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23 Cards in this Set

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Boundaries of Anterior Triangle
Superior: Inferior border of mandible.

Posterior: SCM muscle

Inferior: Anterior midline of neck
Subdivisions of Anterior Triangle
1) Submental triangle
2) Submandibular triangle
3) Muscular triangle
4) Carotid Triangle
Structures that divide the Anterior triangle into further sub-triangles
1) Anterior Belly of Digastric M.
2) Posterior Belly of Digastric M.
3) Hyoid Bone
4) Omohyoid Muscle
Anterior Belly of Digastric Muscle
[origin, insertion, innervation, function]
Origin: Digastric fossa of mandible

Insert: Intermediate tendon of body
Greater horn of hyoid bone.

Nerve: Mylohyoid nerve (V3-mand.)

Function: Depresses jaw
Raise hyoid bone + stab.
it when swallowing and
Posterior Belly of Digastric Muscle
[origin, insertion, innervation, function]
Origin: Mastoid notch (temp. bone)

Insert: Intermediate tendon of body
Greater horn of hyoid bone.

Nerve: Facial Nerve (CN VII)

Function: Depresses jaw
Raise hyoid bone + stab.
it when swallowing and
(Superficial Cervical Fascia)
[origin, insertion, innervation, function]
Origin: fascia (clavicle+superior
parts of pec. major/deltoid)

Insert: inferior border of mandible
skin, subcutaneous tissue of
lower face

Nerve: Facial n. (cervical branch)

Function: draws corner of mouth
inferior+lateral (sad face)
-tenses skin of neck.
Components of Deep Cervical Fascia

and function
1) Investing Fascia
2) Pretracheal Fascia
3) Prevertebral Fascia

Function: support viscera, muscles, vessels, deep lymph nodes
Submental Triangle
Inferior: body of hyoid bone

Lateral: Ant. Bellies of digastric m.

Floor: Mylohyoid Muscle
Submental Triangle
1) Mylohyoid muscle
2) Mylohyoid nerve
3) Hyoid bone
4) veins that unite anterior jugular veins
Submandibular Triangle
Hypotenuse: Lower border of mandible

Two Legs: Digastric M.
Submandibular Triangle
1) mylohyoid muscle
2) hyoglossus muscle
3) Middle pharyngeal constrictor m.
Mylohyoid Muscle
[origin, insert,innervation, function]
Origin: Mylohyoid midline of mandible

Insert: Raphe + body of hyoid bone.

Nerve: Mylohyoid N. (V3)

Function: Elevates hyoid bone, floor
of mouth, and tongue
during speakin/swallowin
Hyoglossus M.
[origin, insert,innervation, function]
Origin: Body + greater horn of hyoid

Insert: inferior + lateral tongue

Nerve: hypoglossal n. (CN XII)

Function:depresses+retracts tongue
Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle.
[origin, insert,innervation, function]
Origin: Stylohyoid ligament
greater/lesser horns of hyoid

Insert: median Raphe of Pharynx

Nerve: spinal accessory n. via vagus
(CN XI via X)

Function: Constricts pharynx wall
during swallowing.
Submandibular Triangle
Mylohyoid n.
Hypoglossal n.
Submandibular gland
Facial Veins + Arteries
Muscular Triangle
Superior Belly of Omohyoid
Midline of Neck
Muscular Triangle
Infrahyoid muscles (sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid)

Left/Right Recurrent Laryngeal N.
Anterior Jugular Vein
Origin: Manubrium + Medial end of Clavicle

Insert: body of hyoid bone

Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis

Fcn: Depresses hyoid bone
Origin: Sup. border of Scapula (near suprascapular notch)

Insert: Inf. border of hyoid bone

Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis

Fcn: Depresses, retracts, steadies hyoid bone
Origin: posterior manubrium + 1st costal cartilage

Insert: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Nerve: Ansa cervicalis

Fcn: Depresses hyoid + elevates larynx
Origin: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Insert: inferior body + greater horn of hyoid bone

Nerve: C1 via Hypoglossal N (CN XII)

Fcn: depresses hyoid bone + elevates larnyx.
Carotid Triangle
Superior omohyoid m.
Posterior belly of digastric m.
Carotid Triangle
Carotid Sheath (internal jugular vein, common carotid, vagus n)

External Carotid (and branches)

Superior Laryngeal N (Internal/External)
Hypoglossal N
Ansa Cervicalis
Spinal Accessory . (CN XI)

4 nerves + carotid.