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70 Cards in this Set

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what is the load bearing part of the ankle joint
tibial plafond
what ligament prevents anterior displacement of talus
what ligaments prevents excessive talar tilt
what is the most important medial structure
deep deltoid ligament
what is the most improtant stabilizgin soft tissues of the ankle
what are the parts of the syndesmosis
anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
interosseous membrane
AITFL pulls off of tibia
tillaux fracture
AITFL pulls off of fibula
ankle fracture classifications
the first word in lauge hansen describes what
position of the foot at time of injury
the second word in lauge-hansen describes what
mechanism of injury
what are the classifications in lauge-hansen classification
supination adduction
pronation abduction
supination external rotation
pronation external rotation
how many stages are there with supination adduction injuries
what is stage 1 in supination adduction
transverse fibular fracture at or below the joint rupture of lateral collateral ligaments
what is stage 2 in supination adduction
superiorly oriented medial malleolar fracture
stage 1 in pronation abduction injury
rupture of deltoid or medial malleolar fracture
stage 2 in pronation abduction injury
rupture of anterior and posterior inferior tibiofibular ligaments or respective avulsion fractures
stage 3 in pronation abduction
oblique fracture of the fibular at joint line
pronation abduction injuries on lateral radiograph are what type of injuries
transverse plane injuries
oblique injuries on lateral radiograph suggest what classification
external rotation
supination external rotation stage 1
rupture of anterior inferior tibiofibular or respective avulsion fracture
SER stage 2
spiral fracture at joint line
SER stage 3
rupture of posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament or posterior malleolar fracture
SER stage 4
rupture of the deltoid ligament or medial malleolar fracture
what is most common ankle fracture
rupture of the deltoid ligament or medial malleolar fracture
rupture of anterior inferior ligament or respective avulsion fracture
spiral fracture of fibula above joint
rupture of posteior inferior tibiofibular ligament or posterior malleolar fracture
which ankle fracture has worst prognosis
what do you worry about with high fibular fractures
common peroneal nerve
what can you assume with high fibular fractures
syndesmosis distal to fracture has been compromised
type A dannis weber
fibular fracture below the joint line stable syndesmosis usually transverse
Type A dannis weber correlation to lauge-hansen
type B dannis weber
fibular fracture at the joint line spiral or oblique partial syndesmosis instability
type B dannis weber correlation to lauge hansen
type C dannis weber
fibular fracture above the joint line complete syndesmosis instability
type C dannis weber correlation to lauge hansen
mechanism for pilon fractures
high velocity injury involving distal tibial metaphysis with extension into the joint
what is the neccessary distance for skin bridge when fixing pilon fractures
how do bones ossify
start centrally continue medially and end laterally
what are pediatric transitional fractures
fractures called transition due to occurence close to time of skeletal maturity
Juvenille tillaux fracture
fracture of the lateral aspect of the distal tibial physis
juvenille tillaux fractures appear as what on AP radiograph
salter harris type 3
what must be ruled out with juvenille tillaux fractures
diastasis injury
what force usually causes triplane fracture
external rotation force
what do triplane fractures appear as on AP
salter harris 3
what do triplane fractures appear as on lateral
salter harris 2
what areas should be palapated for suspected traume with ankle fracture
malleoli, proximal fibula, achilles, lisfrancs complex, 5th met base, anterior calcaneal process
when should CT be ordered
intra articular involvement
distance between medial fibula and posteior lateral tibial
tibiofibular clear space
what happens to tibiofibular clear space with diastasis injury
distance between anterior lateral tibia and medial fibula
tibiofibular overlap
what happens to tibiofibular overlap with diastasis injury
what ruptures before syndesmosis ruptures
deltoid ligament
three principles in closed reduction
exaggerate deformity
distract joint
reverse deformity
what types of medications are given to close reduce
narcotics and benzos together
what kinds of splints are added after closed reduction
posterior and sugar tong splints
what are two types of fracture blisters
hemorrhagic and serous
do not do what in the presence of fracture blisters
cut the patient
AO-ASIF tenets
restoration of anatomy
establish stability
preservation of blood supply
early mobilization of limb and patient
indication for surgery on ankle fractures
2-3mm displacement of either malleolus or plafond or >10 degrees of angulation in one cardinal plane
this happens with all ankle fracture cases
where is lateral incision placed
midline of fibula
when do you place you incision more posterior on fibula
when applying antiglide plate or a pilon fracture
what type of incision is placed medially
the keys to successful ORIF
restoration of fibular length and postion and stabilization of medial soft tissue
rule of 3s with syndesmotic repair
3cm above joint line
angle screws 30 degrees posteior lateral to anterior medial
3.5mm screws
ways to evaluate sydesmotic fixation
hook test
external roation test
when should volkmans fracture be fixated
when posteior malleolar fracture is >25-30% of the tibial plafond