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19 Cards in this Set

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Describe the cholinergic response in the eye
sphincter muscle contraction -> miosis, ciliary muscle contraction
Describe the cholinergic response in the heart
1) Bradycardia at SA node 2) Negative inotropy in ventricles/atria
Describe the cholinergic response in the blood versels
Describe the cholinergic response in the lung
Bronchoconstriction & bronchial gland secretion
Describe the cholinergic response in the GI tract
Increased GI motility, relaxation of sphincters, stimulation of secretion
Describe the cholinergic response in the bladder
Detrusor contracction, trigone/sphincter relaxation
Describe the cholinergic response in the glands
secretion in sweat, salivary, lacrimal and nasopharingeal
Describe nicotinic receptors
ion channel
Describe muscarinic receptor type
Direct acting cholinergic agents are ___ or ____
esthers of choline or alkaloids
Give examples of direct-acting cholinergic agents
acetylcholine, methacholine, carbachol, bethanechol
List the three groups of ACEs, w/ examples
1) quartinary amines [edrophonium] 2) carbamic acid esthers of alcolol [neostigmine=quart, physostigmine=tert] 3) Organic derivatives of phosphoric acid [organophosphates]
What is the primary use of cholinomimetics?
1) glaucoma 2) GI atonry 3) urinary atony 4) myasthenia gravis
Describe edrophonium use in myasthenia gravis
MG = lact of ACh; edrophonium should improve it increasing ACh availability. If it works, pt is given a long-acting ACE.
What ACEs are used in the tx of MG?
neostigmine, pyridostigmine, ambenonium
Describe the use of cholinergics in glaucoma
cholinergics -> cilliary muscle contraction -> outflow of aqueus humor [pilocarpine, physiostigmine]
List muscarinic sxs of ACE overdose
miosis, salivation, bronchoconstriction, bradycardia, loss of bowel/bladder control
List nicotinic sxs of ACE overdose
muscle weakness, paralysis, apnea
Are CNS sxs of ACEI overdose reveresed w/ pralidoxime