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92 Cards in this Set

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what are the 3 steps of animal devel?

cleavage, gastrulation and organiogenesis

what is a zygote?

fusion of egg cell and sperm cell

fertlization has to occur before embryonic devel? yes o rno


def of cleavage

very rapid series of mitotic cell divisions

cleavge occurs so fast that which stage is usually skipped?

WHich stage happens instead

G1 stage (cytoplasmic growth)

cell cycle goes straight to S1 (DNA synthesis/replication) followed by G2 (growth in prep for cell division)

in cleavage do the cells become progresively smaller or larger>


after 4 divisions, what si the zygote called and what is the defin>

after 4 diviosns the SOLID BALL of about 16 cells is called a MORULA

after the morula continues to divide what is it called? and the def?


-hollow ball of cells

def of blastocoel:

hollow, fluid-filled centre of the cell mass

def of polarity:

refers to the differences at opposite ends (poles) of the egg and is based on the distribution of its yolk

what are the 2 types of poles?

vegetal and animal

which pole contains most of the yolk?


the more yolk there is the,_______(faster/slower) the rate of cell division during cleavage is


does the animal pole contain alot of yolk or little?

little (fast rate of cell division)

are the cells in the vegtal pole small or large? how mnay

few large

are the cells at the snimal pole large or small? how many

many small

what does gastrulation establish?

establishes the body patern thru a rearrangment of cells

at the end of this stage, what does the blastula become?


how mnay germ layers does the gastrual have? and what they called


ectoderm, mesoderm ,endoderm

what type of orgnism are you, if u have 3 layers?


to become triploblasitc, where must the cells journey to?

they must go into the cavity of the blastyla in gastrulation

does this happen in all embrys?

YES, absolutly

does it happen in the same way>


the 3 germ layers will be foundation for what?

development of the 4 basic tissues in animals

what are the 4 main tissues?

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve

what do these 4 tissues provide?

they provide structure and function to organs and organ systems

def of organiogenesis:

the process of organ development

what 6 steps may happen in organogenesis>

cell diviosn





maybe apoptosis

what does ENDODERM LAYER form?

tissues and organs associated withe the digestive and respirtaory system

-stomach, liver pancrease and lungs

-thyroid, parathyroid

what does the MESODERM LAYER form?

sturctures associated with support and movement

-muscles, cartilage, bone

-reproductive system organs and kidneys

what does the ECTODERM LAYER form?

tissues associated with the outer layers

-skin, hair, sweat glands, brain, nervous system

in what environment does sea urchin devel begin?

marine waters

is there a ot of yolk or little yolk in the sea urchin? what does this mean>

little yolk

-fast constant rate

until how mnay cells are formed when the blastula is formed?

1000 cells

what pole does gasturlation begin>

vegetal pole

def of induction:

differentiaion of cells so cells become specialized

where do induced cells migrate to>


when the cells start to invaginate, what is formed and whats it called>? what kind of cells line the tube?

a tube called the archteron which is lined with endoderm cells

what is the tube opening called?


what can this tube become?

the digestive tract

what will the blastopore become?

the ANUS

the distribution of yolk is even or uneven in sea urchen?


are cleavage and gastrulation symm or unsymm?


is yolk distributed evenly or unevley in frogs?


which pole is the yolk at in frogs?


is the development of frog symm. or aysmm.?


what is the exposed area called?

grey crescent

what does the grey crescent establish?

the dorsal-ventral axis (back-abdomen)

do the cells from the vegetal pole in frogs contrubte to invaginations?


where do the cells come from when they enter the blastocoel?


where do these cells enter?


hwo is the ectoderm layer formed in the frog?

the cells from the animal pole go to the outisde of the blastula and make a sheet around it

where are the vegetal cells seen at this stage? and are they enclosed?

at the YOLK PLUG and they are enclosed

in chicks, does the yolk cover most of the egg?

Yes, the yolk content occupies most of the egg

early cleavege in chicks prodeces a what?


def of blastodisk:

single layer of cells

what does the blastodisk divide into?

epiblast (top layer) and hypoblast (bottom layer)

what is between the 2 layers? desrbibe it

the blastocoel, hollow center

what layer actualy produces the the 3 germ layers?

EPIBLAST (top layer)

describe the steps of gastrulation using the terms primitive streak and primitive groove:

epiblast cells move to the midline of the blastodisk and thicken and make a PRMITIVE STREAK. this happends on the posterier end

as more cells migrate to the midlein it moves to the anterior end and starts to sink and is called a PRIMITIVE GROOVE

the inital migrating epiblast cells form what?


the later migratig epiblast cells form?


cells that dont migrate form the what?


as more cells move away from the primitive gorove, the cells from what kind of shape?

forms a omega symbol

what is the cavity called here?


where doe shuman development occur?

in the uterus of the mother rather than in an egg outside of the body

where does an egg go before cleavage begins?

the egg EXITS the OVARY and ENTERS the OVIDUCT (FALLOPIAN TUBES) where it is fertlized, then it goes down the oviduct and into the UTERUS

what happens in the uterus? and what forms?

cleavage happens in the uterus, so it divides repeatedly and it forms a morula then blastocyst (mammalian blastula)

what is the blastocyst made of at this stage?

-made up of an outer layer of TROPHOBLAST CELLS


-INNER CELL MASS made of layers of hypoblast cells and then epiblast cells

when the blastocyst is in the uterus where does it stay?

it stays in the endometrum (lining of the uterus)

how is human devel different from chick devel?

there is very little yolk in humans

what is formed instead in human eggs?


where does placenta attach to?

attaches to the uterine wall and connect the growing emrbyo to the mother

what does the placenta function as?

as the main route for nutrient delivery to the growing embryo and only found in PREGANANCIES

what kidn of cells begin neuralation in chicks?


def of neuralation:

the development of the nervous tissue

what makes up the NOTOCHORD?

the centre of the mesoderm

def of notochord

a solid rod of tissue extending the length of the embryo

describe how the NEURAL PLATE is formed:

the NOTOCHORD induces the ectoderm cells above it from a NEURAL PLATE which starts to move downwards towards the NOTOCHORD

how is the hollow tube formed?

the ectoderm cells from each end of the neural plate pull towrds eachother, making a tube

what are the cells called in the middle of the hollow tube?


which cells will make features such as teeth, bone and cartiliage of the skull and pigmented cells of the skin?

neural crest cells which are released and migrate along the emrbyo

what happens to the mesoderm cells that are not part of the notochord?

they become SOMITES which develop into muslces, the vertebrae and the ribs

def of epithlial tissue:

SHEET LIKE layers that cover both external and internal body surfaces

shapes of epithelial tissueL

-squamous (flat)


-columnar (rectangular)

what type of arrangments are there for epithetlial?

-simple (single layer)

-stratified (multiple layers)

def of connective tissue:

supportd and connects other body tissues

formats of connective tissue:

fibrous and loose



adipose tissue (fat)


conective tissue is the main producer of what?

extracelluar matrix (contains glycoproteins and elastin fibers that srrounds all cells)

def of muscle tissue:

produces the force for body movements

type of muslce tissue:

smooth, skeletal and cardiac

def of nerve tissue:

used to transmit electrical signals thru out body