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76 Cards in this Set

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What contributes about 60% of seminal fluid

Seminal vesicles

What is it called when a feedback loop nullifies a change that has occurred

Negative feedback

What is a wave of muscular contraction that travels the length of the digestive tract


What secretes leptin

Adipose Tissue

Many veins have valves to prevent what?

the backflow of blood


Conduction of nerve impulses to the brain is a function of what system

Nervous system

What are white blood cells


What are highly permeable it allow large particles to easily enter the vesicle

Lymph capillaries

What is the first menstruation called


What hormone primarily targets the uterus


What is also known as the voice box


What are the tiny vessels that exchange gases, water, and nutrients across there walls called


What are the smallest blood cells


What is the thin filament


What carries impulses from the receptors to the CNS

Afferent nerves

What is the Passage from the ear to the pharynx. And equalizes air pressure

Mustachian tube

What is the hormone that increases the storage of glucose fatty acids and amino acids


What's it called when the sensory message sent from one neuron to another

Nerve impulse

what is the Flow of heart

1. Venacava

2. right atrium

3. right ventricle

4. lungs

5. left atrium

6. left ventricle

7. aorta

8. body

What is maintained by the stimulation of the muscle spindle scattered within the muscle

muscle tone

Each cells have receptors on the cell membrane, cytoplasm, or nucleus that recognize and respond to...

Exclusively to specific hormones

How many pairs of nerves Branch off from the spinal cord

31 pairs

What is part of the thoracic cavities that lie between the lungs


Does the lymphatic system have a lymphatic pump?


What is the smallest unit of matter


What carries Pulses from the CNS to the muscles or glands

Efference(motor neuron)

What is the oxygen-carrying protein pigment that is contained in the red blood cells


What is it called when the cell uses energy to transport substances

Active transport

What is the oily substance consisting of proteins in electrolytes that is secreted to the hair follicles


What is a muscular extendable elastic tube that extends from the cervix to the external genitalia

the vagina

What is the process of physically moving air from the atmosphere into the lungs

Pulmonary ventilation

What is the cavity present in the lateral and Superior walls of the nasal cavity

Paranasal sinuses

What is it called to cut open


What is a type of internal nonspecific immunity

Fever? feder?

What is a major muscle of inspiration


What leads to the yellow discoloration of the skin known as jaundice.


Is breathing controlled in part by emotional factors?


What are specialized cells of the liver called


What is the process of fertilized massive cells that attaches itself to the endometrium uterus wall


What are highly branched processes from the cell body that takes impulses into the cell


What makes up the central nervous system

Brain and spinal cord

What is the most freely movable joint of the body

The glenohumeral joint

What is the gap between the synaptic bulb and the sarcolemma called

synaptic cleft

What nodes are located in lower extremities

Inguinal nodes

What is the main female reproductive organ?

The ovaries

what are the neurons that monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints and give information about the body in space in any given instance


What is the most superficial layer of skin


What is the movement of ions and molecules from High concentration to low


What organ filters waste and toxins from the blood stream.


What organ stores and concentrates bile

gall bladder

Most endocrine gland secretions are controlled by what?

Negative feedback mechanism

How much of urine is water?

93% to 97%

is urine sterile?


The mucous membrane of the respiratory gastrointestinal urinary and reproductive tracks are examples of what?

External nonspecific immunity

What is the process of swallowing called?


What are the vessels that drain excess fluid from the tissues into the bloodstream are known as what?

Lymphatic vessels

What hormone relaxes the pubic symphysis and other pelvic joints and softens and dilates the uterus cervix at time of pregnancy called?


What is the largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the body

The spleen!

What is the muscular layer of the heart?


What is a bundle of muscle fibers called

A fascicle!

Who has a shorter urethra male or female?


(with the rare exception of a male having a micropenis)

What is the indentation in the kidney called?

The hilum

What are the lymphocytes that mature in the thymus called?

T lymphocytes

Can massage produce vasodilation in the body?


Is blood a connective tissue?


It is a liquid connective tissue

What do sebaceous glands produce


A muscle contraction in which the muscle length Remains the Same it's called what?

Isometric contraction

What detects foreign agents in the intersentual fluid and also remember the ones they have already encountered


What is the type of immunity that is genetically determined

Innate immunity

What tube is used to transport pee from kidney to bladder


What is the structure that moves posteriorly with each swallow?


What controls secretion of pituitary hormones


The medulla of the kidneys forms 6 to 18 conical structure is known as what?

Renal pyramids

What are the folds of the epithelium of the digestive tract wall that increase absorption of nutrients are called what?


What is the major function of platelets

To prevent blood loss

Endocrine glands secrete chemicals into what?

Interstitial fluid