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130 Cards in this Set

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what is thermal strategy?
animal chooses temp where phys is optimal. try to keep a narrow range. ectotherms stablish a stable temp. by changing their behavior
refers to heat energy
measurement of heat energy
ambient temp of environment
body temp
comparison of heat capacity water and air
water > air
heat capacity
a measure of the amount of energy required to increase the temp. of a material; differs for diff. materials
4 factors animals face in thermal env.
1. diff ave. temps
2. diff extremes
3. diff rates in which change occurs
4. diff altitudes and diff. oxygen pressures
give an example of extreme temp change
desert (50 degress per day) vs. here (temperate) (10-20 degrees per day)
what region has the most narrow temp. change?
tropical, 20-30C. makes sense bc most diversity of animals
aquatic regions are generally ___ temp envirnoments
5 components of heat flux
1. metabolic heat production
2. conduction
3. convention
4. radiation
5. evaporation
heat transfer is (+) if ext temp is __ than int. temp
heat transfer is (-) if ext. temp is __ than ext. temp
the mechanism by which energy is transferred. direct transfer of kinetic energy of molecular motion; takes place between physical bodies that are in contact w one another
a property of the material that describes how well that material transfers energy
conductivity of water is __ than air
a measure of how easily energy flows
1/conductance. insultation is a measure of resistance
the higher the insulation the lower the conductance
common insulators
internal insulation (under the skin): blubber
ext insulation (on body surface): hair, feathers
mass movt of fluid contributes to renewal of the fluid at the boundary; acc. heat transfer
example of convection
how fluid the medium is, wind in the air, mvt of water
heat transfer tkaes place int he absence of direct contact; due to emission of electromagnetic radiation
always removes heat from the body; depends on convection and radiation (radiation is how much heat the body releases and conv. actually removes it into the ext. environment)
evaporation rate
diff. between vapor pressure of water on body surface and vapor pressure of water in air determines rate of water loss
thermal gradient
explains why conduction is always going two ways, until equilibrium
greater mass = _ heat production
greater mass = _ vol to mass ratio
greater mass = __ heat loss
example of extreme high and low vol are ratio
large ratio: tree shrew
small ratio: elephant
describe struc of polar bear
large to produce lots of heat but small limbs to reduc heat loss
few animals can live outside of ___ range
0-45 degree C
icnr temp. ___ rxn rate
Q10 concept
Q10 = rate at (T+10degreeC)/rate at T
what does Q10=5 mean?
rate incre 5 fold
what does Q10=1 mean?
rate is not temp sensitive
what determines membrane fluidity?
1. variation in fatty acid chain length - shorter is more fluid
2. vary degree of saturation
-less saturated, more fluid
3. types of phospholipids
more chloresterol => more fluid as temp goes down
most ancient, body temp relies on the env. include all invertebrates, fishes, ampgibians and reptiles (5 billion ya)
more recnet, phys themoregulation by producting heat through metabolic means, includes brids and mammals (65-200 million years ago)
regulates body temp. at a constant level. i.e. fish, humans does not explain how)
body temp changes. i.e. black cap chickadee in aa. temp drops at night. also endothermic
regulates body temp at a constant levels some of the time. example: bumblebee, bats
regional heterothermy
regulates part of the body a ta a constant level some of the time. usually this happens in the limbs. example tuna
wide tolerance limits
narrow tolerance limits
acute temp changes - cause the most
dramatic effects on physiology
example of acute temp changes
day/night temperature changes have profound effects on metabolic rates
chronic temperature changes
result in long-term physiological readjustments in order to maintain metabolic processes at a reasonably constant level
example of chronic temp changes
metabolic compensation, which allows ectotherms to maintain a fairly stable metabolic rate through different seasons
how is metabolic compensation achieved?
expression of different isozymes that code for different optima
graph of metabolic compensation
winter and summer temp fish can have the same metabolic rate at their optimum temp
ectotherms are not primitive...
they just have different life history strategies than endotherms
examples of ectotherms controlling rates of cooling and heating
heat in water fastest
cool in water the next fastest
heat in air the next bc air conducts slower
cool in air bc resist cold and less conductive (ask)
behavioral thermoregulation
most important; they choose microclimates that allow them to keep body temp as close to optimum as possible
the H+ bonds an enzyme has
the more stable the enzyme will be
as temp drops
___becomes more stable
animals with a lower preferred temperature tend to be active
earlier in the day and earlier in the year
benefits of preferred temperature
1 divides up habitat to some extent
2 temperature at which animals physiologically operate best correlates with preferred temperature
strategy to find optimum temperature
noose and goose read
does the animel always choose its thermal optimum
no-must consider other factors - gasous environment, osmoregulation, risk of predation,etc
how do ectotherms thermoregulate?
ectotherms can control the rates of heating and cooling
in general ectotherms do not
produce enough heat metabolically to keep themselves warm
most ectotherms are capable of sensing temperature, but
not all can do something about it (i.e. fishes)
ectotherms have temperature sensors in the same part of the brain as
endotherms (neurons in the hypothalamus)
thermal optimum =
preferred body temp
B Isozyme
enzymes with same catalytic function but different temperature optima
metabolic compensation allows ectotherms to
maintain similar metabolic rates at very different ambient temperatures
2 main functions of thermal phys mechanisms
1 control rates of change in temp; since most ectotherms heat faster than they cool, they have mechanisms to reduce heat loss
2 to generate heat during periods of metabolic demand (muscle activity, locomotion)
vasomotor control
alterations in blood flow to skin (decr flow to reduce heat loss, incr flow to incr heat loss)
inc heat loss
changing color
alter body reflectance (incr or decr heat absorption)
regional heterothermy
countercurrent heat exchange (large fish use rete mirable to decr heat loss)
changing to a dark color
absorbs heat
changing to a lighter color
reflects heat
response to cold temp, less blood flow towards skin and less heat conductance
response to high temperature; more blood flow to the skin and high heat conductance, heat leaves body
example of generating heat before metabolic demand
large insect warm up before flight by inc muscle activity
hibernation and estivation
a state of regulated hypothermia, lasting several days or weeks that allows animals to conserve energy during the winter
a state of dormancy similar to hibernation. animals that estivate spend a summer inactive and insulated against heat, to avoid the potentially harmful effects of the season. some animals may estivate to conserve energy when their food and water supply is low
example of organisms that estivate
california red-legged frog, couch's spadefoot toad
freeze avoidance and freeze tolarance
although not found in the earth coldest environments, many have to deal with extreme cold winter temperatures
freeze avoidance: antifreeze proteins
winter and summer fish have diff freezing points bc winter fish have antifreeze proteins added to their blood. in place of salt so it does not change blood osmolarity
freeze tolerance
some animals can tolerate freezing a significant proportion of their bodies
mechanism for freeze tolerance
add cryoprotectants like glycerol inside their cells to minimize cellular damage when they thaw
example of freeze tolerance
northern frog species form glycerol in their toes after they have frozen
advantages of ectothermy
low energy flow, able to exploit habitats that mammal and birds cannot. better to deal w shortage of food, water, and oxygen. shrew eats its body weight every 12 hours while ratlle snake eats once ever 6 months (low maintainance)
what is an endotherm (3)
1 produce heat through phy means
2 have insulation that maintains heat w/in body
3 maintain Tb diff from Ta. only time Tb leaves range is during fever or hibernation (torpor)
how many times have endotherms evolved?
2 (birds and mammals) maybe 3 (dinosaurs)
what came first: insulation or heat production?
heat production which is very costly, i.e. dinosaurs velocirator, deinonychus
dinosaur bone is more related to ___ or ___ bone in cross section than it is to typical ectothermic ___ bone
mammalian, avian, reptilian
3 ways that endotherms generate heat
1 metabolism (futile cycling; plasma membranes of endotherms are "leaky" compared w ectotherms)
2 digestion
3 muscle activity (locomotion, shivering)
2 ways endothemrs conserve heat
1 vasocontriction
2 insulation
advantages of endothermy
1 tighter homeostatic control
2 can live in colder environments
3 can remain active at all times
disadvantages of endothermy
1 must obtain more food
2 must maintain a higher metabolic rate
describe graph of endotherm body temp and metabolic rate curve
1 body temp is constant except for extremes
2 metabolic rate decr as temp incr
heat production in endotherms results from
the chemical rxns that occur in all cells
basal metabolic rate
set by the cost-of-living
2 ways heat production in endotherms can be incre
1 incr muscle activity (shivery thermogenesis)
2 actions of several hormones (non-shivering thermogenesis)
heat flux
a measure of transfer of heat energy
behavorial thermoregulatory adjustments in endotherms
1 change location
2 change posture
phys thermoregulatory adjustments in endotherms
insulation, vasomotor control
examples of insulation
piloerection, changes in thickness of insulation, seasonal changes in fur thickness
what controls vasomotor control?
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system
two blood vessel pathways of vaso motor control
AV shunt and arteriole
shivering thermogenesis
involuntary muscle activity incr heat production
non-shivering thermogenesis
incr metabolic rate, controlled by hormones
metabolic pathways that generate heat in endotherms
thyroid thermogenesis, catecholamines
thyroid thermogenesis
thyroid hormone acts to regulate production of Na+/K+ATPase that hydrolyzes ATP and releases heat in the process
act on adipose tissue to incr lipolysis
brown fat
non-shivering thermogenesis example, some animals have this specialized adipose tissue, it does not store fat it generates heat
what controls brown adipose tissue? (BAT)
sympathetic nervous system, activated by nonepinephrine, epinephrine
where is the thermostat of endotherms?
in the CNS (central nervous system)
how does CNS sense changes in Tb?
central thermosensitive neurons
how does CNS sense changes in Ta?
peripheral thermosensors in skin
where is the CNS in mammals?
in the hypothalamus (preoptic area)
where is the CNS in birds?
in the spinal cord
diagram when its below set point
1 vasoconstriction
3 shivering
diagram when its above set point
1 vasodilation
2 sweating
3 panting
example, endotherms that also use counter current heat exchange
canadian goose, pacific bottlenose dolphin
function of webbed feet in geese
vein network to conserve body heat and maintain core Tb
4 problems for endotherms
1 energy acquisition
2 heat generation
3 heat conservation and dissipation
4 water conservation
2 problems with warm climates
1 dissipating heat (esp keeping brain cool)
2 heat loss
how do we counter dissipating heat
countercurrent heat exchange, sweating, panting
how do we counter water loss
extensive sinuses to cool excurrent air (in many desert adapted species), concentrated urine due to long loop of henle
problem with cold climates
example of seal
conductive heat loss to the surrounding medium
imp for birds, deal with cold climate
temp during hibernation
no lower than 4 degree C but arctic squirrels can go to -2 degrees
animals that have temporal heterothermy (daily torpor)
bird, black chickedee