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126 Cards in this Set

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What are two functions of the ovary?
oogenesis makin gametes. And also making hormones
what are two steroidal hormones secreted by the ovaries?
Estrogens - promotes growth of internal and external female reproductive organs. AND Progestogen - prepares internal sex organs for pregnancy by promoting secretory changes in the endometrium.
What is the ovary attached to the posterior surface of?
broad ligament
what is the peritoneal fold called that attaches the ovary to the broad ligament?
the superior pole of the ovary is attached to the pelvic wall by what ligament?
suspensory ligament of the ovary
the inferior pole of the ovary is attached to the utereus by what ligament?
ovarian ligament
the ovarian ligament is a remnant of what structure?
gubernaculum, an embryonic fibrous cord that attaches the developing gonad to the floor of the pelvis.
what type of epithelium is the germinal epithelium?
Simple cuboidal epithelium
the germinal epithelium that covers the ovaries is continuous with what?
what part of the ovary contains follicles?
the outer portion, the cortex
what part of the ovary Contains loose CT, large, contorted blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves?
inner region, medulla
how many follicles are females born with?
600,000 to 800,000
at birth, oocytes remain arrested in what stage?
prophase I, first meitotic division
what provides the nourishment for a developing oocyte?
ovarian follicles
the first ovulation occurs about ___ ____ after menarche
1 year
when do primordial follicles first start to appear?
First appear in developing ovary during 3rd fetal month
True/False - A primordial follicle is dependent on gonadotrophic stimulation
FALSE - early growth at least is independent of this hormone
Growing follicles have what two subtypes?
primary and secondary
primordial follicles are Surrounded by a single layer of what type of cells?
squamous cells.
when does the early primary follicle develop?
during follicular phase.
theca interna cells are analgous to the male ____ cells.
leydig cells
granulosa cells are analgous to the male _____ cells.
sertoli cells
LH surge is on day ____.
what is the major hormone influencing primary follicular development?
What type of cells are early primary follicles Initially surrounded by a single layer of?
cuboidal cells.
when does the zona pellucida first appear?
in the primary follicle
what secretes the zona pellucida?
what is the zona pellucida rich in?
glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans.
the stratum granulosum that covers the late primary follicle is made up of what type of epithelium?
follicular cells surrounding oocyte, (NOT stromal cells), change over to granulosa cells between what two stages?
early and late primary follicle
as the grnulosa cells proliferate, stromal cells immediately surrounding the follicle form a sheath of connective tissue know as the _____ ____
theca folliculi
the theca interna secretes what?
steroids, specifically androgens in response to LH
what layer surrounding the late primary follicle contains smooth muscle and collagen?
theca externa
What are four key factors in follicle maturation?
1. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from pituitary gland. 2. Epidermal growth factor (EGF). 3. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) 4. Calcium Ions!
maturation of the oocyte occurs in the ____ follicle.
at what stage in follicular development does an antrum appear?
this fluid filled space appears in the secondary follicle.
The secondary follicle stage occurs When the number of granulosa cell layers reaches between ___ and ___ layers, with fluid beginning to accumulate between the follicular cells.
6 and 12
Hyaluronic-acid rich fluid called "liquor folliculi" fills spaces between follicular cells, eventually forming a crescent-shaped space called an ___.
in the Mature (Graafian) Follicle, the Oocyte sits on a “mound” of granulosa cells called the ____ _____.
cumulus oophorus.
in the Mature (Graafian) Follicle, Cells immediately surrounding the oocyte are called the_____ _____.
corona radiata
The Mature (Graafian) Follicle is what length in diameter?
10 mm
in the The Mature (Graafian) Follicle, Granulosa cells, under the influence of ____, convert androgens to estrogen.
There is a surge in what hormone approximately 24 hours before ovulation?
FSH or LH - either way LH
The LH surge Reduces LH receptor expression by ____ cells.
The LH surge Causes oocyte to resume first meiotic division within ___ to ___ hours of surge, approximately at time of ovulation.
12 to 24
Ovulation is the release of a secondary oocyte on the ___day of the 28 day cycle following an LH surge.
14th day
one factor leading to ovulation is an _____ in volume and pressure of follicular fluid
one factor leading to ovulation is Hormone-dependent deposition of glycosaminoglycans between what two layers?
oocyte-cumulus oophorus complex and stratum granulosum.
one factor leading to ovulation is Prostaglandin-triggered contraction of smooth muscle in what layer?
theca externa
Just before ovulation, the region over the bulging follicle becomes ischemic. What is this region called?
This area is called a macula pellucida or stigma.
Just before ovulation, what happens to the oocyte?
Oocyte and surrounding corona radiata forcefully expelled from ruptured follicle.
Once the Oocyte is swept up by fimbria into uterine tube, it remains viable for up to how long?
24 hours.
The second meitotic division of the secondary oocyte is frozen in metaphase II, and will not continue unless what?
penetration by spermatozoan
what is the first polar body?
after the first meitotic division, creating the 24 hour secondary oocyte, the split creates a lesser and smaller cell which will eventually degrade. This is the first polar body.
when is the second polar body created?
when the secondary oocyte is fertilized and the ovum is created after completion of the 2nd meitotic division.
What is an ectopic pregnancy, and where do they occur?
pregnancy outside of uterine cavity; could be in uterine tube or, if fimbria do not pick them up, may form in peritoneal cavity
If a potentially ectopic ovum is fertilized, it may implant anywhere within peritoneal cavity, but this is often where in the peritoneal cavity?
in the rectouterine pouch of Douglas.
What is the corpus luteum?
After ovulation, remaining follicle wall, including the theca interna, undergoes transformation into a corpus luteum.
What is the corpus hemmorhagium?
after ovulation, the corpus luteum develops, and Initially bleeding into the follicular cavity forms a clot, corpus hemmorhagicum.
What in the formation of the corpus luteum, invades the follicular lumen?
CT from stroma invades follicular lumen.
Where do theca lutein cells come from?
Theca lutein cells are derived from theca interna.
What do theca lutein cells and granulosa lutein cells secrete?
Secretes progesterone and estrogen that prepare the endometrium for implantation.
What happens to the corpus luteum with no fertilization after 14 days, and why?
Degenerates and forms a corpus albicans, a white, scar-like structure. This is because Without human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), secretion of progesterone and estrogen decline.
Fertilization takes place inside what structure?
ampulla of uterine tube
the activation process of spermatazoa, acquiring the ability to fertilize the oocyte, is known as what?
what is a good way to tell if capacitation if successful?
hyperactivation, whip-lash like tail whipping. Officially complete when spermatozoa can bind to the zona pellucida receptors
what triggers the acrosome reaction and what is released?
Binding to the zona pellucida by spermatazoa triggers the acrosomal reaction, which allows the spermatozoon to digest its way through the zona using ENZYMES mainly HYALURONIDASES
the release of what from sperm head during capacitation allow it to bind to zona pellucida?
What layer of the oocyte is penetrated by multiple sperm (but does not mean fertilization)?
zona pellucida
What are three mechanisms that block multiple sperm fertilization?
1. Fast Block - up to 1 min electrical block. 2. Cortical Reaction - relese of Ca+ and consequent cortical granule release. 3. Zona Reaction - a Permanent block of proteases that degrade enzymes and form PERIVITELLINE BARRIER by cross-linking proteins
What mainly maintains the corpus luteum of pregnancy?
hCG, secreted by the chorionic trophoblasts, maintains the corpus luteum.
what lesser factors maintain the corpus luteum of pregagncy besides hCG?
paracrines from the ovary including Estrogens and IGF I and II,as well as Endocrine glands sending LH and prolactin from the pituitary AND insulin from the pancreas.
most ovarian follicles are lost by _____ mediated by apoptosis of granulosa cells.
What gene product inhibits apoptosis and atreisa of a follicle, and what is it depenedent on?
gonadotropin-induced neural apoptosis inhibitory protein, (NAIP)
what does the interstitial gland of the atretic follicle arise from?
theca interna
What do ovarian hilar cells secrete and contain?
they contain reinke crystalloids, and they secrete androgens - excessive amount of this leads to masculinization
Some ______ _____ remain after their oocytes have degenerated.
zona pellucidae (ZP)
the "glassy membrane" is characteristic of follicles in what stage of atresia?
What are Commonly referred to as Fallopian tubes.
Uterine Tube, Oviduct
What re the 4 segments of the uterine tube / Oviduct?
infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, uterine (intramural)
What are the 3 layers of the uterine tube / Oviduct?
Serosa, Muscularis, Mucosa
What makes up the Serosa of the Oviduct?
Serosa – an outer layer of mesothelium with an underlying connective tissue
What makes up the Muscularis of the Oviduct?
Muscularis – inner, thick circular layer, outer thinner longitudinal layer
What makes up the Mucosa of the Oviduct?
thin longitudinal folds of simple columnar epithelium with two cell types - 1. ciliated, beating to uterus 2. nonciliated peg cells - nutritive secretions
What is the blood supply to the ovaries?
ovarian arteries - from the abdominal aorta, and ovarian branches from the uterine arteries from the internal iliac arteries.
What is innervation to the ovaries?
autonomic ovarian plexus
The uterine tube has _____ transport.
bidirectional - by ciliary and peristaltic
What are the 3 uterine layers and what do they contain?
1. Perimetrium (outermost, serosa or visceral peritoneum) 2. Myometrium (thick muscular layer) 3. Endometrium (mucosa that is responsive to estrogens and progesterone).
What are 2 layers of the endometrium and what do they contain?
stratum functionale - thicker portion that sloughs off during menses. AND stratum basale - DOES NOT slough off during menses, serves as a source of new cells for regeneration of stratum functionale
The Stratum Functionale has what epithelium?
Lined by a simple columnar epithelium
the stratum functional surface invaginates into underlying lamina propria to form ____ _____
uterine glands
Proliferation of the stratum functionale is ____ dependent
Secretory phase of the stratum functionale is ______ dependent
what causes progesterone levels to rise?
corpus luteum
in the endometrium, Straight arteries pass through stratum ____.
Within the stratum ______, arteries become spiral.
Spiral arteries supply _____ _____ in stratum functionale.
capillary beds
of the Endometrium, Thin-walled dilated portions of capillaries are called ____.
What are the three phases of the menstrual cycle?
Proliferative, Secretory, Menstral phases.
What happens during the proliferative phase of the menstral cycle?
Estrogen influences proliferation of strutum functionale and is concurrent with follicular phase of ovarian cycle.
What happens during the Secretory phase of the menstral cycle?
Primarily progesterone dependent. (Corresponds with the luteal phase of ovarian cycle) glands enlarge and becomes corkscrew shaped - secrete mucous rich in nutrients
What is the secretory phase of the menstral cycle dependent on?
Corresponds to degeneration of the corpus luteum.
The Secretory Phase begins how many days after ovulation?
Begins a day or two after ovulation.
In what part of the menstrual cycles do Glands enlarge and become corkscrew shaped?
secretory phase (luteal phase of ovarian cycle)
At what phase in the menstrual cycle is there a Decline in ovarian estrogen and progesterone?
Menstrual Phase
At what phase in the menstrual cycle is there Contractions of spiral arteries which causes ischemia followed by vascular contraction?
Menstrual Phase
What uterine phase begins shortly after the hormonal surge on day 13?
What hormone surges around day 13 of the cycle?
What hormone rises under the influence of LH hormone?
What ovarian event is triggered by the hormonal surge on day 13?
What Undergoes some hormone dependent changes, but does not have spiral arteries and does Not slough off?
TRUE / FALSE The cervix does not produce mucus.
FALSE. Cervical glands do.
The cervix can develop Cysts called _____ cysts.
What is the epithelium type of the vagina?
Stratified squamous non-keratinized.
What part of the female reproductive system is known as a Fibromuscular tube?
TRUE / FALSE The vagina does not produce mucus.
TRUE - no glands, lubricated by cervical secretions.
What is the vagina lubricated by?
Cervical secretions. Also lubricated Bartholin glands (greater vestibular glands) in the superficial perineal pouch.
vaginal cells are Under the influence of the hormone _____, epithelial cells accumulate ______.
estrogen, glycogen.
What are the differences beween normal and abnormal pap smears?
Squamous cells with pyknotic nuclei. VS abnormal Large nuclei in polymorphic cells.
TRUE FALSE Like all glands of the female reproductive system, the mammary glands undergo cyclical changes dependent on ovarian hormones.
During pregnancy, ______ causes proliferation of secretory cells and ______ stimulates secretory production.
estrogen; progesterone
____ causes a drop in estrogen and progesterone and allows the secretion of prolactin.
Prolactin inhibits LH secretion and causes ____ _____, a major form of birth control in some cultures.
lactational ammenorrhea,
What is Most common female malignancy in the U.S.?
Breast Cancer
define nulliparous
having never given birth to a viable infant.
What is a particular demographic susceptible to breast cancer?
Nulliparous women and those that get pregnant after age 35 are at greater risk.