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69 Cards in this Set

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What does Alpha 1 do?
Contracts or stimulates the major receptors in blood vessels?
Where are Alpha 1 receptors located?
Vascular arterioles
sphincters (bladder)
iris: dilation
A1 agonists?
A1 antagonists?
Alpha 2 receptors do what are where are they located?
Relaxation. Located in the GIT (presynaptic)
A2 agonists?
A2 reversal agents (aka antagonits)?
What do Beta 1 receptors do?
Contraction, stimulation of:
salivary glands
fat cells
Agonists of B1?
Beta 1 reversal agents?
Beta Blockers
Beta 2 functions and location?
Major relaxation...
Arterioles of skeletal mm, brain, lungs
Urinary bladder wall
B2 agonists?
B2 antagonists?
Beta blockers
When given ACE to a boxer, hypotension was induced & the boxer collapsed..should you use EPI to reverse the effects?
NO! B/c EPI is non-selective. Treat the boxer with phenylephrine & IV fluid.
Tranquilization, Ataraxia, Neurolepsis?
State of tranquility and calmness in which
the patient is:
-Reluctant to move
-Unconcerned with its surrounding
-Indifferent to minor pain
-Sufficient stimulation will arouse the patient
CNS depression in which the patient is:
-Awake but calm
- Reduced mental activity
-Slight analgesia
Tranqs & Seds on this exam?
-Alpha-adrenergic agonists
Name the Phenothiazines:
. Promazine
. Chlorpromazine
. Triflupromazin
. Proprionylpromazine
. Methotrimeprizine
. Promethazine
Trade names for ACE?
PlegicilR , NotensilR, Atravet
What animals is ACE approved for?
Dogs, cats, & horses.
What routes can ACE be given?
Oral, IV, IM, SQ
Is ACE water soluble?
What is the MAXIMUM amount of ACE that can be given IV...EVER?
3 mg! DO NOT EVER FORGET. If you OD the animal on ACE...do not use EPI to revive, use phenylepi & IV fluid.
Dosage for dog and cat?
0.05-0.2 mg/kg IV, IM, SC
Oral dosage for dog and cat?
0.55-2.2 mg/kg
Dosage for horse and route?
0.01- 0.04 mg/kg IV
-CNS depression through antidopaminergic action and suppression of sympathetic nervous system in CNS
-Antiemetic effect by inhibiting dopamine
interaction in chemoreceptor trigger zone
in the medulla
Pharmacological effect of ACE?
*increases threshold to external stimuli
Clinical uses of ACE?
-Aid in animal restraint (vicious animal)
*prevent motion sickness
Use of ACE in the horse?
-Antispasmotic in horse
Use of ACE in the pig?
Prevent motion sickness
-Prevent malignant hyperthermia in pig
exposed to halothane
Negative effects of ACE?
*Hypotention due to blocking α1 receptor in peripheral blood vessels
*Inhibit platelets aggregation
Lower seizer threshold with animals with
epilepsy ( contraindicated in animal with head injury and epilepsy)
-Bradycardia and hypotension in Boxer dogs
Undesired ACE effects in horses?
Excessive doses cause involuntary
musculoskeletal effect hallocination in horse
-Low hematocrit (PCV) in horse
Should you use ACE in an animal with liver disease or that is older?
No b/c it doesn't metabolize as easily, normal half life is 4-8 hours...will last much longer.
Would you wnat to use ACE in a breeding stallion?
NO. Because it causes erection. If you do give it on accident reverse the effect with Benztropine.
Name the Butyrophenones:
Pharm RXN of butyrophenones?
Tranquilization, reduce motor activity, antiemetic
Why use Azaperone?
-Not marketed in USA
-Used to treated halothane induced hypothermia in pigs
-Used to suppress aggressiveness when mixing and regrouping pigs
Tell me about Droperidol:
*used in combination with Fentanyl(Innovar-Vet )
*No longer marketed
Name the Benzodiazepines?
Diazepam (Valium)R
MOA of Benzodiazepines?
-Enhancing the activity of GABA and glycine
-Opening of chloride channels
-Combining to BZ1 and BZ2 in CNS
What do the Benzodiazepines do?
-Central muscle relaxant
-Anticovulsant (increase seizure threshold)
-Mild calming
Clinical uses of Benzodiazepines?
-Muscle relaxant with general anesthetics e.g. Barbiturates, Propofol
-Epileptic seizure
-Stimulate appetite in cats
How would you give Diazepam to a patient?
IV or oral b/c IM is painful.
What is the equation for Telazole?
Zolazepam + Tiletamin = Telazole
**both at 250 mg
Benzodiazapine side effects?
-Ataxia, particularly in large animal species
-Paradoxic increase in anxiety leading to
aggression in cats
-Possible CNS depression in neonates
-Bradycardia and hypotension can occur if administered rapidly IV
Reversal for Benzodiazapine?
****0.01-0.1 mg/kg IV
Alpha 2 adrenoreceptor agonists?

Detomidine ( Dormosedan )
Medetomidine ( Domitor )
Trade name for Romifidine?
Trade name for Medetomidine?
Trade name for Detomidine?
Trade name for Xylazine?
MOA for Alpha 2 adrenoreceptor agonists?
-Produce CNS depression by stimulating both presynaptic and postsynaptic α2 receptor in CNS and peripherally
*This causes a decrease in the level of Norepinephrine
What is the most efficient Alpha 2 adreno receptor agonist?
Medetomidine is more efficient than xylazine
for sedation and analgesia
Actiono f Alpha 2 adreno receptor agonists?
-Analgesia, the effect is additive or synergistic with other analgesic drug
e.g. opioids
-Sleeplike state more than phenothiazines
-Central muscle relaxation
Is Xylazine usuable with other drugs?
Yes. Can be used alone or in combination with ketamine, opioids, barbiturates and inhalation anesthetics
How does Xylazine in combo with other drugs work?
Reduce the required dose for other drugs
up to 80% reduction in the dose of barbiturates
up to 50% reduction of inhalation anesthetics
What routes should you administer Xylazine?
-Administered IV and IM
-SC route is not recommended (may cause inflammation in horses and cattle)
How long does Xylazine work for?
-Duration of action 20-40 minutes
-Premature delivery in cattle (oxytocin like action) this effect is not noticed in dogs, cats, and mares
In which animals can I use Medatomidine?
-Approved for use in dogs only
but is used for other species e.g. cats, horses and exotic animals
What is the dosing on Dormitor?
-10 μg/kg of medetomidine+0.2 mg/kg butorphanol can be given IV or IM for analgesia (ear flush, change bandage or x-ray procedure)
Can you use Dormitor in SX?
Yes. -If extensive surgery is needed, medetomidine should be combined with thiopental, propofol, or isoflurane
-Duration of action 45-90 minutes after IV
What animals do vets use Detomidine in?
Used in horses and cattle
What do you know about Romifidine?
-Newest alpha-2 agonist
-Used in horses
-Used with other analgesics and anesthetics
Clinical uses for Alpha 2 Adrenreceptor agonists?
-With other analgesics for minor surgery
-Regional analgesia after epidural or subarachnoidal administration
-Preanesthetic with ketamine
Adverse effects of Alpha 2 adrenoreceptor agonists?
-Sinus bradycardia, first- or second-degree
-Xylazine may transiently increase cardiac sensitivity to catacholamine-induced ventricular arrhythmias in dogs
-Decrease cardiac output ,increase peripheral vascular resistant
-Bloat in large breed dogs and colic in horses
More adverse RXNs with alpha 2 adrenoreceptor agonists?
-Pale mucous membrane (vasoconstriction)
-Respiratory depression
-Vomiting in dogs and cats
-Suppress insulin release
-Oxytocin-like action in ruminants
Alpha 2 reversals for Khazal?
-Yohimbine IV
-Tolazoline IV
What is the reversal details for Medetomidine?
Atipamizole for medetomidine given IM
( 5 time the dose od medetomidine