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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the biggest difference between animals and plants & fungi?

Intercellular Junctions

Tight Junctions

(suture junctions) protein binding of neighboring plasma membranes; water tight


(anchoring junctions) –strong rivet like proteins that connect tissues into strong sheets (e.g. muscles)

1. Very toughstructural proteins that keep the cell together, anchors cells together.

Gap Junctions

(communicatingjunctions) - provides a pore through which cellular products can be exchanged(important in heart beating)

1. Little holes between the cells that allowcytoplasm like elements to travel between the cells, important for the heart.

2. Importantfor communication.

What supports animal cell membranes?

Support provided byextracellular matrix (collagen & proteoglycans) and cytoskeleton (microtubules andmicrofilaments)

What is the closest protists relative of animals?


What evidence proves choanoflagellates are the closest protist relatives to animals?

a. Near identical morphology with sponge collar cells

b.Collar cells found only in animals and choanoflagellates (no other protist) c.DNA sequence similarity

When were the first good animal fossils found?

Ediacaran Period 575MYA

Why was segmentation so critical for the Cambrian Explosion?

It allowed for diversification of specialization which was critical for natural selection.

When were the basic body plans developed and what were they?

The Ediacaran Period

1) Radial Symmetry

2) Bilateral Symmetry

3) Segmentation

When was the Cambrian Period?

550 MYA

What happened during the Cambrian Period?

1. Rapid increase in animal orders 2. Major phyla established

3. Diversification

4. Animal Diversity

What was diversification most likely caused by?

a. increase O2 – aerobic metabolismprovides more ATP per unit of glucose b. Diversifyingselection – novel niche exploitation and predator prey dynamics

c. Hox gene duplications

What are gametes?

Independent living organisms?


zygote undergoes cleavage


Bastula undergoes gastrulation

What does gastrula have?

Endoderm and ectoderm

Hox genes

master regulatory genes that dictatedeveloping body plan

Evolutionary conserved

means strong selection against modification, causing these genes to be similaracross different animals


no body cavity


body cavity present, not completely lined with mesoderm.