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20 Cards in this Set

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there are _____ pets in the US
360 million pets
___% of US households own at least one pet
___ of the households in other english-speaking countries have at least one pet
6 associated industries
vet care. pet foods. pet treats. pet services. pet supplies. pet health care products.
most popular breed of dog
labrador retriever (followed by golden retriever)
the brightest dogs understand new commands after __________ repititions
less than 5
the brightest dogs obey first command ___% of the time or better
most intelligent dog
border collie (followed by poodle)
_______ is a major nutrition problem in dogs
the higher the price for pet food...
the higher the quality is
why are dyes added in pet food?
humans want colorful food (dogs are colorblind and cats are nearly colorblind)
4 common feeding problems
over/underfeeding, feeding the wrong food (dog food to a cat), feeding high sugar snacks, not enough clean water
body condition score of _ is skinny, _ is normal, and _ is fat
1 is skinny, 3 is normal, and 5 is fat
__________ contains ethylene glycol, a sweet substance. just _______ can kill a small dog or cat
antifreeze. one teaspoon
______ inhibit production of clotting factors causing the animal to bleed to death
chocolate contains ________. the darker it is, the more it has. dogs can't metabolize it and ________ can kill a small dog
theobromine. 4 ounces
best to ________ dogs/cats because production (intentional or accidental) has created many problems with overpopulation of animals
spay or neuter
blood-feeding insects with hind legs for jumping
signs of a pet having a flea problem
itching, scratching, chewing, hair loss
treatment for a flea problem
monthly prevention or another form that interrupts a flea's life cycle