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98 Cards in this Set

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broad, flat tendon where external abdominis oblique m. inserts
aponeurosis of external abdominis oblique m.
midline tendinous raphe between xiphoid process and pubic symphysis
linea alba
falciform border of external abdominis oblique aponeurosis
inguinal ligament
another name for inguinal ligament
Poupart's ligament
another name for lacunar ligament
Gimbernat's ligament
runs from inguinal ligament to pubic bone
lacunar ligament
runs from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle
inguinal ligament
another name for pectineal ligament
Cooper's ligament
runs from lacunar ligament along pectinate line of pubic bone
pectineal ligament
lateral termination of rectus abdominis mm.
linea semilunaris
m. that terminates as the cremaster m.
internal abdominis oblique m.
continuation of internal abdominis oblique m.?
cremaster m.
Action: cremaster m.
elevates testes
located at superior end of spermatic cord?
cremaster m.
location of cremaster m.
superior end of spermatic cord
reflex dependent on nerve roots of L1 and L2
cremasteric reflex
n. involved in cremasteric reflex
genitofemoral nerve
elicited by stroking the superior and medial part of the thigh in a downward direction
cremasteric reflex
contraction of the cremasteric m. that pulls up the scrotum and testis on stimulated side
cremasteric reflex
causes absence of cremasteric reflex
upper and lower motor neuron disorders
may be overexaggerated in children and can lead to mistaken diagnosis of undescended testis
cremasteric reflex
m. that loops over inguinal area
transversus abdominis m.
arcuate line of Douglas runs through which fascial layer?
transversalis fascia
invagination of transversalis fascia?
deep inguinal ring
layer of m. w/ tendinous intersections?
rectus abdominis m.
arcuate line of Douglas lies near which m.?
rectus abdominis m.
deepest layer in anterior abdominal wall?
parietal peritoneum
runs from deep (internal) inguinal ring to superficial (external) inguinal ring
inguinal canal
contains spermatic cord in male
inguinal canal
contains round ligament in female
inguinal canal
location of ilioinguinal n.
runs superficial to transversus abdominis m.
runs from testis to penis
ductus (vas) deferens
a. of ductus (vas) deferens a branch of?
inferior vesicular a.
testicular a. a branch of?
cremasteric a. a branch of?
inferior epigastric a.
continuation of pampiniform plexus?
testicular vv.
dilated varicose pampiniform plexus of vv.?
nodes draining inguinal canal?
lumbar nodes
location of lumbar nodes
near kidneys
nerve running to cremasteric m.?
genital branch of genitofemoral n.
visceral afferent and efferent fibers run to epididymis and penis via?
T10 and T11
ilioinguinal n. located?
inguinal canal
blood and lymphatic vessels run through?
inguinal canal
undescended testes somewhere along the path of the prenatal descent, usually in the inguinal canal?
develop near kidney and migrate down through abdominal wall?
attaches to testes during prenatal descent?
degenerated gubernaculum in adult?
testicular ligament
What is created when peritoneum is pulled inferiorly w/ testes during development?
vaginal process
vaginal process closes off to form what during development?
tunica vaginalis
What descends w/ testes?
peritoneum, nn., aa. and lymphatics
another name for inguinal triangle
Hesselbach's Triangle
contents of inguinal triangle
inferior epigastric a., inguinal ligament, lateral border of rectus abdominis m.
inferior epigastric a. part of?
inguinal triangle
inguinal ligament a part of?
inguinal triangle
lateral border of rectus abdominis m. a part of?
inguinal triangle
medial to inferior epigastric a.?
inguinal triangle
hernia through inguinal triangle
direct inguinal hernia
usually an acquired hernia?
direct inguinal hernia
hernia located medially to inferior epigastric a.?
direct inguinal hernia
usually a congenital hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia
hernia through inguinal canal?
indirect inguinal hernia
hernia running through deep inguinal ring?
indirect inguinal hernia
hernia protruding through an area of weakness?
acquired hernia
hernia passing through persistent processus vaginalis?
congenital hernia
skin of scrotum called?
superficial fascia of scrotum called?
Dartos tunic (Colle's fascia)
loses fat and picks up dartos m.
Colle's fascia
gives wrinkled appearance to scrotum?
dartos m.
external abdominis oblique aponeurosis of scrotum called?
external spermatic fascia
internal abdominis oblique aponeurosis of scrotum called?
cremasteric layer
transversalis fascia of scrotum called?
internal spermatic fascia
peritoneum of scrotum called?
tunica vaginalis (parietal layer)
located only on the anterolateral side of the testis?
tunica vaginalis
double layer of peritoneum that descended w/ the testis during development?
tunica vaginalis
detected by transillumination or application of bright light to side of scrotal ligament?
fluid-filled, persistent processus vaginalis
blood in the tunica vaginalis?
innervation to anterior 2/3 of scrotum?
ilioinguinal n. L1
ilioinguinal n. runs through?
inguinal canal
innervation to posterior 1/3 of scrotum?
perineal and posterior femoral cutaneous nn. S3
inflammation of the epididymis
inflammation of the testis
dense white covering of testis and epididymis
tunica albuginea
external layer of testis and epididymis consisting of two layers?
tunica vaginalis
vessels w/in tunica albuginea?
deep dorsal v., a. and n., and deep a. of penis
located w/in corpora cavernosa penis?
deep a. of penis
ligaments of penis?
suspensory and fungiform ligaments
head of penis?
glans penis
another name for tunica albuginea?
Buck's fascia
located w/in corpus spongiosum penis?
penile urethra
erectile tissue of penis?
corpora cavernosa penis
contains penile urethra?
corpus spongiosum penis
ends in glans penis?
corpus spongiosum penis
erectile tissue in female?
homolog of penis in female?
skin w/ no hair in vaginal area of females?
labia minora
hairy protuberance over vaginal area in female?
mons pubis
skin w/ hair in vaginal area of females?
labia majora