nation Product per Capita
GNP divided by population
Relative Poverty
Possession of less money than others in the same society

Absolute Poverty
Level of income below what is required to have a decent standard of living
Form of directed change where a state tries to change its internal economy & society or foreign state tries
Development Policy
General priorities & decisions set by a state to achieve goals
Import Substitution
Policy to produce internally what the nation is currently importing
Structural Adjustment

Changes required of a government that is

receiving outside developmental aid

Social Impact Analysis

Fieldwork study of consequences of a

development project on affected peoples

Sociocultural Appraisal
Study of appropriateness of a development or social change project, its impact on affected groups, & distribution of benefits
Multilateral Development Institutions

Organizations that are funded & operated by more than one government for the purpose of development

Ex: World Bank & International Monetary Fund

Modernization Theory
Theory that improvement of socioeconomic conditions in poor states entails the creation of "modern" institutions
Dependency Theory
Theory that Third World underdevelopment is caused by their dependence on First World countries for key economic resources
World Systems Theory
Theory that Third World underdevelopment is caused by external arrangements with global economics set up by the First World countries for their advantage, and the disadvantage of the underdeveloped country

States that make up the center of the world


Mostly rich industrial states & former colonialists


Societies & states with least wealth, power &


States that are not as dependent as periphery states, but are not influential enough to be core states
Market-dominant Minority

Ethnic minorities that tend to dominate

economically under market conditions

Growth of large cities without the infrastructure to handle it