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29 Cards in this Set

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What are normal hemoglobin levels?
Men > 13.5 g/dL
Women > 12g/dL
Who should be screen for anemia when asymptomatic?
Pregnant women and bariatric surgery patients.
What are the three kinetic types of anemia?
What are the first tests done when working up anemia?
Reticulocyte count
What does a reticulocyte count tell you?
Normal .5-1.5%
In anemia, you expect the count to be elevated. When it's not, there could be a hypoproliferative disorder. If elevated, there could be a hemolytic or bleeding disorder.
What are the major causes of low RBC production?
Bone marrow failure (MDS, aplastic anemia, chemo)
EPO deficiency (chronic kidney disease)
Iron, B12, folate deficiency
When is EPO released? What is it regulated by?
Released from juxtatubular interstititial cells of kidneys. Stimulated by hypoxemia.
Regulated by HIF1alpha.
What are the features of chronic kidney disease anemia?
EPO deficiency
Normocytic, mild anemia (>10 g/dL)
Treat with recombinant erythropoietin
What are the tests for hemolytic anemia? What do they reflect?
CBC: Increased RDW, increased retic
LDH: lactate dehydrogenase increased with rapid cell turnover
Haptoglobin: low because bound to free globin
Indirect bilirubin: increased unconjugated bilirubin
What are intrinsic hemolytic anemias?
Qualitative- sickle cell
Quantitative- thalassemia
What is extrinsic hemolytic anemia? How is it tested for?
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Coombs test will be positive
What are the morphologic categories of anemia?
What are the major causes of microcytic anemia?
Iron deficiency
Anemia of chronic disease
What are morphologic features of iron deficient anemia?
What is tested in iron studies?
Ferritin (normal 40-200)
Iron (normal 60-150)
Iron/transferrin = transferrin saturation
What are the two mechanisms that can lead to iron deficiency?
Malabsportion (bariatric)
What are the types of alpha thalassemia? What is the severity of disease?
AAAA- normal
AAAX- silent
AAXX- alpha trait (mild anemia)
AXXX- alpha thal major (severe anemia)
What are the ethnicities associated with thalassemia?
Alpha- african and asian
Beta- mediterranean
What tests are used to determine thalassemia?
RBC count- will be discordant with Hgb
Elecrophoresis for beta
What are lab findings of anemia of chronic disease?
Normocytic or microcytic
Ferritin elevated, iron low, transferrin low
What are the major causes of macrocytosis?
B12, folate deficiency
Drugs that affect DNA synthesis
Myelodysplastic syndrome
What do folate and B12 do? What happens in deficiency?
Folate is a cofactor of thymidylate synthesis for DNA.
B12 recycles folate and is needed for SAM neurotransmitter.
Folate and B12 deficiency result in leukopenia.
B12 deficiency results in neurologic symptoms.
What are lab findings for B12 deficiency?
Megaloblastic erythropoiesis on bone marrow aspirate
Hypersegmented neutrophil
How do folate and B12 deficiencies happen?
Folate- chronic alcoholics
B12- autoimmune, alcoholic, anorexia
What drugs affect DNA synthesis, causing anemia?
Hydroxyurea (weak chemo)
Dilantin (seizure)
What is myelodysplastic syndrome?
Occurs in elderly.
Asymptomatic with macrocytic anemia.
Prognosis from months to years.
What are common causes of normocytic anemia?
Chronic disease
Chronic kidney disease and EPO deficiency
Mixed deficiencies (will have increased RDW)
What are helpful tests to order for anemia?
Micro: iron, C-reactive protein
Macro: B12, folate, LDH, haptoglobin, Coombs
Normo: erythropoietin, serum protein electrophoresis.
Reticulocyte, smear
When should anemia be consulted?
Unexplained anemia.
Transfusion dependent anemia.