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53 Cards in this Set

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The trigeminal nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves


What number is the trigeminal nerve?

it is the 5th cranial nerve


The trigeminal nerve has both sensory and motor components


What does the motor portion supply?

muscles of mastication

What does the sensory portion supply?

teeth, bone, and soft tissue of the oral cavity

Trigeminal means ___________


What are the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve?

V1- Opthalmic division (sensory)

V2- Maxillary division

V3- Mandibular division

Which division is purely sensory and the smallest of the three divisions?

Opthalmic division

What does the opthalmic division supply?



lacrimal gland

parts of the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses

skin of the forehead



What does the maxillary division supply?


maxillary sinus

soft palate


hard palate

maxillary teeth and periodontal tissues

skin of the midface, lower eyelid, side of the nose and upper lip


The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve split into branches


What are the two branches (groups) which are important to local anesthesia?

1) pterygopalatines

2) posterior superior alveolar


The naso branch of the pterygopalatines contains the naso palatine


What does the naso palatine supply?

palatal mucosa via the incisive canal and incisive foramen

located in the midline of the palate, located about 1 cm posterior to the maxillary incisiors


The palatine branch of the pterygopalatines contains the greater palatine nerve


What does the greater palatine supply?

palatal soft tissue and bone up to and including 1st premolar and some of the soft palate

enters through the greater palatine foramen, which is usually located distal to the second molar and about a mm toward the palatal midline


The posterior superior alveolar nerve (PSA) provides sensory innervation to the alveoli, periodontal ligaments and pulpal tissues of the maxillary third, second, and first molars.



It has been found that in about 28% of patients, the mesial buccal root of the first molar is not anesthetized


What injections will we be doing for board exams?

PSA and IA

(MSA) Middle superior alveolar nerve comes from what division of the trigeminal nerve?

maxillary division

What nerve provides nervous innervation to the two maxillary premolars, maybe the mesiobuccal root of the first molar, buccal soft tissue and bone in the premolar area?

the middle superior alveolar nerve (MSA)

What are the two branches of significance in dentistry that come from the maxillary division?

1) MSA

2) ASA

What nerve supplies the central, lateral, and canine, including the periodontal tissue, buccal soft tissue, bone and pulps? (unilaterally)

Anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASA)

What is the dental plexus?

nerve network of innervation of all teeth, surrounding bone and periodontal structures (maxilla and mandible)

The superior dental plexus is made up of small fibers of ______, ______, ______, and _______


What are the 3 types of nerves that emerge from the superior dental plexus?

1) dental nerves

2) interdental nerves

3) interradicular nerves

Dental nerves

enters the tooth through the apical foramen, making up the pulpal tissue

Interdental nerves

also termed perforating branches

provide sensory innervation to the periodontal ligaments via alveolar bone

Interradicular nerves

provides sensory innervation to the periodontal ligaments of adjacent roots

terminate in the PDL at the root furcations

What is the largest division of the trigeminal nerve?

the mandibular division

Mandibular division

largest and mixed branch of trigeminal nerve

mostly sensory and some motor

What are the 3 branches of the mandibular division?

1) undivided nerve

2) anterior division

3) posterior divison


All V3 injections are unilateral


Anterior division of V3 turns into...

turns into buccal or long buccal nerve or buccinator nerve

The anterior division of V3 innervates...

innervates buccal gingiva and buccal mucous membranes of cheek and of mandibular molars, NOT THE LIP

the anterior division also innervates the motor innervation of the muscles of mastication


Anesthesia of the buccal nerve is important for dental procedures requiring soft tissue manipulation on the buccal surface of the mandibular molars


The posterior division of the mandibular division divides into 3 branches. Only 2 of them are important to local anesthesia. What are they?

1) lingual nerve

2) inferior alveolar nerve

What nerve supplies the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, floor of the mouth, lingual gingiva of the teeth and supplies sensation and taste?

Lingual nerve

(part of the posterior division of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve)

Which branch is larger, the lingual nerve or the inferior alveolar nerve?

inferior alveolar nerve

Inferior alveolar nerve

enters the mandibular canal through the mandibular foramen and travels up to mental foramen where it divides into the incisive and mental nerves.


Sometimes the IA is bifid making adequate anesthesia difficult


The inferior alveolar nerve innervates...

the teeth up to the central incisors, chin, lip, tongue and buccal mucosa

Name the 2 terminal branches that the inferior alveolar nerve divides into:

1) mental nerve

2) incisive nerve

Mental nerve

at the mental foramen, it comes out of the canal and into the soft tissue

The mental nerve innervates...

buccal soft tissue and mucous membrane of the lip

the skin of the lip and chin (from mental foramen to central incisor)

Incisive nerve

at the mental foramen, it remains in the canal

The incisive nerve innervates...

pulps and surrounding bone of 1st premolar, canine, and incisors


A successful IA will numb the mental and incisive nerves as well



Infiltrations are more effective on the mandible


they are more effective on the maxilla

Canine eminence

protuberance of bone corresponding to the root

Infra orbital foramen

through which the infraorbital nerve passes

superior and distal to the canine eminence

Maxillary bone

is more porous, cancellous bone

local anesthetics can diffuse through the bone easily

this is why infiltrations work on the maxilla

Mandibular bone

dense, cortical bone

local anesthetics cannot diffuse through the bone easily