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118 Cards in this Set

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the scientific method steps
1. start with a question
2. come up with a working hypothesis
3. use hypothesis to come up with testable prediction
4. collect data about the prediction
5. if results don't math, reject the hypothesis. otherwise, tentatively accept hypothesis and continue testing
immediate triggers of behavior
internal or external
selective advantage
evolutionary history
proximate levels of analysis
mechanisms and ontogeny
ultimate levels of analysis
selective advantage and phylogeny
biological evolution
change in gene frequencies (allele) over time
natural selection and it's 3 key components
the process whereby some organisms in a species have certain inherited variations that give them an advantage over others

1. variation
2. heritability
3. differential survival and reproduction
offspring on average resemble their parents more than other individuals

ranges from 0 to 1.0
differential success
some individuals leave more offspring to the next generation than others do, due to competition for resources, shelter, mates, and avoiding predators
# of offspring surviving an individual has which survive to reproductive maturity during its lifetime
mechanisms of evolution
1. natural selection
2. genetic drift
3. founder effect
4. migration
disruptive selection
selection favors small and large individuals
stabilizing selection
selection for midsized individuals
directional selection
selection for larger individuals
sources of variation
1. mutation is original source
2. recombination makes new variation
3. immigration
frequency dependent selection
fitness of a given genotype depends on its frequency in a population

allele (and its phenotype) have selective advantage when they are rare. as their frequency increases the advantage decreases. then alternative allele becomes "rare"
frequency dependent predation
selection of overabundant prey type

"search image"
frequency dependent reproduction
"rare male advantage"

two spot lady bugs
negative assortment mating
opposites attract

MHC and mice
MHC (HLA) and humans
different immune systems
environmental variation
funnel spiders

spiders with more predators stay in their tunnels more
convergent evolution
distantly related animals evolve to become similar to each othera
a characteristic that confers higher fitness to individuals than do the alternatives

a trait that is spreading, has spread, or is being maintained by natural selection
adaptive value
the contribution that a trait makes to fitness (higher reproductive success)
one who tests adaptive hypotheses about traits. does the trait increase fitness?
black-headed gull mobbing behavior hypothesis
mobbing is adaptive because it increases chance of egg survival
ground to cliff nesting is an example of what...
divergent evolution due to a change in predation pressure
convergent evolution
distinct ancestry sharing same behavior
comparative method
use evolutionary transitions
relate behavior of interest to other transitions
identify selective pressures that favored that trait
when one individual (donor) loses fitness as the result of helping another individual (recipient) gain fitness
the explanations for altruism
1. group selection
2. reciprocal altruism
3. kin selection
group selection
natural selection which has the group as the unit of the selection, so if a trait in an individual benefits the group- it will be favored
levels of selection in order
problems with group selection and altruism
altruism for group benefit is not stable--cheaters will usually do better
game theory
model interactions in which the benefits of different behaviors depend on the actions of others

look for evolutionary stable strategies

prisoner's dilemma
evolutionary stable strategy
a strategy which, if adopted by all members of a population, cannot be invaded by an alternative
prisoner's dilemma
cooperation is at the price of the individual

group selection- both stay quiet is best for group
individual- defecting

argues against group selection as a form of altruism
reciprocal altruism
helping another in expectation that the favor will be repaid

cheating is possible but anticipate punishment

if benefit to the recipient>cost to the donor, both will gain if the help is reciprocated at a later date

example of reciprocal altruism
vampire bats regurgitate blood
there is a delay between recipients benefit and actors benefit
actor and recipient benefit immediately
satellite strategy in crickets
males without sound (flat-winged) use other males for reproductive success by taking advantage of other males' calls, who then get eaten by parasites
kin selection
altruism towards relatives
inclusive fitness
net offspring production plus sum of all relatives offspring corrected for r (coefficient of relatedness: probability that 2 individuals will share copies of a particular allele that is identical through direct descent)

fitness achieved by helping kin survive
hamilton's rule:
be altruistic if r*B>C

B is the benefit to the recipient, range from 0 (no benefit) to 1 (life saving benefit)

C is cost to the actor from 0 to 1
problems with measuring inclusive fitness
although coefficient of relatedness is easy to determine, B and C are difficult to measure
kin recognition
environmental and social factors determine the timing, form, and limits of kin recognition
learned mechanisms of kin recognition
location (nest, territory)
olfactory, auditory, visual cues
prolonged social contact
genetic mechanism of kin recognition
phenotypic matching
example of olfactory kin recognition
paper wasps learn nest odor

belding's ground squirrels learn to recognize their own odor
a strong association learned during a specific developmental period ("critical period")
a permanent change or modification of behavior as a result of experience
decline in response to a harmless repeated stimulus. not due to fatigue or sensory adaptation. it acts as a filter so animal doesn't waste energy on irrelevant stimulus. it is adaptive
classical conditioning
unconditioned stimulus elicits unconditioned response

unconditioned stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus, and after repeated pairings, the conditioned stimulus starts to elicit a response, the conditioned response
operant conditioning
behavior first, then stimulus (reward, punishment)

trial and error
performance improves
behavioral development in bees

(example of gene-environment interaction)
genes- influence activity (high, moderate low)

genes are turned on by queen's mandibular hormone, pheremones produced by workers, and juvenile hormones

far to the genetic end of spectrum
appears in its entirety the first time its displayed--no prior experience
instinct example: fixed action patterns
stereotyped and often complex series of movements, responses to specific stimuli. programmed response to a stimulus

chicks know they have to peck at mom's beaks
how to determine if behavioral differences are shaped by genetic differences?
1. study wild populations under the same environment (lab)--snakes and banana slugs

2. artificial selection- mice gathering cotton, dogs and response to human cues

3. create hybrids- intermediate genotype

4. knock-ins- insert genes

5. knock-outs- eliminate a gene

6. twin studies- reared together and apart

7. assay genetic activity
vassopressin receptor
increases bonding
pup gathering
no longer recognize females they've already mated with. will mate with anyone
socially induced
predator induced

cannibalistic tadpoles based on number of other tadpoles in tank
the most proximate cause of behavior
neural control

-info processing
because many animals rely on simple stimuli, they can be fooled
why regulate behavior?
behaviors are more beneficial at certain times
prioritization in action
crickets and predators. respond to predators by not moving their wings. have predators during the day
circadian rhythms maintained by
internal and external cues
internal clock (circadian)
SCN in hypothalamus- pacemaker
per gene encodes for PER protein
tau encodes for CKle protein, which breaks down PER

TIM binds to PER protein and makes it less susceptible to getting broken down by TAU
adaptive value of the 2-tier organizational system of circadian rhythm
internal clock allows individuals to alter behavior without having to constantly monitor to environment

external clock allows individuals to adjust to local variation
external influences on cycles
ecological variables (sun, food, rain, temperature, day length,)

social variables

regulation of behavior (cycles)
1. prioritization of behavior- immediate vs distant benefit

2. circadian rhythm
3. circannual rhythm
hormones produced by...
endocrine glands-

neural vs hormonal communication
neural- fast, train-like

hormonal- longer-term, car-like, has to break down in blood system
hormones mediate...
longer-term processes

reproduction, growth, development, respond to ecological and social stimulu
activational effect
exposure---then effect, shorter
regulation of behavior (cycles)
1. prioritization of behavior- immediate vs distant benefit

2. circadian rhythm
3. circannual rhythm
organizational effect
exposure, then a critical period, and then the effect, which is longer
hormones produced by...
endocrine glands-

neural vs hormonal communication
neural- fast, train-like

hormonal- longer-term, car-like, has to break down in blood system
male secondary sexual characteristics
sperm production

fluctuates seasonally breeding species
costs of testosterone
-energetic costs: muscle tissue, maintaining behaviors, metabolic costs of male ornaments

-risks of injury

-immune system: disease, parasite load

-decreased parental investment
hormones mediate...
longer-term processes

reproduction, growth, development, respond to ecological and social stimulu
activational effect
exposure---then effect, shorter
secreted by pituitary
general functions: females- lactation, males-paternal care
organizational effect
exposure, then a critical period, and then the effect, which is longer
corisol- stress, ulcers, reduced immunity, weigh loss
male secondary sexual characteristics
sperm production

fluctuates seasonally breeding species
costs of testosterone
-energetic costs: muscle tissue, maintaining behaviors, metabolic costs of male ornaments

-risks of injury

-immune system: disease, parasite load

-decreased parental investment
secreted by pituitary
general functions: females- lactation, males-paternal care
corisol- stress, ulcers, reduced immunity, weigh loss
when animals are locked in life or death struggles, they are both exerting strong selection pressure on each other

impala evolves to be faster, cheetah will evolve too to keep up
toxins and noxious agents
make yourself taste bad to deter predators

aposomatic coloration- warning colors
mullerian mimicry
poisonous animals resemble each other, benefit from shared warning
batesian mimicry
deception- nonpoisonous animal resembles a poisonous unpalatable animal

batesian mimcs must be rarer than the poisonous animal
attack deterrent
honest signals of strength (unprofitability)

"don't bother"
stotting gazelles
push-up lizards
avoiding detection

-being nocturnal
-sitting still
-habitat selection
-changing color
-used by predators and prey
group living benefits
-predator detection
-dilution effect
-confusion effect
dilution effect-
predators usually feed at limited rates

by coming together in large groups, can saturate predators and many prey survive

benefit has to outweigh the cost of easier detection
confusion effect
predator has difficulty tracking a single prey among the chaos--stimulus interference

predator success rate lower
odd prey effect
unusual looking prey in a group more likely to be captured
group attack on predators

effective deterrent

can be costly
optimality theory
often applied to foraging

cost and benefit are measured (in terms of calories gained and expended)
game theory- social living
solitary-solitary: P=fitness as solitary individual

solitary-social: P-B(benefit gained by being social) (someone else uses you to hide- their gain is your loss)

social-solitary= P+B (you gain by hiding behind them)
C=cost of finding individual to hide behind, cost of general conspicuousness

social-social= P+B/2-B/2-C
low quality food foraging, easy to obtain
adaptations for processing and digesting
low risk, low reward, lots of time spent feeding
high quality, difficult to find
adaptations for locating and capturing food
high risk, high reward
lots of time spent finding food
can feed on many different food items
not necessarily adapted to eating any specific food
focus on one or very few food items
good competitor for that food
optimal foraging theory
maximize energy intake per unit time

-prey models
-patch models
prey models
consider how an organism should behave when there are different types of prey available
optimal foraging theory
seeks to provide mathematical models that describe underlying problems of resource acquisition

organisms must not simply maximize energetic gains (calories) but rather the rate of energy gain per unit time
patch models
consider how an organism should feed when resources are located in discrete clumps
marginal value theorem
food intake within a patch decreases over time.
there is a cost of leaving the patch
should stay in the patch until rate of intake in that patch equals rate of intake across all patches (accounting for travel time)
general constraint of risk
which strategy should be favored--risk proneness or risk aversion
producer-scrounger game
scroungers are usually able to steal food from producers. results in frequency dependent selection
conditional strategy
an individual can flexibly adopt different strategies during its lifespan
group living and finding food: locating food
groups as info centers (passive communication)
other individuals will follow if another comes back with prey