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33 Cards in this Set

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What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

- Origin: Inferior border of the mandible and subcutaneum
- Insertion: Fascia over the pec major and deltoid
- Action: Controls grimace expression; tightens the skin of the neck
- Innervation: Facial nerve
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

- Origin: Occipital bone, nuchal ligament, C7-T12
- Insertion: Lateral one third of the clavicle; acromion and spine of the scapula
- Action: Rotates, elevates, adducts, and depresses the scapula
- Innervation: Spinal accessory nerve (XI)
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

- Origin: Clavicle and manubrium
- Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
- Action: Individually, sidebend toward and rotate away, together they draw head forward
- Innervation: CN X1
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

- Origin: Superior border of the scapula medial to the scapular notch
- Insertion: Inferior border of the body of the hyoid
- Action: Depresses the hyoid
- Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Anterior scalene
- Origin: Transverse process of C3-C6
- Insertion: Rib 1
- Action: Elevate the ribs; laterally flex the neck, bilaterally stabilize the neck
- Innervation: Anterior rami nerves C4-C7
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Middle Scalene
- Origin: Posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C4-C6
- Insertion: Rib 1
- Action: Elevate the ribs; laterally flex the neck, bilaterally stabilize the neck
- Innervation: Anterior rami nerves C3-C7
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Posterior Scalene
- Origin: Posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C4-C6
- Insertion: Rib 2
- Action: Elevate the ribs; laterally flex the neck, bilaterally stabilize the neck
- Innervation: Anterior rami nerves C5-C7
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Levator Scapulae
- Origin: Transverse process of C1-C4
- Insertion: Superior angle of the scapula
- Action: Elevates the scapula
- Innervation: Dorsal Scapula Nerve
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Splenius Capitis
- Origin: Lower half of the nuchal ligament; spinous processes of C7-T4
- Insertion: Mastoid process, skull below the lateral 1/3 of the superior nuchal line
- Action: Individually, they sidebend toward and rotate toward, together they draw head back
- Innervation: Posterior rami of the middle cervical nn
What are the 4 areas of deep cervical fascia?
Investing fascia: Envelops the SCM & trapezius

Pretracheal fascia: Covers anterior aspect of neck (thyroid, trachea, esophagus)

Prevertebral fascia: Covers the prevertebral muscles & is continuous with fascia covering floor of posterior triangle

Carotid sheath: Contains common carotid, internal jugular, vagus nerve, and part of the ansa cervicalis
How is the retropharyngeal space defined?
Potential space between the pretracheal fascia and prevertbral fascia
What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle?
Anterior: SCM
Posterior: Trapezius
Inferior: Middle 1/3 of clavicle
Roof: Investing fascia (covers scm & trap)
Floor: Deep cervical fascia
What vein is found in the posterior triangle?
External jugular vein
What arteries are found in the posterior triangle?
- 3rd part of the subclavian
- Transverse cervical runs superficially and laterally across the posterior triangle to supply scapular region muscles
- Suprascapula artery: Branches from thyrocervical trunk passes across the inferior part of the posterior triangle but may also arise from the 3rd part of the subclavian artery
- Occipital artery: Branch from the external carotid
What nerves are found in the posterior triangle?
- CN XI: From lower half of posterior triangle. Enters near posterior border of SCM. Passes posteroinferiorly through the posterior triangle
- Cervical plexus: Deep to internal jugular vein
- Phrenic nerve
What muscles are in the posterior triangle?
Omohyoid. The omohyoid divides the posterior triangle into 2 smaller triangles: The occipital triangle (through which the occipital artery passes) and the supraclavicular triangle (subclavian artery lies deep to this)
What muscle is found at the apex of the posterior triangle?
Splenius capitis
Where is the levator scapulae found in relation to the splenius capitis? What is found along its surface?
Inferior and parallel to the splenius capitis. The spinal accessory nerve is usually found on the surface of the levator scapulae
What are the borders of the interscalene triangle and what is found here?
Borders: Anterior scalene, middle scalene, first rib

Brachial plexus and subclavian artery travel through here
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Supports and elevates the floor of the mouth; elevates hyoid
Innervation: Mylohoid nerve
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid
Action: Opens mandible
Innervation: C1
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion: Hyoid
Action: Elevates hyoid
Innervation: Facial N.
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Anterior belly: Mandible; Posterior belly: mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion: Tendon between 2 bellies then hyoid
Action: Opens mouth by lowering mandible
Innervation: Anterior belly: mylohoid n. Posterior belly: facial n.
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Manubrium
Insertion: Hyoid
Action: Depresses hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Superior scapula medial to scapular notch
Insertion: Hyoid
Action: Depresses and stabilizes hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Manubrium
Insertion: Thyroid cartilage
Action: Depresses hyoid & larynx
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis
What is the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for the following muscle?

Origin: Thyroid cartilage
Insertion: Greater horn of the hyoid bone
Action: Depresses hyoid & elevates thyroid cartilage
Innervation: Anterior ramus of C1
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?

What are the 4 smaller sub-triangles?
Midline of the neck

Smaller triangles: Carotid, Muscular, Submental, Submandibular
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
Superior belly of omohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, anterior border of SCM
The superior belly of the omohyoid muscle runs transversely at what cervical levels?
If exposure above C4 is necessary, what artery and vein will need to be ligated?
Superior thyroid and vein
When exposing very proximal segments of cervical spine, what arteries amy need to be ligated?
Lingual artery and facial nerve
What are the branches of the external carotid?

Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal