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46 Cards in this Set

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Natural Selection
Survival of the fittest. Acts on traits that benefit the adaptation of the species to their environment.
Reproductive success of an individual.
Related by blood.
Cross Cousins
Children of siblings of opposite sex.
Parallel Cousins
Children of siblings of same sex.
Bridewealth/ Bride Price
Payments from husband and his kin to the kin of the bride.
Bride Service
Payment in work, for a time, to the kin of the bride (Hunter-Gather societies)
Property endowment bride brings w/ her into her husband's household at time of marriage.`
Relationship resulting from marriage rather than descent from common ancestor.
Multiple marriages at the same time.
Marriage of one man to multiple women at the same time.
Marriage of one woman to multiple men at the same time.
Patrilocal/Virilocal marriage residence patterns
Couple resides with or near husband's parents.
Couple resides with/near mother's parents (mother's brother is dominant).
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Language partially determines culture and culture feeds back into language.
Where does natural selection operate?
In individuals who compete for resources and reproductive success. Favors individuals and fitness of individuals (not pop or species).
Why did variation in skin color evolve?
Need sun to absorb vitamin D, so a place with less sun will have lighter skin to absorb more, and vice versa.
Why are there no human races?
Everyone has the same basic genetic code and is the same species. There are only genetic variations in order to adapt to different climates.
Shared behaviors between humans and other primates.
-Tools and technology use
-Food sharing as part of risk management
-Symbolic behavior leading to development of language
-Care of young by mother
Multiregional model of homo sapien evolution.
Hominid pop spread out b/w Africa and Eurasia, but all stayed homo sapiens.
Replacement model of homo sapien evolution.
3 different species for Africa, Western Eurasia, and Eastern Eurasia.
5 basic types of subsistence strategies based on plants.
Foragint and Collection
Pastoral Nomadism
entire group moves with animals throughout year and trade for crops.
part of group moves but most stay home and produce their on crops in home village.
What advantages does food production have in relation to the humans who practice it?
Territorial control of land, support extended families, storage of resources in relation to seasons of hunger.
What problems does the dependency on food production have for populations who practice it?
Increased pop and decreased mobility, spread of diseases, lower food quality, warfare, economic inequality b/w groups and hereditary social inequality.
Three risk management theories.
Food Storage
Changes in diet breadth
Food sharing/pooling
Why might pottery have been invented?
Ritual use for serving/fermentation.
With what does language diversity appear to correlate and why might this correlation occur?
Areas with highest language diversity correlate with environments with richest diversity of plants and animals. Need more vocab for more things.
Language families appear to spread with what and from which areas of the world?
Spread due to increased pop and migration from areas where ag originated and linked to spread of archaeological complexes.
What does the partitioning of hunted game indicate?
Receive based on relation to hunter and role in the hunt. Reduces hunter's ego. In warm climates 1 farm couldn't eat it all before it spoils.
Why is bipedality important?
Frees up hands to grab and carry things. Walk faster when upright. Less surface area exposed to direct sunlight.
What is our earliest common ancestor identified and where do these remains occur?
Australopithecus Afarensis; Lucy in Hadar, Ethiopia.
What type of society are the Nukak Maku defined as?
Hunter-gatherers by subsistence pursuits. Bands (small society, no gov't).
Problems Nukak Maku have had to deal with since the encroachment of colonizers on their traditional territory.
-Money (have none and have no concept of it)
What are the basic postulates of evolution by means of natural selection?
What is the difference between human and primate communication?
Primates can't put sounds/words together to form new meanings.
Combining words to create meanings.
People are treated equally.
In what environments does pastoralism occur?
Dry, arid/semi-arid (Sahel, Iran, Asia, Europe)
Patrilineal Descent
Belong to father's side of the family (inheritance, etc)
Matrilineal Descent
Lineage is traced through the mother and maternal ancestors.
Mother's brother is main male authority.
Animals and plants are accustomed to control by something; tamed.
Residential mobility (move to food), seasonal movement.
Nuclear Family
Married man and woman and their offspring.
Maintenance of important plants without intentional planting.