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30 Cards in this Set

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Roman Republic
A form of government in which voters elect officials to run the state. (509 BC - 31 BC)
(Roman) Dictator
In times of emergency, senators could propose that a citizen be named dictator, or absolute ruler who had full power for up to 6 months.
2 individuals who were elected to one year terms to serve as consuls, or chief executives.
An act one consul could do that would refuse to approve the acts of the other consul. In Latin it means, "I forbid". Tribunes could do this as well.
10 officials who had some power over actions by the senate and other officials.
Powerful landowners who controlled the government.
Consisting of most of the population; mainly farmers and workers. They were often very poor.
Romulus & Remus
Brothers who supposedly founded Rome. Their names are found on ancient Roman coins.
Approximately 4500-6000 male citizens who were soldiers of Rome.
Punic Wars (264 - 146 BC)
3 wars mainly fought by the Romans against the Carthaginians. The Romans won all 3 wars and ultimately destroyed Carthage in the 3rd Punic war.
One of the greatest generals of all time. He assembled a huge Carthaginian army; nearly wiping out the Romans. He, and his army, crossed the Alps in winter. He was undefeated in Italy for 15 years. Finally, in the 2nd Punic war, Hannibal was defeated by the Roman general Scopio.
Scopio Africanus
A great Roman general who defeated Hannibal at the battle of Zama in 202 BC, during the 2nd Punic war.
He began and led an uprising of slaves in 73 BC; more than 7000 other slaves participated.
Battle of Zama (202 BC)
The Battle of Zama in which Scopio defeated Hannibal ultimately ending the 2nd Punic war.
Gracchi Bros.
Brothers who saw the need for reform. Tiberius felt sorry for the farmer-soldier, and was killed for suggesting land reforms. Gaius bought and distributed grain to poorer people at lower prices. He, and many of his followers, were killed in a riot due to the angered senators. Both were elected as tribunes, Tiberius in 133 BC, and Gaius in 123 BC and again in 122 BC.
1st Triumvirate
The 1st triumvirates were Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, and Licinius Crassus.
Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC)
He was a nephew of Marius and was becoming a popular general at the time. He was also a powerful public speaker. After his triumph in Rome, he was declared permanent dictator of Rome for life! He conquered Gaul which is now present day France. He was killed by a conspiracy group.
Cleopatra was put on the Egyptian throne by Caesar to be a Roman ally. She's also the daughter of the Ruling Ptolemy family.
2nd Triumvirate
Octavian (Caesar Augustus), Marc Antony, and Lepidus.
Octavian (Caesar Augustus) 63 BC - AD 14 & Pax Romana & The Roman Empire
Octavian was determined not to share the same fate as his grand uncle, Julius Caesar, so he simply entitled himself as the "First Citizen". He was Rome's 1st emperor. Under his rule, the Roman empire stretched all the way from Spain to Syria, and also from the Sahara to the Rhine and Danube river. Ocatavian's reign began a Roman period of peace that lasted more than 200 years known as the Pax Romana.
5 Good Emperors
Galen was a physician who, during the AD 100's, wrote several volumes of medical knowledge of his day.
A scientist and scholar from Alexandria. He developed a system of astronomy and geography.
The greatest of the Roman poets during the age of Augustus' reign. His epic poem, the Aeneid, tells the story of Aeneas, a prince of Troy.
A great Roman historian who wrote annals, a history of Rome under the Julio-Claudian emperor.
A Roman emperor who served in AD 284. An able administrator, he realized that the empire had grown too large for one person to manage, so he split the empire and decided to rule the Eastern half, and assigned a co-emperor to rule the other western half. He held the empire from the brink of ruin.
Roman emperor who was killed in the Goth's revolt - the battle at Adrianople.
Visigoth king. He, along with his army, sacked Rome in AD 410.
Nomadic peoples from Asia who survived by marauding. Their invasions set other barbarian invasions in motion.
Leader of the Huns in the mid - 400's. In AD 451, he launched an attack on Gaul, but failed. After that, he then went out to overthrow Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West.