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77 Cards in this Set

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What are the five branches of the superior thyroid branch of the ECA?
infrahyoid, superior laryngeal, cricothyroid, and glandular, and SCM
Which branch of the of the superior thoracic pierces the thyrohyoid membrane?
the superior laryngeal
What arteries supply the thyroid
the glandular branch of the superior thyroid of the ECA
the inferior thyroid branch of the thyrocervical trunk of the subclavian
What's the thyroid Ima?
a variable artery that runs up the anterior surface of the trachea to the thyroid
What are the the branches of the ascending pharyngeal?
3-4 branches that supply the constrictors and stylpharyngeus

a branch that supplies soft palate, palatine tonsil, and auditory tube

prevertebral branches

inferior tympanic branch (through tympanic canaliculus)

neuromeningeal branches (CN 9-12 and PCF meninges)
The lingual artery arises near the tip of the _____.
greater horn of the hyoid
Three branches of the lingual artery.
dorsal lingual, sublingual and deep lingual
Which artery supplies genioglossus?
the deep lingual branch of the lingual
What are the cervical branches of the facial artery?
ascending palatine, tonsilar, glandular (submandibular glands), submental
What are the four facial branches of the facial artery?
inferior and superior labials, lateral nasal and angular (terminal)
In what plane to the labial arteries lie?
In between the mucosa and the deep surface of orbicularis oris
What are the five types of branches of the occipital artery?
muscular, SCM, auricular (to air cells), meningeal, and terminal
Which muscles does the occipital a. supply?
SCM, posterior digastric, stylohyoid, and posterior cervical muscles, and occiptalis
What is the significant internal branch of the posterior auricular?
the stylomastoid artery. It goes through the stylomastoid foramen to the facial canal to the "mastoid antrum" in between the air cells and the middle ear.

This artery has the potential to compress the facial nerve, leading to Bell's palsy.

It gives rise to the posterior tympanic artery.
What is the posterior tympanic artery?
A branch of the stylomastoid a., which is a branch of the posterior auricular.
What/where is the terminal bifurcation of the ECA?
Branches to maxillary and superficial temporal within the parotid.
What supplies the TMJ?
Branches of both the maxillary and the superficial temporal.
Branches of the superficial temporal.
Transverse facial
Anterior auriculars
Middle temporal
Parietal bone
What are the three parts of the maxillary artery? They are determined by their relation to what muscle?
Determined by location to lateral pterygoid.
1. The mandibular portion
2. The pterygoid portion (closest to lateral pterygoid)
3. The pterygopalatine portion
Branches of the mandibular portion of the maxillary a.
1. inferior alveolar
2. anterior tympanic
3. deep auricular
4. middle meningeal (foramen spinosum)
5. accessory meningeal (variable, foramen ovale)
The anterior tympanic of the maxillary a. passes through the _____, just like chorda tympani.
petrotympanic fissure
Which vessels supply blood to the middle ear?
superior tympanic (from middle meningeal), anterior tympanic (of maxillary), deep auricular (from maxillary), inferior tympanic (from ascending pharyngeal), stylomastoid (from posterior auricular), and posterior tympanic
Which branch of the middle meningeal enters the bone of the skull?
the petrous branch (will form the superior tympanic)
How does the inferior alveolar a. terminate?
In incisive roots and as the mental artery.
What are, broadly, the four parts of the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery?
The buccal, masseteric, pterygoid, and deep temporal.
What are the branches of the pterygopalatine portion of the maxillary artery?
1. Posterior superior alveolar
2. Infraorbital
3. Descending palatine (to greater and lesser palatine arteries)
4. Vidian (gives rise to pharyngeal branch?)
5. Sphenopalatine
Branches of which branches of the carotid supply the tonsilar area?
Ascending pharyngeal, facial, maxillary, lingual
What's the terminal branch of the pterygopalatine portion of the maxillary a.? What does it do?
The sphenopalatine. Supplies nasal cavity (lateral walls and septum)
What's the most common site of nosebleed?
Kiesselbach's area
What artery ascends the incisive foramen into the nasal cavity?
A branch of the greater palatine, which is a branch of the descending palatine, which is a branch of the pterygopalatine branch of the maxillary.
Which artery gives rise to anterior septal branches?
the anterior ethmoidal branch of the opthalmic
What are the major groups that contribute to nasal cavity blood supply?
the anterior ethmoidal of the ICA, the sphenopalatine and greater palatine of the maxillary, and the superior labial of the facial
The basilar artery bifurcates to become ____
posterior cerebral arteries
What is ACOM?
anterior communicating artery. Between the internal carotids.
Where does the deadly Berry aneurysm occur?
At the bifurcation of the basilar artery.
Blood supply to spinal cord
The anterior (1) and posterior (paired)O spinal arteries formed by the vertebral arteries. Also, there segmental spinal arteries of the from both the VERTEBRAL arteries, the POSTERIOR INTERCOSTALS, and the LUMBAR arteries
Other than the carotid, what are the branches of the subclavian? What is its terminal branch?
thyrocervical trunk, costocervical trunk, vertebral, and internal thoracic. It terminates as the axillary artery.
Branches of the thryrocervical trunk of the subclavian.
1. inferior thyroid
2. ascending cervical
3. transverse cervical
4. suprascapular
Branches of the costocervical trunk of the subclavian.
The deep cervical and the supreme intercostal (gives rise to the first two posterior intercostals)
What caries the blood of the superior cerebral veins to the dural venous sinuses? What must they pierce?
They are called bridging veins and must pierce both the arachnoid and dura mater.
What will bridging vein rupture cause?
subdural hematoma
Rupture of which vessels are likely to cause a subarachnoid hematoma?
arteries near the base of the brain
Where does the great cerebral vein empty?
into the straight sinus
Between what layers of dura do the venous dural sinuses lie?
periosteal layer and meningeal layer
transverse sinus + _____ = sigmoid sinus
superior petrosal sinus
sigmoid sinus + _____ = jugular
inferior petrosal sinus
Name the sinus that rims foramen magnum.
the marginal sinus
What's an alternative to the internal jugular?
the basilar plexus and marginal sinuses
Emissary blood generally flows from where to where?
from inside the skull to outside the skull
Anastomes between the basilar plexus and the vertebral plexus are part of the _______, which helps maintain pressure
cerebrospinal venous system (CSVS)
Where does the blood of the diploic veins go?
Into dural venous sinuses or the occipital vein (which is superficial)
major emissary veins
mastoid, condylar, superficial temporal, parietal, occipital
How might cancers from the lower body travel up to the brain?
the internal vertebral venous plexus
The names of the veins of the superficial veins and face parallel some of those of the ECA. What are the?
1. facial
2. superficial temporal
3. posterior auricular
4. occipital
Which major tributary of the facial vein parallels that of the facial artery?
the angular vein
Which two things does the occipital vein drain into?
the deep cervical vein and the vertebral venous plexus
Like the angular artery, the angular vein will anastomose with what?
supratrochlear and supraorbital vessels
What does the superficial temporal v. drain?
anterior auricle, TMJ, transverse facial v., scalp, parotid, middle temporal v.
two main opthalmic veins
superior and inferior
what do the opthalmic veins communicate with??
pterygoid plexus, angular, cavernous
What communicates between the pterygoid plexus and the facial v.?
the deep facial v. (no arterial analogue)
Where is the pterygoid plexus?
between temporalis and lateral pteryg. and between lateral pteryg. and medial pteryg.
The pterygoid plexus receives veins that parallel the branches of the maxillary artery. Name them
the sphenopalatine, buccal, infraorbital, palatine, and alveolar, as well as those from muscles of mastication
Describe venous return from dentition.
Both max and mand teeth drain to the pterygoid plexus via superior and inferior alveolar veins.
There are four pathways for drainage of the nasal cavity. Name them.
1. Foramen cecum (to sup. sag. sinus)
2. Ethmoidal veins (to cavernous)
3. Facial vein
4. Pterygoid venus plexus
How does the cavernous sinus communicate with the pterygoid plexus?
emissary veins
Why did they call it the Death Triangle?
pathogens from the angular vein could potentially drain to the opthalmic v. and then into the cavernous, possibly causing cavernous thrombosis
superficial temporal v. + maxillary v. = ______
retromandibular v.
The branches of the lingual vein parallel those of the lingual artery. Name them.
1. deep lingual
2. sublingual
3. dorsal lingual
The retromandibular vein bifurcates. Describe what happens to both branches
anterior: joins facial to form common facial (which will drain to IJV)
posterior: joins posterior auricular to form EJV
The IJV descends the neck in the _____, just _____ to the carotid artery.
carotid sheath; lateral
The pharyngeal venous plexus and the superior and middle thyroid veins drain directly into the ____, while the inferior thyroid vein drains into the ____.
IJV, brachiocephalic vein
Where is the inferior jugular bulb?
Just above the bicuspid jugular valve.
IJV + subclavian = ______
brachiocephalic v.
What is cor pulmonale?
I think its right side heart failure. Will cause an engorged EJV.
The EJV crosses ____ to empty into the ____ at the base of the _____.
SCM; subclavian v.; posterior cervical triangle
The anterior jugulars empty into ____.