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29 Cards in this Set

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Matthew: At this point in the evening, I believe it might be instructive to attempt to sort out the facts.
There's nothing to sort out, Mr. Charisma. We know what the facts are. Two, maybe three people have been murdered. The killer is most likely in this house now. Maybe in this room. No one here really likes each other so we all have motive. I don't know about you, but I really don't care who killed York and LaRue and Clayhorn's disappearing corpse, because I think we'll all be dead before we find out anyway. So right now the only thing on my mind is trying to find a way out of here and surviving. Get it?
Matthew: Got it.
Mimms: Jack I'm scared.
(Biggs exits)
Mimms: Tea?
Please black.
Heather: Still dead.
Heather, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you were the last one to see Matthew alive.
Heather: I know, and there was so much I wanted to tell him.
What I mean is, you and Matthew were alone when he... you know.
Heather: I know, I keep thinking about that dreadful moment.
Heather, you're missing the point. Some of us were wondering if you shot Matthew.
Dr. Prince runs on stage.
ALL: Dr. Prince.
(A fight breaks out between PRINCE and MILES. The other characters join in until PRINCE and MILES have been subdued.)
What are we going to do now?
Emily: Personally I feel so much safer knowing one of those two is the killer.
I'm not so sure. I can't help but feel someone is watching us.
Clayhorn: Those two aren't going anywhere.
Are you sure you tied them up well?
Mimms: Trust me.
Well, shouldn't we be thinking about getting out of here and calling the police?
Clayhorn: We'll have to wait until morning. There's nothing we can do until this blizzard let's up.
In the meantime, what do you suggest?
Mimms: Clayhorn and I are going to get something to eat.
What's wrong, Heather?
Emily: I'm not. I'm feeling sorry for myself. I've never had a man.
That's because you're a dull and uninteresting creature.
Emily: What's your secret Miss Biggs?
You mean other than being charming, sophisticated, and beautiful?
Emily: Yes
I'm assertive. Women these days need to be assertive. It's the only way you'll survive. Take action. You have the power. Feel the power.
Emily: What was that?
Biggs: Take action.
Clayhorn: Heather has just been shot with an arrow.
Mimms: At the end of the hall.
No, I mean, where was she hit. Is she dead?
Mimms: Of course she's dead; she's hanging on the wall.
Do you know what this means?
Clayhorn: Miles is gone.
That must mean Miles is the killer.
Clayhorn: With this.
Where did that come from?
Emily: It was booby trapped. What are we going to do now?
The only thing we can do. There should be two pairs of skis outside. I'm taking my chances on the mountain.
Emily: I can't ski.
Neither can I. (Exits)
Emily: Biggs, Biggs, you can't leave me like this. What am I going to do?
Take action, you dull and uninteresting creature. You have the power. Feel the power.
Emily: You're telling me.
What doesn't work?
Emily: Are we finished? Are we going to go through it again?
All: NO!
ALL: No!
Let's finish it in the morning. We'll be fresher then. We have until noon to make revisions and have a completed script to Mr. Reef, wherever he is.