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173 Cards in this Set

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What did Conrad Lorenz focus on?
Focused on the notion of "type behavior"
What is "type behavior" and what does it feed inTo?
A genetic basis for behavior; fits well with Hitler's doctrine
Is nature a European or an American philosophy?
Is nurture a European or an American philosophy?
What is the order of:
Innate Releasing Mechanism
Key Stimulus
Fixed Action Pattern
What is umwelt?
The "surrounding world;" perceptible stimuli playing into an organism's motivational state
Describe the workings of the water beetle, Dysticus's, umwelt.
Strictly uses an olfactory sense to eat tadpoles; even though they have good vision, they will not respond to tadpole's behind a glass wall; their umwelt is strictly chemosensory
Describe the umwelt of the fritillary butterfly
Has good color vision, but when motivated to mate, uses wing beat frequency to determine females
What is an exaggerated stimulus that is more effective than the key stimulus called?
Supernormal releaser stimulus
Give an example of an exaggerated stimulus.
Cuckoos exaggerate the key stimuli of a chick's gape
Give an example of a feature detector using toads.
When common toads encounter a food item elongating in the direction of its axis, they stick out their tongues without any need to learn from experience; (fix ~ snap ~ swipe)
What is a central pattern generator?
Neural circuit that produces a complex coordinated motor pattern
Give an example of the central pattern generator using crickets?
Simply by electrically stimulating the command cells in the brain, he could turn on the wing pattern that produces song pattern
What type of song did hybrid cricket females prefer?
Song from hybrids
Is there always a coupling between female genotype and a preference for characteristics coming from a male with the same genotype, (coupling)?
Crickets sing differently at different ______.
When varied the temperature of a female cricket's head and thorax, what was found about the cricket's song preference?
Found that females preferred males at the temperature of her head ~ feature detector comes mostly from the head.
In which type of systems can feature detector's work?
Predator/prey systems
What is the black box/toilet bowl model?
Animals build up a drive, making them them want to behave in a certain way, until the build up gets to a certain point, then it is released and they perform the behavior in an inappropriate context.
What is it called when animals build up a drive, making them them want to behave in a certain way, until the build up gets to a certain point, then it is released and they perform the behavior in an inappropriate context.
Black box/toilet bowel model
What has to happen in order for Rhodneus to progress to the next molt?
They have to have a blood meal
What happens in you chop of Rhodneus's head without a blood meal?
It will not progress to the next molt
What happens if chop off Rhodneus's head five days after a blood meal?
It will progress to the next molt
Describe the effect of cutting insects at varying times during pupation?
- Cutting the insect at day 7 in last stage of pupation ~ front pupate while next will not
- Cutting the insect at day 10 ~ both halves pupate
- Something must happen between day 7 and 10 that allows full pupation to occur.
What does the prothoracic gland do in certain caterpillars?
Releases PTTH, which works on prothoracic gland, causing it to produce molting horming, ecdicone
What is ecdicone?
Molting hormone
What is PTTH?
Hormone produced by the prothoracic gland in certain caterpillars, causing it to produce molting hormone
What determine whether a larvae will turn into an adult?
Juvenile hormone
What secretes juvenile hormone in larvae?
Corporate hormone
hat do releasing factors secrete by the hypothalamus target?
The anterior pituitary
How are the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary connected?
Through the portal system
How are the posterior pituitary and the hypothalamus connected?
Through the hypotahalmus neurosecretory cells
What initiates the sexual process in ring doves?
Exposure into light and nesting materials.
Describe the 4 phases on the ring dove sexual process?
Phase I: Rise in steroids cause courtship behavior
Phase II: Doves make a nest together and mate
Phase III: Occur during incubation; prolactic levels rise, inhibiting further secretion of testosterone and estrogen; influences cells lining birds' crop to develop and produce crop milk
Phase IV: Chicks start to hatch; prolactin levels drop
How can ring doves be stimulated to incubate?
Fake eggs
What need to be present in order for prolactin to be secreted and the development of crop milk?
Nest, eggs, and incubation
Describe hormonal differences in droning fish?
Type 1 hums to attract females and invests 1% of its body weight in testes
Type 2 cannot hum to attract females, but invests 15% of its body in testes
Develop into either Type 1 or Type 2 based on population density
What determines whether droning fish will develop into either Type 1 or Type 2 males?
Ppulation density
Give an example of adaptive coupling in droning fish?
When females have higher levels of testosterone and esterdiol, they become more sensitive to male humming
When are twins considered concordant?
If they both have a disease
How concordant are dizygotic twins?
How concordant are monozygotic twins?
Who studied twins?
Tom Boushard
What did Tom Boushard find in his twin studied?
Found that w hoel batteryof personality traits were substantially influenced by genes
Give an example of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Boraku were the lowest class in Japanese society; scored 10-15 points lower on IQ tests; when emigrated to Hawaii, however, descendants of Boraku had IQ about equal to the Japanese population
What happened when selected for female stalk-eyed flies with shorter and shorter stalk lengths?
The female offspring of those flies preferred sort stalk lengths
Describe monogyne colonies of the "green beard" of red fire ants?
On large queen; all are BB at the Gp-9 locus
Describe polygyne colonies of the "green bears" of red fire ants.
Several smaller queens; all are Bb the Gp-9 locus
Where is the for gene more highly expressed in bees?
More highly expressed in the nest in sitters, as opposed to rovers
What gene is long term potentiation associated with?
Alpha CaMKII
What happened when mice were placed in a morris water max when alpha CaMKII gene was knocked out.
Could navigate if given distal cues as well as wild type after five trails , but not without distal cues
What happened when fyn tyrosine kinase was knocked out in mice?
Knock outs were capable of learning, but had trouble swimming
What does foB gene influence?
Whether mother mice nurture their offspring or not
What has to happen in mice in order to turn on fosB gene?
The mother has to have contact with the pups
What does the regulatory gene vasopressing V1a receptor influence?
Mate bonding and social behavior
What happens when mice are transgenic for the monogamous prairie vole V1a receptor?
Affiliate with their mates more than wild type mice
What is adaptation?
Sensory receptor continually stimulated for a prolonged period stops responding
What is apparent deafness after walking out of a loud concert and example of?
What are the 5 types of non-associative learning?
1. Adaptation
2. Habituation
3. Dishabituation
4. Sensitization
5. Facilitation
What is habituation?
Reductin or elimination of a behavioral response to a stimulus
Give an example of habituation.
Baby hawks stop responding to the shadow of the bird that most frequently lies over head.
What is dishabituation?
Recovery of a habituated response following the presentation the presentation of a strong or novel stimulus
Give an example of sensitization.
Something has happened at the beginning of the film that has prepared you for something frightening to occur
What is facilitation?
No new synthesis of proteins; the enhancement of proteins that are already there.
Give an example of facilitation?
Long term memory involves the enhancement of proteins that are already there
Is tool use an example of operant conditioning or classical conditioning?
Operant conditioning
What is latent learning?
Familiarization with a stimulus without positive or negative reinforcement
Give an example of latent learning.
Mice are released into a maze with a screech owl; mice that were allowed to inspect room beforehand were less likely to get caught
What is insight learning?
Learning through perception of configurational relationships
When 2 mobbing black birds were placed where they could hear each other, but not see what the other saw and one cried out when saw a predator, the other learned to cry out when it simultaneously saw a honey creeper. What is this an example of?
Imitation learning
What colors do bees learn to associate best?
What type of electromagnetic wavelength do bees see best?
UV blue
What type of patterns do bees learn best?
Symmetrical patterns
What is long term memory controlled by in bees?
Corpora pedunctulata and the calyx
Is it always possible to block the effect of memory?
No; not if you wait a certain amount of time
What are 2 forms of long-lasting memory?
1. Long-Term Memory: no decay of memory after 7 days; sensitive to cyclohemidine
2. Anesthesia-resistant memorY; memory decays in four days; resistant to cold shock; insensitive to cycloheximide
What is the in control of the signaling pathway involved in long-lasting memory?
Where are long term memories stored in flies?
Mushroom bodies
Can mutants with impaired mushroom bodies in flies learn?
WHat type of response is imprinting in birds?
A multi-model response; involves many sensory inputs
What are 2 predispositions for key stimuli?
1. Predisposition for key stimuli that can be associated with "mom"
2. Learning takes place to associate that key stimulus with "mom"
What are the two types of birds, (imprinting-wise?)
Precocial birds - prolonged care by mother
Altricial birds - do not imprint
What are precocial birds?
Immediately run around and follow the mother; prolonged care by the mother
What are altricial birds?
Do not impring; mothers feed them in the nest fora while
Are cuckoos precocial birds or altricial birds?
Start out altricial, but still need to recognize their own mother
Which type of birds are more sensitive to uncertainty in their environment - precocial birds or altricial birds?
Precocial birds
What is the handicap principle?
Ornamental tails of swallows are costly, but male with longer tails more resistant to parasites; however, individuals with longer tails in the first place were better able to bear the cost associated with individuals
What is aposematic coloration?
Warning coloration
What is Batesian mimicry?
Mimic an unpalatable model
What type of limitation is often imposed on batesian mimicry in certain species?
Sex-limited; strong selection on the females to live a long time
What is always at a higher frequency: the model of batesian mimicry or the poisonous animal?
The model to prevent habituation to the non-poisonous animal
What is mullerian mimcry?
convergence of unpalatable species on a common color/pattern; all are toxic
What do sex-linked chromosome patterns in cuckoos lead to?
Different colored eggs based on the species whose nests they lay their eggs in
What are four factors in the process of communication?
1. SIgnal generation
2. Transmission through the medium
3. Signal reception and processing
4. Decisions based on the perceived signal
What are pheromones?
Semichemical used to communicate with the same species, often in mating
What are semiochemicals called that are involved in communication between organs and tissues?
Hormones and neurotransmitters
What does the q/k ratio determine?
HOw far pheromones travel
What is k in the q/k ratio?
Threshold of response
Is the q/k ratio high or low for sex pheromones?
Extremely high
What are primers?
Chemical form of sensitization; influences the motivational state of the animal
What is 9 ODA?
Queen substance
What is another word for queen substance?
What are the 7 functions of the queen substance, (9 ODA)?
1. Worker daily activity - primer
2. Suppression of worker ovary development - primer
3. Worker retinue - releaser
4. Queen cell construction - releaser
- Larvae that are put in special cells designating them as queen are fed "royal jelly"
5. Emergency queen bearing - releaser
6. Swarm aggregation - releaser
7. SEx pheromone - releaser
What is attenuation?
Decrease in efficiency across long distance, such as sound signals
What type of communication do sharks use?
Electrical communication
Why is there a predominance of red signals in guppies from some streams with predatory prawns?
Prawns cannot see red
What do orchids do that is deceitful?
Produce the same pheromone blend of hormones and visual signals to simulate a female wasp ~ males hone in on the scent and try to mate with the flower
In order for orchids to successfully deceive male wasps, what has to logistically coincide?
Blooming of the orchids has to coincide with the female mating system
This is the toxic chemical of femme fatal butterflies.
Are cricket and frog songs learned?
No, they are innate
What are the three types of birds that use song signals?
Hummingbirds, parrots, and songbirds,
What type of songbirds particularly use song signals?
The corvida and passerida
What are three ways to measure the sounds of birds?
Amplitude wave form, sonograms, and power spectrograms
What type of male sedge warblers attract more females?
Male sedge warblers with larger syllable repertoiers
What is the main predictor of reproductive success in male sedge warblers?
Repertoire size
what does the repertoire size correlate with?
Number of successful fledglings that successfully return from migration
What are minor variations on a particular song called?
Song types
What is the set of song types sung by a bird called?
What are a series of syllables in a pattern called in a bird song?
What are the units of a phrase in a bird song called?
What is the most important part of the indigo bunting song?
Inter-syllable pause
What are the smallest building blocks of a bird song called?
Are bird songs more similar to their neighbors or their fathers?
What are birds doing when they dream?
Practicing their song
What are the two vocal nuclei in birds?
Posterior descending pathway, PDP), and anterior forebrain pathway, (AFP)
What are the 3 parts of the PDP?
1. Higher vocal center, (HVC)
2. RA, (robust nucleus of the archistriatum)
3. nXIIts, (tracheosyringeal portin of hte hypoglossal nucleus, which leads to the syrinx
What do lesions to the PDP do?
Disrupt sound production at any stage; pathway involves neuronal generation in adults
What are the parts of the anterior forebrain pathway, (AFP)?
1. L-MAN
2. Area X
3. DLM
What is L-MAN?
Lateral portion of hte magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum
What is DLM?
Medial portion of the dorsolateral thalamus
What do lesions to the anterior forebrain pathway, (AFP), do?
Lesions do not affect birds with mature, crystallized songs
What are closed learners in birds?
Do not change their song much after it has been learned
What happens if you deafen a bird before its song is crystallized?
It will sing a subsong its entire life
WHen can a zebra finch learn up until?
Right up until the crystallization period
Are females necessarily attracted to males with the same song?
How did Baptista disprove Marler?
There is something about hte taped song that cannot capture what a live bird can do.
Describe resident killer whales.
Unique dorsal fin shape and markings make each whale individually identifiable; large suit of pod-specific calls; usually eat salmon
Describe transient killer whales.
Do not interact with resident whales; a few calls produced by all transients
What is kinesis?
Undirected orientation movements
Give an example of kinesis.
Paramecium will just speed up its movement in an undirect fashion; by performing more movements, it's more likely to move from one area to another
What is taxis?
Orientation movement directed away with respect to a stimulus
What are 10 types of taxis?
1. Phototaxis
2. Phonotaxis
3. Chemotaxis
4. Geotaxix
5. Anemotaxis
6. Rheotaxis
7. Menotaxis
8. Klinotaxis
9. Tropotaxis
10. Telotaxis
What is the taxis in response to gravity called?
What is taxis in response to wind called?
What is taxis in response to water current called?
Can taxis be positive or negative?
WHat is menotaxis?
Orientation by maintaining a constant angle with respect to the stimulus
What is the taxis called whereby orientation is maintained at a constant angle with respect to the stimulus
Give two examples of menotaxis.
1. Moths to a flame
2. Ants can compensate for the movement of the sun
What is klinotaxis?
Successive sampling while movement through a gradient.
What is the taxis called of sampling while moving through a gradient?
Give an example of klinotaxis, (also an example of negative phototaxis).
Fly maggot; maggots look for a dark place to pupate ~ turn their head to find the darkest spot, using photoreceptors; successive sampling system in which it stores the directions that it has moved its head and then proceeds to sample
What is tropotaxis?
Taking simultaneous smaples from paired receptors
In which type of orientation is toropotaxis most common?
Chemical orientation
Give an example of tropotaxis.
Ant and bee antennae - if puff odor on a bee on the right antennae, it tries to turn its left antennae into the puff to expose that antennae to the odor, as well
What is telotaxis?
Goal-directed orientation by fixation on a distant target; no deviations from straight path
Give examples of telotaxis.
Archer fish, chameleons, praying mantis
What is the aximuth?
Position of the horizon intercepted by a vertical line, dropped from sun to horizon
What type of image does polarized light give.
Plane gives you 180 degrees forward and backward, but you need a fixed reference point to triangulate
Give an example of an animal that uses polarized light to find it way home.
Cataglyphis desert ant
What is mnemotaxis?
Landmark navigation using memory
Give an example of an animal that uses mnemotaxis.
Used by salmon to find their way home - raised in hatchery, where they were exposed to artificial odors; when displaced in a far away lake, travel up streams where that scent is present
What is magnetotaxis?
Orientation with respect to magnetic cues
What are two kinds of magnetic information/
1. Earth itself acts like a very large magnet
2. Fine scale irregular variations in the Earth's magnetic field, such as sea mounds
What type of taxis does Aquaspirillum bacteria use?
Swim toward magnetic north in order to swim down in Northern Hemisphere and toward magnetic south in order to swim down in the Southern Hemisphere; want to dive away from oxygen; Souther Hemisphere bacteria displaced in Northern Hemisphere die
How does Aquaspirillium know to orient in a specific magnetic direction?
Bits of magnetite in the bacteria produce this response; even dead bacteria move towards magnetic north
What type of taxis do hammerhead sharks use?
Magnetotaxis and other cues
Describe the taxis hierarchy in homing pigeons.
On suny days, even if interfere internal magnet with an external one, pigeons have no trouble finding way home; on cloudy days, however, interfering with internal magnetic field confuses pigeons
Give an example of an animal that has lunar/semilunar/mixed rhythms.
Palolo worms
What is an endogenous clock?
Keeps time without external input
Give two species that contain clock genes?
Drosophila and Clunio midges
What is an exogenous clock?
Biological clock that requires external input to keep time
What are zeitgebers?
"time givers," such as light/dark cycles, temperatures cycles, and social cues