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21 Cards in this Set

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Where is the Submental Triangle of the neck?
Floor: mylohyoid muscle
Submental lymph nodes
Anterior jugular veins
Submandibular Triangle
Submandibular lymph nodes
Submandibular gland
Hypoglossal nerve
Parotid gland (posterior)
Carotid Triangle
Submandibular lymph nodes
Submandibular gland
Hypoglossal nerve
Parotid gland (posterior)
Visceral Triangle
Submandibular lymph nodes
Submandibular gland
Hypoglossal nerve
Parotid gland (posterior)
What vertebrae do the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage correspond with?
T: C4-5
C: C6
Submandibular Triangle contains . . .
facial artery (CN XII), submandibular gland; digastric, hyoglossus, mylohyoid muscles
Carotid Triangle contains . . .
external jugular vein, investing fascia, carotid sheath
Muscular triangle contains . . .
the strap muscles
Submental triangle contains . . .
?? nothing listed on notes.
What is the platysma responsible for? What innervates it?
Facial expression! CN VII
What is the preferred site of a trachesotomy?
Tracheal cartilages 2-4 (below cricoid cartilage and sithmus of the thyroid)
Which is more superficial, the investing layer or the platysma?
Where do the anterior jugular veins lie, and where do they go?
Lie in the midline. Run from submental triangle, pierce deep fascia above manubrium.
List the superficial cranial nerves and describe their location.
1. Great auricular, transverse cervical,supraclavicular (all sensory).
2. Cervical branch of CN VII. (motor)
Name and location of the infrahyoid muscles.
Strap muscles:
1. Omohyoid: From hyoid to shoulder
2. Sternohyoid: From hyoid to sternum
3. Sternothyroid:
4. Thyrohyoid
(listed superficial to deep)

All innervated by C1-C3
Blood supply to the thyroid gland comes from:
External carotid artery ---> superior thyroid thyroid a.

Subclavian ---> thyrocervical trunk ---> inferior thyroid a.
What is the Thyroid Ima Artery? What is it's prevalence?
A branch from the brachiocephalic artery or the arch of the aorta. Occurs in 10% of the population.
Describe the thyroid venous plexus.
Usually drains to the inferior thyroid vein ---> LEFT brachiocephalic vein ----> superior vena cava. Also drains to the internal jugular vein.
Origin and clinical significance of the thyroglossal duct cysts
Originates at the foramen cecum (on the back of the tongue). Form when aberrant thyroid tissue lodges in the thyroglossal duct.
Origin and clinical significance of cervical fistulas
An abnormal internal canal that opens into the tonsillar fossa. Saliva may drip into the fistula and become infected.
Origin of sinus remnant
Failure of embryonic cervical sinus fails to disappear, can retain a connection on the side of the neck called a branchial sinus. Exists anywhere along the anterior border of the SCM. If one part not connected to other tissue, may become a cyst.