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39 Cards in this Set

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castrated male fowl
adult, sexually mature turkey
young turkey of either sex
young fowl of either sex
able to move and act freely short after birth or hatching
requires little parenting care
What order of birds do ducks and geese belong to?
order anseriformes
3. Explain how the digestive system of the bird differs from other animals.
they have an extension of the esophagus called the crop-storage pouch that allows the bird to quickly consume and then let it digest throughout the day
gizzard-plays the rold of the teeth, breaks down large pieces of foodj
cloaca-digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts empty into the cloaca
Name 5 functions of feathers in birds.
1. aid in flight
2. thermoregulation
3. protect the bird from rain and snow
4. provide camoflage from predators
5. help attract memebrs of the opposite sex
Explain the difference between nidifugous and nidicolous. Give an example for each.
nidifugous are precocial and can fend for themselves. nidicolous are naked, unable to walk or thermoregulate
nidifugous-quail, chicken, ducks
nidicolous-hawks, eagles
young develop outside the body in a hardened shell that must be incubated
How are hens and roosters induced to breed and lay eggs in a commercial setting?
kept at short day conditions until 20 wks of age
-photo-stimulated by changing light patterns to induce breeding
What temperature should day old chicks be housed at? What temperature are mature birds housed at
32 c
18C for older chickens
What are the environmental conditions required to incubate a chickens’ egg? How many days of incubation are required before the egg will hatch
incubated for 21 days at 37.6 C at 60 % humidity
List 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages of using cages to house chickens
-birds are separate from their feces
-eggs are cleaner
-more birds can be housed in agiven space
easier to observe and care for the birds

-investment per bird is usually higher
-flies can be a problem
-stress levesl can be higher
-bones of caged animals are more fragile and easily broken
If chickens are housed on the floor what 3 properties should the bedding have? Give 4 examples of suitable bedding material
absorbant, light, inexpensive and non toxic

-wood shavings
-crushed corn cobs
-recycled paper
Explain what an “all-in, all-out” poultry barn is. What are the advantages of this kind of management system
complete clean out of manure and disinfection of the barn will occur before a new batch of chickens is introduced
-disease and organisms are easier to remove
-no new birds are introduced to the established group
-easier to clean
-uniformity of age inthe group
What percentage of protein should be present in the chickens diet for the first six weeks of life? What are some of the possible sources of protein used in the diets
fishmeal, meat meal, veggie proteins
List 2 permanent and 1 temporary method of identifying chickens.
metal wing tags
numbered tags
leg bands
non toxic spray paint
removal of the comb
-to prevent damage of the comb in caged bird
removal of the snood
to avoid fighting among toms and to reduce transmission of disease
toe clipping
removal of the toenail at the first joint
-to reduce damage to hens during mating
-to prevent scratching and downgrading in meat birds
beak trimming
stops cannibilism, fighting and feather pulling
-reduces egg consumption
What viral disease causes paralysis of the wings and legs? Where might you expect to find tumors in birds infected with this disease?
marek's disease
Tumors develop in the liver, gonads, spleen, kidney and lungs
What are the clinical signs of birds infected with Gumboro disease? How do producers protect against this disease
anorexia, depression, huddling, ruffed feathers, diarrhea and trembling
-vaccinate hens to pass antibodies onto fertile eggs
How does Infectious bronchitis cause economic loses to producers? What are the clinical signs of this disease?
the disease can have a drastic affect on egg production and fertility
-sneezing, gasping and headshaking
What are the clinical signs of Newcastle disease? List three ways that the disease can be spread to domestic chickens
lack of interest in food and water
-repiratory distress
-gasping, coughing
-nervous signs
-wild birds can carry the disease
-spread through aerosols or by ingesting contaminated food and water
Explain the difference between vertical and horizontal transmission of diseases
hen to egg-vertical
chicken to chicken-horizontal
What are two methods to help prevent and treat Chronic Respiratory Disease in fowl?
vaccination available for prevention and treatment available through antibiotics
What bacteria is responsible for causing Fowl Cholera? Differentiate between the chronic and acute form of the disease
pasteurella multicoida
acute-rapid death, with greenish diarrhea
chronic-swelling of wattles and joints which may cause lameness
_______________ is a bacteria that can cause food poisoning in humans when uncooked ____________ or ________________ are ingested from an infected chicken
salmonella enterditis

eggs, meat
What type of chicken is most likely to be affected by Necrotic Enteritis? Why? What 3 predisposing factors are responsible for causing this disease
broiler chickens
-housed on dirt floors and dirty buildings
-damage to intestinal walls
What are the signs of a severe infestation of Eimeria in chickens? How do chickens react to low level infestations of Eimeria
bloody droppings, ruffled feathers, loss of appetite, poor growth, diarrhea
-smaller infestations may actually allow the chicken to develop immunity
Why is it difficult to treat chickens for Coccidiosis
there are so many species of eimeria that not all coccidiostats kill all the species
How do turkeys become infected with the protozoan responsible for causing Histomoniasis or _______________? What are the clinical signs of this disease
-consumption of contaminiated feces
-consumption of infected intestinal worm or earthworm
-listlessness, droopy wings, sulphur colored diarrhea
List four ways to prevent Mycotoxicosis from occurring in a flock of chickens
1. monitor feed ingredients
2. add mold inhibitors to low quality feeds
3. disinfect all feed milling and handling equipment
4. do not allow moldy feed to build up in troughs or bins
What is the causative agent for Aspergillosis?
aspergillus fumigatus
damp conditions
List five characteristics of chickens that make them suitable candidates for biomedical research
1.easy to house
2. small which makes them easy to handle and work with
3. can be obtained disease free from producer
4. genetically well defined
5. embyro develops outside the body
-easy to monitor fetus development
What three types of studies are often done to help improve the welfare of meat and egg producing chickens?
feed trials
vaccine studies
product testing
disease study
18. What are two examples of how the chick embryo can help keep humans healthy?
-vaccine production and diagnosis of infectious disease
-study disease causing agents, pharmacology, nutrition