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41 Cards in this Set

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what are three adaptations of reptilia?

1. have protein keratin scales to protect from dessication

2. fertilization is internal

3. are ectothermic

what does it mean to be ectothermic?


use external heat source to maintain body temperature

reptileslay eggs in what way?

(oviparous, ovoviviparous, viviparous)

what does this mean?


they lay eggs with hard shell

what are mammals?

they are amniotes that have hair and produce milk

how did birds gain the adaptation of flight?

they do not have urinary bladders and their bones got thinner and less dense

how many chambers do mammals have in their hearts?


what muscle that helps increase the volume of the chest cavity is present in all mammals?


what are the 3 lineages in class mammalia?




why do mammals have larger hearts?

they movement became more complex, which requires greater amounts of blood flow and gas exchange

what are monotremes?

mammals that lay eggs

how do monotremes secrete milk?

through their skin they don't have nipples

what are two monotremes we talked about?

platypus and spiny anteater

what kind of mammal is a platypus and spiny anteater?


do marsupials have nipples?


what is the only mammalian lineage without nipples?


where do embryos begin development in marsupials? where is it completed?

begins in uterus but then development finishes while nursing inside the maternal pouch

where do nutrients come from while a baby is in the uterus of a marsupial?


what is one kind of marsupial?


where is embryonic development completed in eutherians?


what kind of animals are eutherians?

humans chimps, badgers

what are the two divisions of primates we are studying?

monkeys and apes

what defines an anthropoid?

opposable thumbs

what are the two divisions of monkeys? where are they located in the world?

new world monkeys = Western hemisphere

old world monkeys = eastern hemisphere

where do new world monkeys mostly live?

in the trees. they are arboreal

which of the two monkey divisions have a pre-hensile tail? which one does not?

new world = has a pre-hensile tail

old world does not!

what direction do nostrils open in new world monkeys? what about old world?

new world = open to the side

old world = open downward

where are apes found? whit what other primate group?

east hemisphere with old world monkeys

do apes have tails?


how identical are the genomes of chimps and humans?

99% identical

only 19 regulatory genes are different

what are 6 derived characteristics of hominins?

1. standing and walking upright

2. bigger skull/brain

3. capable of language and symbolic thought

4. manufacture complex tools

5. reduced jawbone and muscle

6. shorter digestive tract

starting at primates, where do humans fall in classification?

primates: anthropoids: apes: humans

what is the only homo species alive today?

homo sapiens

how did australopithecus (lucy) walk?

she was bipedal

what evolutionary trait came first in hominins, bipedal, enlarged brain, tool making?


compared to homo sapiens, was lucy's brain larger or smaller?


did lucy show evidence of tool making?


what was the first hominin species to exhibit tool making?

homo habilis

what was the earliest species placed in the homo genus?

homo habilis

compared to lucy, did homo habilis have a jaw that is shorter or longer? was their brains larger or smaller?

homo habilis had shorter jaws and larger brains than lucy

compared to homo sapiens, were neanderthals brains larger or smaller?

roughly the same size

did neanderthals mate with H. sapiens?
