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30 Cards in this Set

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course of flexor digitorum longus
lateral to posterior tibial tenodon and then divides to insert into plantar aspect of distal phalanges of 2-5th digits
course of flexor hallicus longus
most lateral flexor tendon
passes in groove on medial side of posterior process of talus and beneath sustentaculum talus
passes along plantar aspect of foot btwn hallux sessamoids and 1st digit
which flexor tendon most commonly has fluid around it
flexor hallicus longus
how to distinguish nml fluid around FHL compared to stenosing tenosynovitis
if there is pooling, or focal asymmetric fluid this is stenosing tenosynovitis
pathophys of stenoisng tenosynovitis
focal areas of synovitis/fibrosis in tendon sheath
common assoc of stenosing tenosynovitis of FHL with this other entity
os trigonum syndrome
what is os trigonum syndrome
2/2 extreme plantar flx and causes os trigonum and FHL to be trapped within posterior malleolus of tibia and calcaneous
mechanism of injury to cause os trigonum syndrome
severe plantar flexion
which are the lateral ankle tendons
peroneus longus and brevis
course of the peroneus tendons
pass posteriorly and inferiorly to lateral malleoulus
they share a common tendon sheath proximally and separate more distally
distal attachment site of peroneous longus and brevis
longus: plantar surfae of base of 1st MT and medial cuneiform

brevis: attaches to base of 5th MT
how are the peroneus tendons commonly injured
calcaneus fx can cause entrapment of tendons btwn fx fragments --> tendon tears and displacement
peroneus split injury

results from
longitudinal/vertical tears of peroneus brevis

results from recurrent inversion injury, occurs during dorsiflexion (brevis gets wedged btwn lat mall and peroneus longus tendon) tear is at distal tip of lat mall
injury assoc with peroneus split injury
peroneus longus tear
mechanism of peronisu longus tear
a lax superior retinaculum can cause injury
ddx for peroneus brevis split
peroneus quartus
bifurcated distal peroneus brevis tendon
both have 2 muscles bellies and 2 tendons, both are nml variants
anterior ankle tendons
anterior tibialis
extensor hallicus longus
extensor digitorum longus
perineus tertius
who gets anterior ankle tendon tears
they are rare, but when they occur, most often in older pts, hill runners
what comprises the deltoid ligament
tibiotalar lig
tibiocalcaneal lig
talonavicula lig
spring lig
is deltoid ligament medial or lateral
what ligaments comprise the lateral ankle
anterior talofib
anterior calcaneofibular
posterior talofib
what order are the lateral ankle ligaments injured
anterior talo-fib
anterior calcaneo-fib
postr talofib
what comprises the syndesmosis
tib-fib ligaments
interosseous membrane
appearance of a chronic ligamentous tear
discontinuity of the ligament with scarring
ligament is intact but irregular
what are lateral ligamentous tears assoc with
sinus tarsi syndrome
ant/lat impingement syndrome
longitudinal split tears of peroneus brevis
what is contained in sinus tarsi
why is the sinus tarsi impt
plays a role in proprioception in hind foot and hind foot stability
presentation of sinus tarsi syndrome
lateral foot pain and ankle instability
what is sinus tarsi syndrome assoc with
tears of ant-talofib ligaments and calc-fib ligs
appearance of sinus tarsi syndrome
obliteration of ALL fat within sinus tarsi