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163 Cards in this Set

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What is an innate behaviour?
-inborn behaviour
-does not require experience or learning
Give an example of an innate behaviour.
-taxes (movement)
What is chemotaxis?
-the ability of organisms to move up or down chemical gradients
What are the two main components of learning?
-ability to acquire neuronal representation of new information
-use of this information to determine subsequent behaviour
Describe an distinct innate behaviour observed in wood ducks.
Egg Dumping
-females lay eggs in the nests of other females
What conditions make "egg dumping" adaptive?
-well-dispersed nests
-well-hidden nests
Does "egg dumping" increase reproductive success?
What trait of medium ground finches is adaptive when small seeds are scarce?
Large beaks
Upstream (low predation) guppies' offspring have which adaptive traits?
-large offspring
-mature at a later age
Downstream (high predation) guppies' offspring have which adaptive traits?
-many small offspring
-mature at an early age
In which environment do brightly coloured guppies thrive?
Low predation, upstream
In which environment is distant predator inspection adaptive?
High predation, downstream
In a low predation environment, which schooling behaviour is observed in guppies?
Fewer schooling, smaller schools
What was the main point of the guppy experiment?
Traits are only adaptive in specific environments; if the environment changes, then the trait may become non-adaptive or maladaptive
Are helping behaviours observed in scrub jays?
Are helping behaviours observed in wood ducks?
Why does helping close relatives increase fitness?
-relatives share individual's genes
-helping relatives reproduce allows their genes (and yours) to be passed on to the next generation
Nest sites are plentiful. Will a scrub jay help its parents?
No; it will have higher fitness by breeding
Name the one mammal that is known to exhibit eusociality.
Naked mole rats
What are two factors that cause naked mole rats to have increased fitness in a eusocial colony?
-unusually high degree of relatedness
-harsh conditions that make foraging individually very difficult
An adaptation is a trait that provides an individual with the _______ fitness relative to other ___________ in the environment.
highest, individuals
What is the dominant mechanism for changing animal traits over time?
_________ give individuals an edge over their peers.
True or false: The conditions for evolution are always met.
False, only sometimes
A _______ gene behaves in a way that attempts to increase its own frequency.
What do selfish genes provide their carrier with?
A fitness advantage
Name two benefits of schooling behaviour.
-less individual risk
-greater vigilance
-group confusion (predators)
An individual's lifetime reproductive success is known as _______.
What are the two components of inclusive fitness?
Direct fitness, indirect fitness
What is Hamilton's Rule?
What does the "b" in Hamilton's Rule represent?
Benefit to recipient
What does the "c" in Hamilton's Rule represent?
Cost to donor
What does the "r" in Hamilton's Rule represent?
Relatedness of donor and recipient
What happens if Hamilton's Rule is satisfied?
The frequency of the behaviour will increase
Starlings with _____ mass have a higher ___________.
lower, angle of ascent
More protective cover results in _________ mass in birds.
Did great tits show a higher or lower mass when predators were fewer?
What risks are associated with the terrestrial habitat of red-eye tree frogs?
Snake attacks
Red-eye tree frogs are at a higher risk in the aquatic environment if they are _______.
What was the main point of the red-eye tree frog experiment?
-calculation of mortality risk leads to decisions about habitat/environment
Which provides a better survival rate for a red-eye tree frog: Snake attack or aquatic environment?
Aquatic environment
Optimal fat content in birds is influenced by... (2)
-availability of food
-predation risk
Vervet monnkeys employ the use of ___________ as an anti-predatory tactic.
Alarm calls
Gazelles have 4 main predators. Name them.
lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, hyenas
What response do gazelles have to cheetahs?
What response do gazelles have to hyenas?
Gazelles are more likely to taunt in _____ groups.
What response do cheetahs have to gazelle taunting?
Move away sooner, and go further away
What response do hyenas have to gazelle taunting?
Trick question! Gazelles do not taunt hyenas
Describe why taunting is an effective anti-predatory behaviour for gazelles.
-cheetahs rely on the element of surprise
-gazelles have greater endurance than cheetahs in a chase
Common ground squirrels respond to predation by ________.
Asserting themselves or aggressing
Mortality rates in newly hatched baby turtles are _________ and ______.
huge, non-random
What adaptation have ground squirrels developed to allow them to better protect their territory?
Immune response to snake venom
How does attacking a snake increase a ground squirrel's fitness? (2)
-snake is less likely to return
-squirrel protects close relative in territory (share its genes)
What is the main point of the example of ground squirrels?
Anti-predator behaviour does not always involve fleeing
Survival rate _______ for animals in a group.
This anti-predatory behaviour in squid allows for a better escape.
Confusion, ink explusion
What is "anisogamy"?
Observable different between genders
_______ selection acts on gamete size.
A trait makes an individual more vulnerable to predators, but makes the individual more desirable to the opposite sex. Will this trait persist?
Three gazelles notice they are being stalked by a herd of wild dogs. How will they respond?
A group of tree frog eggs is left alone on the leaf. When will they drop into the water?
After approximately 7 days
A lone gazelle sees a lion in the bushes. How will it respond?
A starling is born in the wild, then moved to an aviary. Will it be more or less massive than its sister, who is still in the wild?
More massive
What is another term for "cuckoldry"?
Extra-pair copulation
What are the two types of selection involved in evolution?
Natural selection, sexual selection
A ______ male closely resembles a female; this allows it to mate with a female who is already paired with a male.
A ____ male is a stereotypical male.
A ______ male employs a "hit 'n run" mating strategy.
Which type of male is at risk of being attacked by a parental male?
Most blue-gill sunfish males show the _______ male phenotype.
What type of selection results in the development of extreme traits in males?
Runaway selection
Why does runaway selection occur?
Snowball effect
What genotype and phenotype do males involved in runaway selection have?
-genotype: code for preference for the trait, and the trait itself
-phenotype: the trait
What genotype and phenotype do females involved in runaway selection have?
-genotype: code for preference for the trait, and the trait itself
-phenotype: preference for the trait
Several examples of runaway selection were discussed in class. Name two.
-long-tailed widowmakers
-stalk-eyed flies
What key point was demonstrated with the behaviour of male and female lions?
Gender roles
Scorpion flies were an example of which factor in female choice?
Direct benefits
Stalk-eyed flies were an example of which factor in female choice?
Runaway selection
Which males do blue-footed boobies copulate with: their social mate, or the males they prefer based on genes alone?
The blue-footed boobie is an example of two concepts in sexual selection. Name them.
-extra-pair copulation
-good genes (female choice)
Two examples of male mammals holding harems were given. Name them.
-elephant seals
-red deer
Harem-holding behaviour results in ________.
Facial beauty is a paradox. This is because ________ faces are preferred.
What feature of faces is indicative of good genes?
Symmetry in faces is produced by the _______ genes.
Females will choose the males other females prefer. What is this an example of?
Social learning
What are the direct benefits of nuptial gifts to the female scorpion fly? (2)
-more eggs produced
-longer life-span
What are the benefits of large nuptial gifts to the males scorpion fly?
-longer copulation with female
-more sperm transferred
True or False: Male red deer will always engage in combat when facing another male.
False; combat is a last resort
Roaring occurs most frequently in which male red deer?
Two male red deer have had a roaring contest, and are now walking parallel to one another. If one of the males walks away, will combat result?
Male scorpion flies sometimes engage in trickery. Describe the behaviour.
-assume female posture
-wait for a male to present a nuptial gift
-accept the gift
-present that gift to a real female
True or False: birds are monogamous.
True or False: female fruit flies will avoid males who have recently engage in copulation.
Bison experience anisogamy, but do not hold harems. Why must they engage in combat?
Limited number of females in heat
A mother goose sees a small round object outside of her nest. What happens next? What is this an example of?
She will roll the object into her nest.
Innate behaviour
A peach-faced lovebird and a Fischer's lovebird get to lovin' and make a baby lovebird. Which parent's innate twig-carrying behaviours will be expressed?
A combination of both, but it will only be able to hold it in its beak
True or False: Innate behaviours are frequently modified.
True or False: Parental love is an innate response.
True or False: It is impossible to alter an innate response.
Begging behaviour in gulls is an innate response. What stimulus elicits the behaviour?
Red dot on parent's beak
Begging response in gulls is _______ by learning.
Damselflies respond to:
(a) Pike in the water
(b) Prey in the water
(c) Chemical cues released by pike preying on prey
(d) All of the above
Damselflies use _______ as an anti-predatory strategy.
Inexperienced damselfiles are able/unable to respond to mealworm chemical cues. Experienced damselflies are able/unable to respond to meal worm cues.
What was the main point of the experiment with the damselflies?
-demonstrate the effect of learning on innate behaviours
What was the difference between the two experimental groups in the damselfly experiment?
(1) Inexperienced = no exposure to pike at all
(2) Inexperienced = only exposure to pike feeding on mealworms
Which of the following is not a typical prey for a pike?
(a) Minnows
(b) Damselflies
(c) Mealworms
(d) All of the above ARE typical prey
In the fruit-fly-flavoured-dish experiment, which was passed on the offspring: the preference for a specific flavour, or the ability to form a preference?
Ability to form a preference
When exposed to dishes with flavour + quinine, the fruit flies _____ that flavour when given a choice.
What is the main point of the fruit fly/flavour dish experiment?
The ability to learn can be selected for
Fruit flies were exposed to a pineapple dish, and an orange-quinine dish, then given a chance to breed on two dishes without quinine. Eggs on the pineapple dish were reared. What is the significance of this?
Selecting for offspring of parents who learned to avoid quinine.
What conditions promote the evolution of learning (variability within lifetime, between generations)?
High variability between generations
Low variability within lifetime
Why does learning require such specific circumstances to develop?
Developing the ability to learn is costly to the individual; only learn if there is a clear benefit
Bumblebees show a _____ degree of learning.
Which protein does long-term memory depend on?
What do innate behaviours inform us about?
Things in our environment that need our attention
A bumblebee ______ flowers and by doing so, it learns about them.
Learning is adaptive when there are/aren't reliable trends over many generations, and are/aren't reliable associations in an individual's life.
When innate behaviours don't lead to a predictable outcome, _______ should occur.
Name two factors that make a sea slug an excellent model organism.
-huge neurons
-simple connectivity
-can show simple learning
Sensitization results in a(n) _________ response. Habituation results in a(n) __________ response.
What causes the gills of the aplysia to withdraw?
Touching the gill siphon
In safe conditions, Aplysia demonstrates learning though the _______ in length of response.
In unsafe conditions (shock), Aplysia shows learning though the _________ in length of response.
Neurons that ______ together, _______ together.
Why were sea slugs significant in the field of learning?
First connection between neurobiology and observed learning patterns
A sea slug has been prodded repeatedly. The next time the gill siphon is touched, how will the length of the response compare to previous responses?
It will be shorter
Sluggy the sea slug just tried to make toast, but since he's in the sea, he got a shock to his gill siphon. If Sluggy has his gill siphon touched again shortly after, will the length of the response be shorter or longer?
After taking a drug in a familiar environment repeatedly, will an individual require more or less drug?
Getting used to taking taking a drug in a certain environment is known as ___________.
Tolerance development
True or False: The process of conditioning is the same for any two stimuli.
Learning should favour individuals who learn cues that are ________ in their particular environment.
Is there a bias to learning in animals?
Learn cues that are relevant to situation
Taste is a relevant cue for _________. Audiovisual cues are relevant cues to _________.
Food quality
Physical harm
What are sonograms used for?
Compare and contrast songs in different species of birds
The _______ is a bird's voice box.
A bird's voice box can produce ____ notes at once: _____ and ______
What are the four brain structures involved in bird song?
Birds must be able to ______ and _____ in order to acquire a song.
Which sex does most of the singing? What physiological differences are associated with this?
Larger brain size
Which hormone prevents brain cell death in birds? Consequence of cell death?
Cell death means a smaller brain, and the inability to sing
What are the functions of bird song? (2)
-attract females
-ward off predators or other males
Song repertoire is ________ correlated with HVC volume
Why is communication through song advantageous to birds in particular?
Low visibility environment
Birds can communicate without seeing one another
Several things occur when males sing most frequently. Describe them. (3)
-females seek out males
-# of clutches of eggs increases
-# of eggs per clutch increases
Do males sing more or less once they find a mate?
Less, they essentially stop
When females are removed from a nest males sing _______.
When given a choice, females prefer nest boxes that have what feature?
Species specific song.
Give two reasons why it is advantageous for a male to know more than one song.
-additional protection for territory
-females prefer males with large repertoires
-allows for a larger territory
What did the experiment with great tits at Oxford University demonstrate?
-males avoid areas with bird song, especially those areas with multiple songs
For a white-crowned sparrow, when is the critical period for song learning?
10-50 days old
True or False: Birds can only learn their species specific song.
True or False: Birds will learn only their species specific song if they have been exposed to both the species specific song and another song.
There are three birds that can acquire new songs in their lifetime. Name two.
Is a species specific song an innate behaviour?
Having a large repertoire is a _______ ________ because females choose those males first.
Fitness advantage
Which hypothesis of song learning is supported by homology in the brains of birds that can learn new songs?
The ability to learn was dropped by all other species
Song sharing facilitates refined communication by using different ____ types.
Tommy the Blackbird knows 3 different songs. When he sees Suzie the Blackbird, how many of these songs is he likely to sing?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(d) Three
A songbird's egg is laid in the wild, but hatched and reared in the lab. Will this bird's song resemble that of its siblings, which remain the in the wild?
Name the two factors that induce singing in male birds.