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111 Cards in this Set

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the absence of normal sensation
pain relief without producing anesthesia
a licensed physician educated and skilled in the delivery of anesthesia who also adds to the knowledge of anesthesia through research or other scholarly pursuits
a qualified RN, dentist, or physician who administers aneshtetics
tx of injury, dz, or deformity through invasive operative methods: minor (presenting little risk to life) or major (possibly involving risk to life)
nothing by mouth for at least 8 hrs, past midnight, recently 2 hrs without clear liquids
Preoperative meds
most scheduled meds are continued until the time of surgery w just enough water to swallow
exceptions: insulin, oral antihyperglycemics, NSAIDS, anticoagulants
NPO - infants and small children
4 hours or less
reduction of stress, excitement, or irritability and involves some degree of CNS depression
sedatives are administered based on:
physical condition, weight, mental state, and the procedure being performed
JC standards for monitoring of sedated clients
BP measured at frequent and regular intervals and the HR and O2 be continually monitored by pulse oximetry, continual monitor of respiration rate and pulmonary ventilation Cardiac rhythm for clients with significant cvd or predisposition to dysrhythmias is monitored with EKG
measures a client's CO2 concentration - displayed as a waveform
length of time to recover from sedation depends on:
health of the client, properties of the drugs used, other drugs the client may be taking, amount of sedative drugs administered
inability to remember things
regional anesthesia
region of the body is temporarily rendered insensible to pain by injection of local anesthetic
preop phase
begins with client's decision to have surgery
ends with txfr of client to operating table
fear of unknown is the most prevalent fear prior to surgery
nurse can most easily allay fear through client education, preoperative teaching
Diagnostic surgery
removing tissue for dx
ex: biopsy for cancers
removal of dz gallbladder, CABG, appendectomy
herniorrhaphy, knee replacement
pt has mets to colon from liver CA - fix bowel obstruction for comfort of the patient
nose, lips, breast implants
gun shot wound
GI bleed
gastric bypass
preop physiologic assessment
cognitive first
physical exam
review of the client's labs and dx studies
type and amount of screening depend on the age and condition of client, nature of surgery, and surgeon's preference
variables affecting surgical status
nutritional status
fluid and electrolyte status
respiratory status
cardiovascular status
renal and hepatic status
neurological, musculoskeletal status
integumentary status
endocrine and immuniological status
assess surgical pt list
IV - where? rate?
Surg site - dx
cap refill
surg date, time
voiding? cath? Last bm?
neuro checks 2-4hours
within 30 minutes of cut time - sent with pt for on-call to OR
psychosocial health assessment
nurse elicits client's perceptions of surgery and expected outcomes
client's coping mechanisms, knowledge level, and ability to understand
provide clients opportunity to express their spiritual values and beliefs
surgical consent
informed consent - signed by client and witnessed by another person granting permission to clien't physician to perform procedure described by physician.
Dr's responsibility
nurses obtain and witness client's sig, ensure client signs voluntarily and is alert
Preop teaching
answer questions and concerns about surgery
ascertain client's knowledge of intended surgery
ascertain need fo additional information
provide information in a manner most conducive to learning
physical preparation
Identify client.
Identify op site
prepare the skin
check vitals
dress client appropriately
verify NPO
remove dentures and bridgework
empty bladder
identify sensory deficits
give preoperative meds as ordered
instruct family and significant others where to wait
intraoperative phase
time during the surgical experience that begins when the client is transferred to operating room table and ends when client is admitted to the PACU
Surgical Team
First assistant
scrub nurse
sterile field
surgical team
anesthesia provider
circulating nurse
the absence of pathogenic microorganisms
aseptic technique is a collection of principles used to control and/or prevent the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms from sources within and outside the client
surgical hand scrub
removes soil and transient microorganisms from hands and forearms
watches, rings, and bracelets removed
fingernails must be short, clean, healthy
hands and forearms should be free of breaks in skin integrity
surgical skin prep
goal of skin prep at client's incision site is to lower the number of microorganisms on and near incision site
check allergies - iodine
cleanse in circular motion (clean to dirty)
introperative nursing care
client is to be free from infection and injury related to positioning, foreign objects, or chemical, physical, and electrical hazards
skin integrity and fluid and electrolyte balance are to be maintained
postoperative phase
the time during the surgical experience that begins with the end of the surgical procedure and lasts until client is discharged from medical care
Postop Nursing Care
recovery from anesthesia and effects of surgery- can recognize and treat anesthetic, surgical complications quickly
Post op VS
every 15 min for 1 hr
every 1/2 hr for 2 hrs
every hr for 4 hrs
ambulatory surgery
surgical care performed under general, regional, or local anesthesia involving less than 24 hrs hospitalization
sedation used to:
decrease awareness of events, relieve anxiety, control physiologic changes often accompanying anxiety, ease the induction of anesthesia
During sedation, client must remain _____ and in _____ of his own airway and breathing
conscious, control
conscious sedation
minimally depressed LOC during which the pt retains his ability to maintain a continuously patent airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal commands produced by the administration IV sedative, hypnotic, and opioid drugs
conscious sedation objectives
mood alteration
maintenance of consciousness and cooperation
elevation of pain threshold
partial amnesia
prompt safe return to adls
maintains own airway and protective reflexes
procedures utilizing conscious sedation
wound dressing changes
suturing of lacerations
fracture reduction
ballon angioplasty
LOS - Light
intact protective reflexes, normal respiratory and eye movement
lethargic amnesia may or may not be present
LOS - Deep
weak or absent protective reflexes
responds to painful stimuli
difficult to arouse
General anesthesia
unresponsive to stimuli
absent protective reflexes
conscious sedation
protective reflexes intact
able to maintain airway
permits appropriate response by client to verbal command or physical stimulation
conscious sedation meds
valium versed ativan MS demerol
equipment needed for conscious sedation
crash cart - reveral meds nearby
pulse ox
bp monitor
Malignant Hyperthermia
hypermetabolic crisis caused by excessive Ca+ released by muscles
increased ETCO2 (end tidal CO2), tachycardia, hypercapnia, muscle rigidity, EKG changes late, rhabdomyosis, dark urine
TX for MH
Naloxone - Narcan
narcotic antagonist
0.1 - 0.2 mg IV titrated at 2-3 min
Flumazenil - Romazicon
benzodiazepine antatgonist
0.2 mg over 30 sec within 1-2 min after med injected may be repeated at 1 minute intervals
airway obstruction or respiratory depression
position head appropriately, suction or insert airway, stimulate and have deep breathe, administer supplemental o2, manually ventilate with ambu bag, if vomiting pt on side on modified trendelenburg position
maintain ABCs
use reversal agents
monitor respiration
cardiac arrhythmias
brady secondary to hypoxemia, vagal stimulation
tachy second ary to pain, anxiety, hypoxemia, hypovolemia
PVCs ST hypoxemia, hypovolemia
EKG immediately
Spinal Cord - meninges - Dural Mater
dense fibrous connective tissue - outermost and toughest layer
Arachnoid mater
thin membrane, separated by subdural space
Pia mater
delicate connective tissue, clings tightly to spinal cord and brain
subarachnoid space
between pia mater and arachnoid mater - contains cerebrospinal fluid (about 150 mL)
spinal cord terminates at:
Site for intrathecal (spinal)
L3-L4 or L4-L5
medications diffuse across dura and subarachnoid space and bind to mu receptors located in the substantia gelantinosa within the spinal cord
epidural for analgesia
provides selective analgesia - reversible blockade of spinal cord opioid receptors that alter pain transmission to brain while leaving sensation, motor and sympathetic function essentially unchanged
epidural catheter - how long
48- 72 hrs
Epidural contraindications
infection at proposed puncture site
generalized systemic infection
coagulopathy/anticoagulant therapy
increased intracranial pressure
allergic reaction to narcotics
prior laminectomy
pts with high INR, PT, PTT or bleeding pathologies
nursing care for epidural
routine post-op vs then q4h
extremity movement q 4h
dressing q4h
HOB elevated 30 degrees at all times
read infusion pump q 1h x 24h then q 4h
sedation and pain level assessments
sensory/neurological assessments
epidural site
presence of complications
cath for 48 - 72 h
removed only by anesthesia
preservative free meds and sterile NS only
pulse ox continues and 4 h after d/c
no iv/im/po narcs/seds except as ordered by anesthesiologist
epidural complications
dural puncture
urinary retention
procedures below diaphragm:
total joint replacement
knee arthroscopy
beneficial for clients with cardiac or respiratory dz
clients with hx of airway problems r/t intubation or reactive airway dz
spinal contraindications
risk of developing hematomas that could compress nerve roots or spinal cord resulting in neuro deficit or permanent paralysis
uncorrected hypovolemia - severe hypotension
systemic or localized infection
increased intracranial pressure
acute neurologic dz
neurologic abnormality
spinal assessment
continuous monitoring HR, rhythm, Sa02, VS q5-15 until stable,
nipple line
xiphoid process
assess return of motor function
morot function conducted by large nerve fibers returns before other functions
as sensory functions return, detect light touch and pressure before temp pain (alcohol pad)
returns from hip to feet - higher dermatomes recovering 1st
may return to one side before the other - assess bilaterally
complications of spinal - hypotension
venous pooling
iv fluids
elevate legs
assess VS frequently
duration 1 hour after IV admin
Neo-Synephrine constricts peripheral veins and arteries increases systemic vascular resistance 15-20 min after admin
spinal - bradycardia
high spinal block
adm atropine glycoprrolate
spinal - urine retention
persistent sensory or autonomic blockade of bladder
insert urinary catheter
spinal - postdural puncture headache
leak of spinal fluid irritating dura mater
position dependent - keep head flat
increase IV and PO fluids
S/S frontal/occipital HA tinnitus, diplopia, n/v, photophobia
autologous blood patch (20 mL of pt's blood into Epidural space to serve as hemostatic plug closing the dural tear and prevent csf leakage
spinal - back pain
need placement
local tissue irritation
reflex muscle spasm
patient positioning
positioning during surg
teach may last 10-14 days
rx with analgesics
Spinal analgesia
commonly used to control postoperative pain from major surgeries
morphine or fent with spinal anesthetic
opioid hastens onset of analgesic and prolongs analgesic effects
comes into direct contact w spinal cord
effective at fraction of dose you'd give via epidural route
spinal analgesia opioid selection
type of procedure
expected length of time needed for pain control
drug's characteristics
monitor spinal recovery
respiratory depression: resp < 8 seconds - peak time for occurrence is 8-10 hours
urinary retention - assess I&O palpate bladder, insert cath prn
pruritus - treat w lotion, cool cloth, benadryl or nubain
N/V - administer antiemetics as ordered
benefits of spinal analgesia
decrease incidence of MI in OR
superior post-op pain relief
improved lower extremity blood flow
decreased intraoperative blood loss
decreased postop ileus
decreased number hospital days
decreased incidence of dvt
improved pulmonary toilet
earlier ambulation possible
general anesthesia
involves unconsciousness, complete insensibility to pain, amnesia, motionlessness, and muscle relaxation
four stages of general anesthesia
induction - going to sleep, includes inserting oral airway
maintenance - anesthesia maintained with combination of IV and inhaled drugs
emergence -drugs allowed to wear off
recovery - may take days or weeks
how is your pain affecting you?
postop complications - immediate
hypovolemic shock
vomiting (aspiration)
unstable blood pressure
airway problems
emergence delirium
electrolyte disturbances
increased pain
collapse of alveoli
causes: histamine rxn, mechanical vent
**onset - first 48 hours**
S/S - temp 102, tachy, resltess, tachypnea (24-30), diminished/absent breath sounds, dullness to percussion, crackles, decreased PaO2, cyanosis, pleural pain
prevention - turn q 30 min - 1 hr
deep breathe and cough q 1 hr
ambulate soon and often
medicate to reduce pain
force fluids
TX - incentive spirometry
sup O2
Elevate HOB
TCDB q 1-2 h
force fluids
monitor response to tx, monitor for onset of pneumonia
gastric distention
accumulation of swallowed air and gastric juices in presence of ileus r/t decreased peristalsis and intestinal manipulation - all surgical clients at risk
**onset 24-36 hours
S/S - increased circumference of abdomen, c/o fullness/gas pains, tympanic abd on percussion
Prevention - avoid air swallowing
position changes q 2h
ambulate early and often
warm fluids to stimulate (check bs)
TX - frequent turning to move air
up in chair
nasogastic tube to low suction
assess abd circumf
assess bs, passage of flatus
rectal tube
risk - general ansthesia, narcotic analgesics, presence of airways, presence of NG tube
S/S - c/o N/V
prevention - avoid stimulating gag reflex, avoid rapid movements, remove airways as soon as possible
TX - NPO, side lying position or turn head to side, change positions slowly, oral care, antiemetics, cool cloth to throat, head, narc r/t duramorph regional anesthesia
failure of peristalsis
onset 24-36 hr
TX - monitor for return of bs, offer only sips of water until return of bs, monitor for distension, monitor for passage of flatus
intestinal obstruction
onset 3rd - 5th day
paralytic ileus
S/S no bowel sounds, abdominal distension, no passage of flatus, ng drainage green to yellow 1-2 L/24 h, hiccoughs, tympany
TX - monitor for return of bs, offer only sips of water until return of bs, monitor for distension, monitor for passage flatus
onset 36-48
prevention - provide regorous tx of atelectasis, prevent aspriation, early ambulation, tcdb, no smoking
TX - tcdb q 1h, sputum C&S, frequent mouth care, administer o2, increase fluids, administer antipyretic as ordered, elevate HOB, incentive spirometry
pulmonary embolism
onset - 7th to 10th day
S/S sharp stabbing chest pain, effected by respirations, may be localized RLL,
prevention - ROM, ambulation, prevent DVT/thrombophlebitis, do not massage legs, adequate hydration, tcdb, avoid valsalva, TED hose
TX - administer O2, reduce anxiety, left side, head down, IV fluids, analgesics, prepare for fibrinolysis/anticoagulation
7th -14th day
3rd - 5th day
wound infection
5th - 7th day
if strep 24-48 hrs
7th-14th day