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76 Cards in this Set

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level of hyoid bone in anterior neck?


level of thyroid cartilage in anterior neck?


level of cricoid cartilage in anterior neck?


level of isthmus of thyroid gland?

level of 2nd through 4th tracheal rings

level of bifurcation of common carotid artery?


what things are at the vertebral level CVI?

-arch of cricoid cartilage

-superior end of esophagus

-superior end of trachea

major structures that ___can be accessed through the anterior triangle of the neck?

major structures that pass b/w the head and thorax

the posterior triangle is associated with what structures?

structures that pass to the upper limb

what muscle separates the anterior from the posterior triangle?

the sternocleidomastoid m

fascia of the neck is made up of what two main divisions of cervical fascia?

-superficial cervical fascia

-deep cervical fascia

what is in the superficial cervical fascia?

cutaneous nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, fat, platysma muscles

the platysma muscle lies in the?

in the superficial cervical fascia

superior and inferior attachment of the platysma muscle?

superior-- blends with muscles of facial expression

inferior-- fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles

innervation of the platysma muscle?

cervical branch of the facial nerve

-supraclavicular nerves (from C3 and C4 cervical plexus) pierce it to innervate skin

what are the four longitudinal compartments of the neck?

-visceral: digestive, respiratory, endocrine glands

-vertebral: cervical vertebrae, spinal cord, nerves, muscles

-two vascular: major blood vessels, vagus n.

deep cervical fascia of the neck components?




-2 carotid sheaths?

in the carotid sheath, how are the structures arranged?

-interolateral: the internal jugular vein (taking up the most space)

-medial: common carotid a.

-posterior: vagus n.

the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia splits to enclose the ___, attaching posteriorly to __?

splits to enclose the sternocleidomastoid, trapezium muscles, attaching posteriorly to ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes

-anteriorly: surrounds the infrahyoids

anteriorly, the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia splits at the __to create the__?

splits at the manubrium to create the suprasternal space

the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia encloses?

the thyroid gland, trachea, and esophagus

the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia begins superiorly at ___and ends inferiorly in__?

-begins superiorly at the hyoid bone and ends inferiorly in the thorax blending with the fibrous pericardium of the heart

-blends laterally with the carotid sheaths

posteriorly, the pretracheal fascia is referred to as the?

as the buccopharyngeal fascia

buccopharyngeal fascia (posteriorly what the pretracheal fascia of the deep cervical fascia) begins superiorly at___and ends inferiorly in__?

superiorly at the base of the skull and ends inferiorly in the thoracic cavity

what is the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia?

tubular sheath wrapping the vertebral column and associated muscles

where does the prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia extends from___with__?

-extends from the base of the cranium to thorax as 2 layers with a space between them containing loose CT

the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia extends __surrounding the brachial plexus and axillary vessels as the?

extends laterally, as the axillary sheath

what is the carotid sheath?

a tubular column of fascia extending from the cranial base to the root of the neck

contents of the carotid sheath?

-common carotid and internal carotid arteries

-internal jugular vein

-vagus n.

-also some deep cervical lymph nodes, sympathetic nerve fibers

pretracheal fascial space?

between the investing layer of cervical fascia and the pretracheal fascia, which passes between the neck and the anterior part of the superior mediastinum

retropharyngeal fascial space?

between the buccopharyngeal fascia and the prevertebral fascia, which extends from the base of the skull to the upper part of the posterior mediastinum

third fascial space?

within prevertebral layer covering the anterior surface of the transverse processes and bodies of the cervical vertebrae; this layer splits into two laminae (anterior lamina is "alar" fascia) to create a fascial space that begins at base of skull and extends through the posterior mediastinum to diaphragm

alar fascia?


several spaces exist between cervical fascial planes that can?

can provide routes for the spread of infection

at what level does the alar fascia fuse with the buccopharyngeal fascia (posterior portion of pretracheal layer)?


the anterior triangle can be further subdivided into?

-submandibular/digastric triangle

-superior carotid triangle

-submental triangle (unpaired)

-inferior carotid/muscular triangle

roof of the anterior triangle?

formed by superficial fascia and the platysma muslce

floor of the anterior triangle?

formed by fascia covering the pharynx, larynx, and thyroid gland

muscles in the anterior triangle of the neck can be grouped according to? they are?

-to their location relative to the hyoid bone

-suprahyoid muscles: stylohyoid, digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid

-infrahyoid muscles: omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, sternothyroid

what are the suprahyoid muscles of the anterior triangle? and their innervation?

-stylohoid (facial n.)

-digastric posterior belly (facial)

-digastric anterior belly (mylohyoid n. from inferior alveolar branch of V3)

-mylohyoid m (mylohyoid branch)

-geniohyoid (C1 anterior ramus branch via hypoglossal)

function of the suprahyoid muscles of the anterior triangle?

elevate the hyoid, some lower the mandible when hyoid is fixed from below

what are the infrahyoid muscles of the anterior triangle? and what is there innervation?




innervation: anterior rami of C1-3 via ansa cervicalis


innervation: anterior rami of C1 via hypoglossal n

function of the infrahyoid muscles of the anterior triangle?

muscles depress the hyoid bone

branches of the external carotid artery?

-superior thyroid

-ascending phyarngeal




-posterior auricular

-superficial temporal


the common or external carotid artery can be palpated where?

in the anterior triangle of the neck

-common carotid-- posterolateral to larynx

-external carotid- immediately lateral to pharynx

pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve?

-emerges deep to the styloid process, passes b/w internal and external carotid arteries (sends sensory branches to carotid sinus and pharynx)

-passes across lateral border of stylopharyngeus and innervates it

-continues anteriroly, deep to hyoglossus, to reach base of tongue and palatine tonsil

__passes across lateral border of stylopharyngeus m. and innervates it?

glossopharyngeal n.

the vagus nerves enter the ___and descend through the neck ___to__and___to__?

enter the carotid sheath

-medial to internal jugular and posterior to carotid arteries

the vagus nerve sends branches to?

pharynx (motor), carotid body, superior laryngeal nerve, possibly a cardiac branch

the carotid sinus has___that do what? it is primarily innervated by?

-carotid sinus has baroreceptors that react to changes in arterial blood pressure

-primarily innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve via the carotid sinus nerve ; also gets some from vagus nerve

what is the carotid body? what is it innervated by?

-is a mass located on the deep side of the bifurcation near the carotid sinus that is a chemoreceptor that monitors level of oxygen in blood

-innervated by glossopharyngeal n. via the carotid sinus n. and also the vagus n.

where is the accessory nerve in the neck? and what does it innervate?

accessory nerve descends medial to the internal jugular vein then crosses its lateral surface deep to SCM m.

-innervated SCM and trapezius

what are the branches of the accessory nerve in the anterior triangle?

there are no branches in the anterior triangle

path of the hypoglossal nerve?

-crosses b/w internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery; hooks around the occipital a.

-passes deep to posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid m.

-crosses hyoglossus, disappears deep to mylohyoid

-no branches in anterior triangle on route to tongue

the transverse cervical nerve is a branch of?

branch of the cervical plexus containing C2, C3 fibers

transverse cervical nerve path? innervates?

-loops around SCM to provide sensory innervation to the skin of the anterior triangle

ansa cervicalis innervates?


boundaries of the submandibular triangle?

superiorly: inferior border of mandible

posteirorly: posterior belly of digastric m

anteriorly: anterior belly of the digastric m

floor: mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles

what does the hypoglossal n. do in the submandibular triangle?

descends, passes forward on the superficial surface of the hyoglossus muscle and then continues anteriorly deep to the mylohyoid muscle

boundaries of the carotid triangle?

posterior belly of the digastric muscle, superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, and the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid m

floor: parts of thyrohyoid, hyoglossus and inferior and middle constrictor muscles

contents of the carotid triangle?

carotid sheath with its contents, branches of external carotid artery, tributaries of internal jugular vein, hypoglossal nerve, and roots of ansa cervicalis

the superior and inferior roots of the ansa cervicalis usually lie within?

within the carotid sheath or is embedded in the anterolateral sheath

location of vagus nerve in the carotid sheath?

lies posteriorly between the internal jugular vein and the common carotid artery

in general the superior root of the ansa cervicalis is from___that travel with ___?

is from branches of the 1st and 2nd cervical nerves that travel with the hypoglossal nerve for a short distance and then form the superior root

the inferior root of the ansa cervicalis is from branches of?

of the 2nd and 3rd cervical nerves

boundaries of the submental triangle?

hyoid bone inferiorly and anterior bellies of both digastric muscles

*it is small and unpaired

contents of the submental triangle?

submental lymph nodes and tributaries of the anterior jugular vein

contents of the muscular triangle?

-infrahyoid muscles

-thyroid gland

-parathyroid glands


boundaries of the muscular triangle?

hyoid bone superiorly, the superior belly of the omohyoid m, and the anterior border of the SCM, and midline of the neck

thyroid gland produces?

thyroid hormone

two lobes of the thyroid gland are connected by?

by a isthmus; sometimes, a pyramidal lobe exists (remnant of the thyroglossal duct)

blood supply of thyroid gland?

superior and inferior thyroid arteries

location of the parathyroid gland? function?

-lie on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland

-there are usually 4 of them

-they produce PTH

during a thyroidectomy, what nerve could be damaged? also care is taken to?

-the laryngeal nerves

-care is taken to retain the parathyroid glands

the parathyroid glands typically lie on the ___?

the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland

right recurrent laryngeal n. loops around?

around the subclavian a

left recurrent laryngeal n. loops around?

arch of the aorta