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13 Cards in this Set

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Early instruments played by the
Aulos (pipe, used in worship of Dionysus), Lyre (seven strings, associated with Apollo), Kithara (Large lyre, used for processions).
Influential writings on the effects and usages in music of Greek era were...
passages from Plato's "Republic and Timaeus" and Aristotle's "Politics".
Founder of Greek music theory was...
Pythagoras (d. ca. 500 B.C.)
"Melos" , that is music as a performing arts, is defined as a blend of text, rhythm, and "harmonia" in...
Plato's "Republic"
The general concept of "Harmonia" is...
the unification of parts as an orderly whole: musical sounds and rhythm being ordered by numbers
v. be thrifty; set limits
n. a five-year stint in Hong Kong
v. He didn't stint on the special effects.
The earliest theoretical works...
Harmonic Elements and Rhythmic Elements (ca 33 BC) by Aristoxenus, pupil of Aristotle
Later Greek theoretical writers include...
Cleonides (ca. 2nd or 3rd century AD), Ptolemy, and Aristides Quintilianus
What is a tetrachord?
Four notes bound by a perfect fourth.
Three genera (classes) of tetrachord are...
defined by the second and third pitches: Diatonic (tone - semitone - tone) Chromatic (minor third - semitone - semitone) Enharmonic (major third - quartertone - semitone)
Greater Perfect System
Tetrachords put together to form a two-octave range (Tetrachords with common outer notes are conjunct, with a tone between them are disjunct)
Four tetrachord names in the Greater Perfect System
1) Meson: the tetrachord beginning with mese(middle note) and descending. 2) Diezeugmenon (disjunct): beginning a tone above mese and ascending 3.Hypaton (conjunct): the tetrachord below Meson. 4. Hyperbolaion (conjunct): the tetrachord above Diezeugmenon
The way that perfect consonances could be divided