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192 Cards in this Set

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"All of the following are cardinal signs of inflammation EXCEPT: A) pain, B) heat, C) cyanosis, D) swelling"
"Interferon is a protein produced by the body and will have the effect of: A) reducing the ability of a pathogen to produce a disease in the host, B) reducing the production of lymphocytes, C) increasing the level of inflammation, D) increasing phagocytosis in the host"
Reducing the ability of a pathogen to produce a disease in the host
"The purpose of adding an adjuvant to a vaccine is to: A) reduce the pain on injection, B) to allow the vaccine to be administered subcutaneously, C) to increase the immune response of the vaccine, D) to reduce the possibility of inflammation following administration"
To increase the immune response of the vaccine
"The modified live viruses that are used in some vaccines are wakened by: A) immersing them in a weak disinfectant solution, B) inbreeding programs for propagation, C) cooling the viral particles to sub–optimal temperatures, D) growing the viral particles in a non–host species"
Growing the viral particles in a non-host species
"Recombinant technology used in the production of vaccines will involve: A) the combination of several viral species, B) splicing an antigenic gene into a non–pathogenic virus, C) administering several vaccines in the same injection site, D) mixing bacterial and viral antigens in the same vaccine"
Splicing an antigenic gene into a non-pathogenic virus
"The use of adjuvants in vaccines have been linked to: A) suppression of the immune system, B) a high level of eosinophils, C) tumor formation at the vaccination site, D) central nervous system disturbances"
Tumor formation at the vaccination site
"TermA killed bacterin would be used in the vaccine to protect against canine: A) Leptospirosis, B) Distemper, C) Parvo, D) Parainfluenza"
"Lyophilization in vaccine production refers to the process of: A) modification of viral particles, B) adding an adjuvant, C) combination of antigens, D) freeze drying"
Freeze drying
"The type of immunity acquired through the administration of vaccines is most accurately called: A) natural, B) passive, C) Acquired, D) Inherited"
"An important medication in the treatment of anaphalactic shock related to severe vaccine reactions is: A)enrofloxacin, B)glycopyrolate, C)bupenorphine, D) epinephrine"
The limb most often chosen for rabies vaccination is the:
Right rear
The most common cause of failure to produce a protective level of antibodies following vaccination is:
Presence of colostrum
A breed of dog that is considered high risk for canine Parvovirus is:
Measles vaccine for puppies may be used to protect puppies at high risk of contracting:
Bordetella bronchiseptica is an organism that is classified as a:
The many types of Leptospira organisms are called:
Canine adenovirus type 2 vaccines are useful in protection against: (Hint: 2)
Hepatitis and tracheobronchitis
Panleukopenia or feline distemper is caused by a virus that is classified as a:
A feline disease that is caused by a retrovirus is:
A vaccine that is considered to be part of the core vaccines for the feline is:
Feline distemper
The vaccine that contains a live attenuated bacteria will protect against:
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Canine distemper is a disease that is best described as:
"Hard pad disease" is another name for canine:
An antitussive is a medication that will reduce the symptoms of:
A canine disease that may be detected by performing a lab test for antigen in the stool is:
The route of vaccination that is recommended for canine kennel cough vaccines is:
Parvovirus will have a tendency to target cells in the following areas EXCEPT:
The length of time that the Parvovirus will remain infectious in the environment is measured in days, weeks, months or years?
The finding on a complete blood count that may be seen with a severe Parvo infection is:
Marked leukopenia
The bacteria that is described as a spirochete is:
The canine infectious disease that has the most chance of being directly spread to humans is:
"Geriatric patients acting aggressively should be evaluated for: A) chronic pain, B) decreased hearing, C) decreased vision, D) all of the above"
All of the above
A metabolic condition of the dog that often results in a skin infection is:
The type of ointment that is recommended for protecting the eye during bathing is:
Boric acid
The abnormal skin condition that coal tar shampoos would be recommended to treat is:
Severe seborrhea
The type of shampoo ingredient that is recommended for use in cases demodectic mange is:
Benzoyl peroxide
The abnormality seen on a complete blood cell count with cases of pyometra in the dog is:
Leukocytosis with a left shift
A yeast organism that may cause otitis externa in the dog or cat is:
The type of bladder stone that may be dissolved through the use of dietary therapy is:
If the tympanic membrane cannot be visualized, clean and flush the ears only with:
Sterile saline
Ear canals infected with Otodectes cyanotis will often show signs of:
Inflammation with black exudate
A non-productive cough relating to an increase in fluid in the lungs will usually be related to a leaking of the:
Mitral valve
What is the medical term for an increase of fluid in the abdominal cavity?
Hypothyroidism in the dog will commonly produce signs related to which system?
Integumentary system
The best description for the location of the thyroid gland is the:
Ventrocervical area of the neck
The elements of the diet that will have the most influence on urea levels in the blood stream include:
Azotemia is a term relating to the veterinary patient experiencing an increase in:
Ketoacidosis is most likely to be seen in severe cases of:
Diabetes mellitus
What is the clinical term for the lowest blood glucose level detected during a blood glucose curve?
A clinical symptom of diabetes mellitus of the dog that may be noticed by the owner is a:
Rapid cataract development
Erythropoietin is produced by the:
The urinalysis of a patient with an increase in protein and a decrease in specific gravity indicates what?
Renal failure
The molecule found in the blood that is used as a measurement of renal function and is produced from muscle metabolism is:
A biomarker that can be measured in the blood to indicate cases of congestive heart failure is:
The organism causing feline distemper is classified as a(n):
The organism causing feline pneumonitis is:
Chlamydia psittici
In the treatment of periodontal disease, a currette is used to remove calculus and dead cementum from the diseased tooth roots, using multiple overlapping strokes, until the root surface is smooth as glass. This procedure is is known as:
Root planing
"Proper technician attire when performing a dental cleaning includes: A) mask over the nose and mouth, B) gloves, C) eye protection, D) all of the above"
All of the above
A mechanical tooth scaler should never be used continuously on one tooth for more than:
15 seconds
A beneficial result of a fluoride application following a dental scaling is:
An antibacterial effect
The vibrations of the tip of an ultrasonic power scaling instrument used in cleaning teeth is measured in:
Cycles per second
The process of disrupting bacterial cell walls with the mist formed from the vibrating tip of the ultrasonic scaler acting on water released from the instrument is called:
When the ultrasonic scaler is used in cleaning teeth, the water coming form the tip will have the effect of:
Cooling the tooth and lavaging the gum line
When considering a multi–rooted tooth, the term for the area where the root divides is called the:
When performing ultrasonic scaling, the areas of the tip to use for the majority of scaling are the:
Back and sides
The minimum pressure of the water supply line to the ultrasonic dental unit is:
25 PSI
Relating to Veterinary Dentistry, what method of brushing teeth concentrates on the gingival margin?
Modified Bass
The inherited condition in which the maxilla is longer than the mandible is called:
A substance that is related to the production of dental caries is:
Organic acids
An infectious disease that will predispose to enamel hypoplasia is:
Canine distemper
A tooth of the dog that is prone to a slab type fracture from the shearing action of chewing on hard objects is the:
4th upper premolar
The most common intraoral disease of small animals is:
Periodontitis is a relatively common oral disease caused by the presence of:
The ultimate result of untreated periodontal disease is:
Loose teeth
The areas of the body that are likely to be infected relating to bacterimias caused by periodontitis include all of the following EXCEPT:
As plaque on a tooth accumulates and becomes mineralized it is called:
Clinical detection of the advancement of periodontal disease is best achieved by measuring:
The depth of the periodontal pocket
The crown of the tooth is covered by:
The typical age that all of the permanent teeth should be erupted in a puppy is:
6 months
In the dog, the number of roots that the fourth upper pre–molar will have is:
The term that describes the tooth surface that is closest to the rostral midline of the dental arch is:
In the modified Triadan system of teeth numbering, adult teeth in the maxillary right quadrant are assigned the:
100 series
The term for the normal bite of the dog is:
Scissors bite
The area of the tooth that will allow nerves and vessels to enter is the:
Apical delta
The condition that is considered normal in the brachycephalic dog is:
The normal depth of the periodontal pocket in the cat is:
0.5 mm
In the dog, the number of teeth that are present at birth is:
The hardest substance in the body is:
The Triadan number for the left maxillary carnassial tooth is:
What will prevent radiographic image distortion, such as foreshortening, during dental radiographs?
Bisecting angle
The number of deciduous teeth present in the normal 8 week old puppy is:
A cold compress would likely be indicated for what duration of injury:
When the treatment direction sheet states to hot pack" an area twice daily, you would expect the length of duration of each therapy session to be:
15 - 20 minutes
Message therapy techniques should generally be directed in the same or opposite direction of venous flow?
Same direction
A contraindication for the use of heat therapy on muscle tissue is:
Acute inflammation
Prolonged and sustained contraction of muscle tissue that can be seen following disuse of the muscle is referred to as:
The effects expected when introducing heat in the tissues as a physical therapy tool include all of the following EXCEPT:
Muscle contraction
In massage therapy for animals, a gliding stroke that follows the contour of the body is:
Cryotherapy or cold compress applications should be used on injured or post surgical tissues for up to:
72 hours
The main use for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) as a physical therapy tool is to:
Strengthen the muscle tissue
Low-level laser is a physical therapy that, when applies to tissues, will result in:
Dilation of vessels
The parameter that is the best aid in assessing the hydration status (degree of hydration or dehydration) of a patient is:
Body weight
The changes in the PCV (packed cell volume) that would be expected in the dehydrated patient is a/an:
A constituent of a therapeutic fluid that would have the effect of raising the pH of the plasma of a patient is:
Signs of fluid volume over load will include all of the following EXCEPT:
Sunken eyes
The osmotic pressure of 50% dextrose solution related to serum is:
An indication for the use of Hetastarch as a fluid therapy agent is:
Hypovolemic shock
The units of heparin that would you add to a 1L bag of saline to prepare a standard solution of heparinized saline is:
The agent that should never be given subcutaneously is:
Dextrose solutions with a concentration greater than 2%
The recommended rate of fluid administration for the IV route when providing fluid therapy for maintenance in ml/lb/hr is:
The weight of fluid that 30 pound patient that is 8% dehydrated would be missing is:
If 500 ml of a solution is to be infused over 6 hours, what is the correct infusion rate (drops/min) if the infusion set delivers 10 drops/ml?
13.9 drops/min
The % of O2 in room air is:
"The signs that may be seen in a patient that is hypoxic is/are: A) drowsiness, B) ataxia, C) excitability, D) cyanosis, E) all are correct"
All are correct
When delivering oxygen while using an oxygen cage, the inspired oxygen concentration should be set at:
30 - 40%
The proper level of humidity that is recommended for the interior of an oxygen cage during therapy is:
50 - 60%
When administering oxygen therapy with an oxygen mask, the recommended flow rate for most cases is:
When administering oxygen therapy using a nasal catheter, a soft 5 - 8 French plastic or rubber catheter is placed in the nasal cavity to level of the:
Caudal nasal pharynx
A technique that involves striking the animal's chest to loosen bronchial secretions and thus facilitate drainage:
Whenever possible, animals with lung problems should should be maintained in:
Sternal recumbency
The condition that may ocur if high levels of oxygen are used for long periods of time is:
Pulmonary edema
The size of water droplet that must be achieved to medicate the terminal bronchi (as measured in microns) is:
2-5 microns
An H tank of oxygen that has a capacity of 6900L and is 40% full. The pressure reading for the tank is 800 PSI. You are to flow 4L of oxygen per minute to a patient as part of your oxygen therapy technique. How long will your oxygen supply last?
11.5 hours
You are to administer oxygen therapy to a patient using an E tank. The tank is half full at 1000 PSI pressure and so contains 330 liters. The flow rate you wil luse is 2 liters per minute. How long will the oxygen in the tank last at your flow rate?
2.75 hours
All of the following are signs of hyperthyoidism in the cat EXCEPT:
The medical treatment for hyperthyroidism in the cat is:
The etiology of feline lower urinary tract disease is:
When treating feline lower urinary tract disease, urinary catheters are placed and then removed:
Within 24 hours
To aid in the prevention of feline lower urinary tract disease, diets are fed that will contain low levels of:
A urinary acidifier that may be added to the diet of a feline patient as part of a prevention program for feline lower urinary tract disease is:
Ammonium chloride
What is the medical term for abnormally frequent passage of urine?
Severe cases of heaptic lipidosis in the cat may result in disease conditions of the:
Central nervous system
Hepatic lipidosis in the cat is directly related to:
Lack of proper nutrition
The course of treatment for feline hepatic lipidosis is generally:
3 - 6 weeks
Considering disease conditions in veterinary patients, the definition of etiology relates to:
The actual cause of disease
In the feline, transient arthritis, interdigital ulcers, and ulcers of the lip, tongue, hard palate are signs of disease associated with an infection of:
In the developing fetus, the part of the nervous system that is susceptible to infection by the distemper virus that will cause clinical signs is the:
Lymphoma in the feline is a cancer condition that is ofen associated with infection by:
Feline leukemia virus
All of the following statements apply to the Feline Immunosupperssive Virus EXCEPT:
Has an effective vaccine
All of the following apply to Feline Leukemia Virus infection EXCEPT:
The virus is hardy
The two infecting agents that are associated with 80% of feline respiratory disease are: (Hint: 2)
Calicivirus and Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus
The feline respiratory disease that will cause up to 30% mortality when affecting kittens is:
The organism that causes feline Pneumonitis is classafied as a:
The group of felines that would the most likely to show a false poitive test for the feline immunosuppressive virus is:
What are common causes of hypoxia? (Hint: 9)
"Lung diseases, alveolar hypoventilation, pneumonia, metastatic tumors, heart disease causing pulmonary edema, smoke inhalation, feline asthma, decreased cardiac output, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia"
The recommended oxygen concentration delivered to the patient is:
Humidification is needed to avoid drying of the _________.
Respiratory passageways
the oxygen is mixed with ________ to reduce the concentration
room air
Measure Delivery of Oxygen via O2 tube, mask or hood (E. collar)
flow rate=4 liters per min
The desired humidity in an oxygen cage is:
The recommended temperature in an oxygen cage is:
65-70 F
A patient maintained in the upright or sternal position will decrease _____ of the down lungs.
Hypostatic congestion
The numbing agent used when placing a nasal catheter is: (Hint: Proparicaine HCl)
The recommended oxygen flow for nasal catheter is:
5-100 ml/kg
What ventilation technique utilizes 8-15cm H2O pressure at 6-10 breaths per minute?
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
"Oxygen is available in various size tanks common sizes are:"
E, M, G, and H
What tank is used in clinics with built-in O2 lines, is full at 2200 PSI, has a capacity of 6900L and a calculated flow rate of 4 L/min?
H tanks
What tank fits most anesthesia machines, is full at 2000 PSI, has a capacity of 660L and a calculated flow rate of 4 L/min?
E tanks
What may occur when O2 levels above 50% are used for longer than 12 hrs?
Oxygen toxicity
"What condition may occur with continuous exposure of 80 - 100% O2?"
Pulmonary edema
What treatment is used when the respiratory passageways are blocked by edema fluid or exudate?
"What nebulizing treatment will require the use of alcohol (reduces frothing by reducing the surface tension of the bubble)?"
Pulmonary edema
What will require the use medication with detergent properties during nebulization?
What detergent is used with nebulization to help thin and dislodge exudate?
"What fluid will thin secretions and is good for many conditions needing nebulization?"
What is a reduction in airway resistance?
What is the most commonly recommended bronchodilator?
What are traditional methods of physical therapy treatment? (Hint: 5)
"Superficial heat, superficial cold, massage, exercise, assistive devices"
What are alternate methods of physical therapy treatment? (Hint: 8)
"Electrical stimulation, cold laser, therapeutic ultrasound, hyperbaric oxygen, acupuncture, nutraceuticals, herbal medicine, chiropractice"
"What decreases tissue temperature, blood flow, reduces pain and spasticity, decreases tendency for edema and and the delivery of nutrients?"
Cold therapy
"What technique is applied to affected area with a folded towel over 15–20 min intervals and repeated several times daily?"
Cold packs
"What causes dilation of cutaneous vessels, an increase blood flow and blood pressure, an increase in metabolism, muscle relaxation and has a sedative and analgesic effect?"
Heat therapy
What is applied for 15-20 minutes several times a day and uses temperature ranges between 95-105 F?
Superficial heat
What uses an electrical current (deep heat) to cause a single muscle or a group of muscles to contract?
Electrical stimulation
What is light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation?
Laser therapy
When and who devised laser therapy?
Albert Einstein in 1917
"What is used to increase or decrease pressure on the front or rear limbs and promote limb function while sparing forces on healing joints?"
What is PROM (with assistance)?
Passive Range of Motion
Body fluid compartments (total body water) is generally estimated to be:
Major body fluid compartments in order of retention are:
Intracellular, Extracellular, Interstitial, Intravenous or plasma
One pound of body weight will equal _____ of fluid.
What is the 4% of the 4–6–8% dehydration rule?
"4% - history of fluid loss, no detectable signs"
What is the 6% of the 4–6–8% dehydration rule?
6% - tacky skin, concentrated urine, increased PCV
What is the 8% of the 4–6–8% dehydration rule?
8% - depression, loss of skin pliability
What is the 10% of the 4–6–8% dehydration rule?
10% - shock, critical illness
What is the daily fluid maintenance rate for cats?
20 ml/lb/day
What is the daily fluid maintenance rate for dogs?
30 ml/lb/day
What crystalloid solutions contain electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, etc.?
"Lactated Ringers, Normosol–R, Plasmalyte, 10% Dextrose in saline"
What is the maintenance fluid rate?
1 – 2 ml/lb/hr continuous drip
What is the rehydration fluid rate?
1 – 5 ml/lb/hr for 4 hours
What is the anesthesia fluid rate?
10 ml/lb/hr
What is the fluid rate for shock?
30 – 40 ml/lb for 1 hour