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19 Cards in this Set

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  1. serum iron low, TIBC high, ferritin low
  2. serum iron low, TIBC low, ferritin high/N
  3. serum iron high, TIBC low/N, ferritin high
  1. Iron deficiency anemia
  2. Anemia of chronic inflamation
  3. sideroblastic anemia

  1. Impaired DNA synthesis?
  2. Common causes?
  3. Type of anemia
  4. MCV
  1. megaloblastic anemia
  2. B12 and folate deficiency
  3. Macro/normo
  4. MCV > 110 fl

  • Macrocytic anemia with unimpaired DNA synthesis
  • MCV?
  • Causes
  • non-megaloblastic anemia
  • MCV 100-110
  • reticulocytosis, liver disease, alcoholism

  • define aplastic anemia
  • 3 types
  • pancytopenia of peripheral blood
  • idiopathic, acquired, hereditary

Aplastic anemia

  1. Fanconi anemia
  2. Diamond-blackfan syndrome

  1. autosomal recessive, leads to AML
  2. congenital pure RBC aplasia due to defective stem cell unable to commit to a precursor

What causes congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and how is it characterized?

  • Caused by changes in erythroid cell nuclear membrane and chromatin pattern.
  • characterized by bizarre multinucleated erythroblasts

What is anemia associated with marrow infiltration (myelophthisic anemia).

bone marrow infiltrated by abnormal cells or tumor that crowd out normal blood cell precursors.

What is hydremia? Cause?

a relative anemia due to increase in plasma volume. Caused by pregnancy, hyperproteinemia, massive IV or FFP infusion

  1. What is hereditary spherocytosis caused by?
  2. How to diagnose?
  1. spectrin and ankyrin defect cause RBC to lose membrane
  2. Spherocytes in PB, MCHC >36%, osmotic fragility high, DAT negative

Cause of hereditary elliptocytosis?

defect involving alpha or beta chain spectrin which affect RBC deformability

  1. Cause of hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
  2. Clinical picture

  1. Defect in alpha or beta spectrin due to mutation
  2. Mishapen, budding, fragmented cells that fragment when heated over 45 C.

Hereditary xerocytosis

Dehydrated cells that lose K due to unknown RBC permeability defect

Hereditary acanthocytosis

abetalipproteinemia, or abnormal membrane lipids

What is G6PD deficiency associated with?

Fava beans, and alternative drugs

PB with bite cells due to denatured Hgb, and Heinz bodies.

G6PD deficiency

  1. Cause defect in hexose monophosphate pathway from oxidative damage
  2. Cause defect to embden-meyerhof pathway
  1. G6PD deficiency
  2. pyruvate kinase deficiency

  • Antibody seen in cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  • clinical picture

  • anti-I
  • spherocytes, MCHC > 36 g/dL, agglutination on smear, DAT postive

IgG binds to RBC at low temperature. Hemolysis occurs when body temp increases

Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH)

Associated with Donath Landsteiner Ab (anti-P)

Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria