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154 Cards in this Set

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What happened when Caesar tried to sail to Greece in pursuit of Pompey?
-He lost a lot of man power and didn't have many supplies as well
-Should not have even had a chance in winning the battle of pharsalus
-What was Pompey's general tactic in dealing with Caesar?

-Why did he abandon this tactic?
-Pompey was going to wait Caesar out considering he did not have many supplies or men
-He abandoned tactic because the senate wanted him to engage Caesar in battle
How did Caesar get involved with Cleopatra?
-He got dragged into the Ptolemy issues of who was going to rule -- asked to intervene and decide for them
-Cleopatra seduces him in order to be declared the queen of Egypt
-Caesar and Cleopatra form an alliance - personal and political
-Why and where did Cato the Younger kill himself?

-What is his postmortem reputation?
-Committed suicide at Utica
-Killed himself because he didn't want to come under Caesar's control
-Remembered as hero of the Republic
-He is a symbol of the death of the Republic
Against what enemy was Caesar planning a campaign after his return to Rome in 45BC?
-Wanted to subdue the Parthians in the East
-Wanted to recapture the standards that Crassus had lost
-Why did Caesar reform the calendar?

-Impact of this reform?
-Created the Julian calendar
-Did so because Roman year and solar year were off by about 3 months
-Much like the calendar we have today
-What changes did Caesar make to the senate?

-From what Roman provinces did senators now come?
-Increased number of senate from 600 to 900
-Did so because of different and new social backgrounds of people from Spain and Gaul
-Increased number of quaestors and praetors
-What was nomination?

-How did Caesar use it?
-Potential problems?
-Nomination means Caesar can just name someone into office -- there was no election
-Uses it in order to do an end run around election -- can use his own people in various offices
-Makes him look like a dictator
Why did Caesar limit the grain dole?
-Takes some of the pressures off of the Roman treasury by limiting how much the grain is subsidized
-Who were the Allobroges?

-What role did they play in the conspiracy?
-A Gallic tribe that played both sides
-Double-agents in the conspiracy
-What was Catiline's social background?

-Why was he particularly irritated to lose the consulship to Cicero?
-From a patrician family that was not recently distinguished
-In a lot of debt from continually losing two consular elections
-Catiline felt he was due this election and didn't think Cicero deserved it
-What were the tabulae novae?

-Who was in favor of this?
-Universal cancellation of debt
-Catiline's plan
-Why does the senate pass an SCU?

-Was Catiline its target?
-Because Cicero claims that there was an attempted assassination on his life
-Senate wanted more information
-Catiline was not its target but does believe the rumors partially
-What did Cicero do when Catiline attended the senate?

-How did Catiline respond?
-Cicero denounced Catiline in a speech
-Catiline called Cicero an immigrant
Why did Catiline leave Rome, in his own words?
-He didn't want to stir up strife
-What reason did Manlius give to defend the revolution?

-How did his agenda differ from Catiline's?
-He felt he had no choice and that he had been forced b/c laws weren't protecting debtors
-Catiline's agenda is different b/c he was more mad that he was shut out of the consulship and he was not clearly implicated in a revolution
-Who was Lentulus?

-What role did he play in the conspiracy?
-What happened to him?
-Lentulus = senator
-High-ranking official - involved in a revolution
-Arrested and executed
Why did the Allobroges betray the conspiracy?
-They realize that if they lose, they are in huge trouble
What was the significance of Caesar making himself dictator in perpetuum?
-dictator for life
-Did so in preparation for a fight in the he East against the Parthians
How does Caesar's assassination echo aspects of Romulus's death?
-Both were assassinated by senators
What Republican "value" did the assassins of Caesar claim to be upholding?
-Claimed to be upholding and defending liberty and the republic
-Where was Caesar killed?

-Stabbed on the Ides of March
-In the theater that Pompey built
-Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus
-How did Roman citizen initially react to the news of Caesar's death?

-What changed their minds?
-Initially they were happy

-Caesar's will changed their minds
What decisions did the senate reach when it met two days after Caesar's assassination?
-No action against assassins
-All of Caesar's deed ratified
What role did Marc Antony play in the days immediately after Caesar's death?
-Was consul
What happened to Cleopatra and the son fathered by Caesar?
-Went back to Egypt
-Who was Octavian?

-How was someone so young able to challenge Antony for power?
-Octavian = Caesar's grandnephew
-Heir and had support from veterans
Why did Cicero leave Rome shortly after Caesar's assassination in 44BC?
-Unhappy with Antony's efforts to position himself as Caesar's political heir
-What were the Philippics?

-What inspired their composition?
-Series of speeches against Antony
-Thought Antony would restore senatorial authority but he didn't
-Why did Antony set siege to Mutina?

-How did Octavian get official imperium to intervene?
-Antony was desperate to have
-Realizes that it is a losing battle to fight for the hearts of the Romans
-Cicero persuades the senate and consuls to support Octavian and give him imperium
What did Antony do immediately after Mutina?
He joins forces with Lepidus who controlled the Roman army
Describe the circumstances that led to Octavian becoming consul
-First he decides that he is done after Cicero and other consul are killed
-Then he insisted he be elected consul after Antony joins forces with Lepidus
-Marches on Rome when the senate refuses
-Senate obeys his command when they realize they don't have enough power
-In what way was the 2nd Triumvirate different from the 1st?

-What was the first priority for the 2nd Triumvirate?
-2nd Triumvirate was legally binding
-Priority = punishment of Caesar's assassins
-What happened to Caesar's assassins?

They committed suicide in Macedonia rather than be taken captive
What was the symbolic significance of the deaths of Brutus and Cassius?
Symbolizes the end of the Republic
What did Octavian do after the Battle of Philippi?
Returned to Italy to settle the veterans
Why did the 2nd Triumvirate use proscriptions?

-Why did Antony add Cicero to the list?
-Octavian's response?
-Had no way of paying the troops so used land confiscations and proscriptions
-Cicero added because he had directly opposed Antony in the period leading up to Mutina
-Octavian didn't object
What did Octavian do that required Antony to return to Italy from the East in 40BC?
-Octavian took over Antony's province of Gaul
-How did Octavian reaffirm his alliance with Antony?

-What Roman territories did Octavian control after Brundisium?
-Marries Octavia to Antony
-Octavian in the West
-Antony in the East
-Lepidus in Africa
-Who was Sextus Pompey?

-Why did Octavian finally confront him with military force?
-Surviving son of Pompey
-Pompey had waged pretty successful wars against Octavian in Naples and Messina
What did Lepidus do that led to his removal from the 2nd Triumvirate and exile?
Tried to seize power from Octavian after defeat of Sextus by demanding that Sextus' troops surrender to him rather than Octavian
-Why did Antony remain in the East after Philippi?
-Name two things he was doing there
-Raising money for his troops
-Looking for land to settle his veterans
-Dealing with disloyal rulers
-Parthian Campaign
-What instigated Antony's confrontation with the Parthians after Philippi?

-How did this war end?
-Parthians saw the confrontations between assassins and triumvirate as an opportunity to seize control of Roman territories in the east
-Antony wants to get the standards back from the Parthians
-How many children did Antony have with Cleopatra?
-How can we explain the fact that he also had a family with Octavia, his legal wife?
-3 with Cleopatra
-He had an affair
Why did the alliance between Antony and Octavian finally end?
What did Octavian do to try to get the upper hand?
-Triumvirate broke down
-Octavian launches propaganda war
What was the significance of Antony's donation of Roman land to his children by Cleopatra?
Wasn't his personal land, it was Rome's land
Why did Antony's declaration of Caesarion as Caesar's son and heir threaten Octavian?
Because he was the natural and blood heir to Caesar whereas Octavian was just adopted
Why did Octavian declare war against Cleopatra and Egypt rather than Antony?
Because then it wouldn't look like a civil war, it would be a foreign war
Where did Antony and Octavian finally face off in war?
-Antony and Cleopatra escaped Octavian's blockade and met up in Alexandria where they both committed suicide
Why did Cleopatra kill herself?

-How did she do it?
-So she wouldn't be captured and paraded in a triumph
-By a snake (bite of an Asp)
How does the Roman poet Horace characterize Cleopatra and her death?
Says she is brave and courageous -- like the men
What happened to the son of Caesar and Cleopatra (Ptolemy Caesar/Caesarion)?
He was executed when Octavian's forces took over Egypt
-Did so because he was a threat to his power
What happened to the children of Antony and Cleopatra?
Taken back to Rome and raised by Octavia
-Why did Augustus want to reinstitute the republican form of government after Actium?

-How did this distinguish from his adoptive father Julius Caesar?
-Octavian claims to have restored the Republic -- had a desire to rule according to law
-He gave up some of his authority back to the senate, Casesar never did (Caesar had ignored the senate)
Explain the difference between auctoritas and imperium
-Auctoritas = authority
-Imperium = power
-Imperium is given to an individual when they took command of legions
-Authority is personal authority -- given to you by others that allows you to rule over them -- not legal
What is maius imperium?
Why is it important?
-Greater Power
-Greater and more powerful than others
What motivated Augustus to call the 2nd Constitutional Settlement?
-A need to create a more formal, legal authority for Augustus' rule
-Motivated by a senatorial plot to overthrow him and serious illness
Why did Augustus refuse to hold a consulship even though he wore the insignia of the consuls?
-Realizes that the consulship doesn't have the type of power he needs to do what he wants
-What was the Pontifex Maximus?

-Why might it appeal to Augustus to hold this office?
-Chief priest
-Religious role
-He has all this authority and power and NOW he has and can take on a number of religious functions
-How did Augustus change the constituency of the senate (i.e. who its members were)?

-Did he allow open elections?
-Got rid of unworthy members
-Instituted a minimum wealth requirement
-Lessened the numbers back to 600
-Allowed open elections, but did recommend candidates
What was the primary motivation for being a senator under Augustus?
-Senate becomes the cream of the crop
-Wants it to be a privileged office again
-How did Augustus treat the equestrian class?
-Loved them
-Not threatening
-Went to them for advice
What was the primary reason for Augustus' success in consolidating his victory over Antony and remaining in power for several decades?
-Focused everyone to peace and stability
-Undertook substantial social and economic reform
-Name two ways that Augustus professionalized the Roman military
-Why was marriage not permitted?
-Made it voluntary, not a draft
-State now payed them

-Marriage not permitted b/c he didn't want to deal with complications of moving families
Why did Augustus not permit senators to command legions, as was traditional in the republic?
Can avoid a coup if anyone who could lead a coup doesn't have legions
How did Augustus manage the Parthians?

-What was the significance of getting the standards back?
-Through diplomacy rather than force
-Nobody had been able to successfully deal with them and get the standards back
Name two ways that Augustus was "present" in the provinces even when back in Rome
-Written decrees
-Public inscriptions
-How did Augustus feel about the practice of imperial cult?

-What version did he permit?
-Discouraged it
-Permitted people to worship him along with the goddess Roma
-What divinity ruled over the golden age?
-What role did Justice play?
-Primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity
-Justice lives on the Earth and is part of the people -- Age of Saturn
Name three values traditionally associated with Augustus's Golden Age
-Pax = peace
-Concordia = harmony
-Pietas = devotion to family and country
-Mos maiorum = respect for tradition
-Iustitia = justice
-Libertas = freedom, especially of peace
-Religio =respect for religion
Besides peace, what other values/ideologies does the Ara Pacis celebrate?
-Monument to Augustan peace
What episode in Augustus's life is highlighted on the breastplate of the Prima Porta Augustus?
Victory over Philippi
-What figure is at the foot of the Prima Porta Augustus?
-Significance of this figure?
-Cupid is pulling at the bottom of his toga
-Symbol of the fact that Augustus and Julio-Claudians trace their lineage back to Rome's original founders
Why did Augustus devote so many resources to building projects in Rome?
Felt Rome was a second class city and that it was as pretty
When did he begin the temple to Deified Julius?

-Why did he undertake construction
In 42BC
-Wants to make sure his fathered is deified because now he is a son of a god
What battle did the Temple to Mars Ultor commemorate?

-Where in Rome can the remains of this temple be found?
-Augustus promised this when he defeated the assassins of Caesar
-In the Forum of Augustus
What message was Augustus trying to convey when he built the Mausoleum?
-Family tomb
-Planning for a family dynasty
Who traditionally participated in urban patronage?

-How did this practice differ under Augustus?
-Elite and wealthy
-Augustus restricted people from donating buildings and kept it to almost all himself
-Who was Marcellus?

-Significance of a stone theater constructed by a member of Augusts's family?
-Augustus's son
-Built to rival theater of Pomey
Who did Augustine entrust with the task of renovation Rome's aqueduct system?
How did Roman engineers ensure that water flowed downhill over uneven landscapes when bringing it to the city from distant sources?
By constructing aquifers
Where did Augustus die?

-Where was he buried?
-What month is named after him?
-In Nola
-Cremated near Mausoleum and ashes interred
-Sextilis renamed "August"
Explain the important change that Augustus made to the system of taxation in the provinces
-Direct taxation in provinces
-Collection done by employees of Rome, not private citizens
Who gave the eulogy for Augustus?
-Who was Postumus Agrippa?

-Why was he killed shortly after Augustus's death?
-Grandson of Augustus
-Killed because could challenge Tiberius' Princeps
What evidence is there that Augustus did not originally intend to have his successor be a family member?
Initially he didn't have a son, only a daughter, so would give it to Agrippa
What family member(s) did Augustus first home would be his successor?

-why did this not happen?

-Then has him marry Julia and has kids Lucius and Gaius -- they can succeed him
-Why was Tiberius originally not a top choice for successor of Augustus?

-How did Augustus mark Tiberius as his intended successor?
-Because he retires from Rome
-Marries Julia
-Lucius, Gaius, and Drusus died
Why was Tiberius less popular than Augustus with the Roman people?
-Didn't spend a lot of time in Rome
-Didn't spend a lot of money on making Rome better
What did Tiberius do that established the praetorian guard as a permanent influence in Roman politics?
-Created a permanent place to live
-24 hour palace guard
Describe two ways that Tiberius differed from Augustus in his rule of Rome
-Lacked ambition and vision
-Left Roman treasury in good shape
-Treason trials
Why is Tiberius remembered so badly by ancient historians?

-Evidence that he wasn't so bad?
-Remembered badly because of treason trials
-Remembered as paranoid sociopath
-Did leave Roman treasury in good shape
-Consolidated Rome's holdings
-How did Caligula establish himself as Tiberius's successor?

-What was the response of the Roman people?
-Established as Tiberius's heir in his will
-Initially they loved him
How did Caligula initially make peace with the senate?

-What led that relationship to disintegrate?
-How did the senate exact revenge?
-Restored senatorial authority
-Relationship disintegrated when he pandered to people and dressed as various gods in public
-Senate got revenge when praetorian guard assassinated him
-What result did the senatorial assassins of Caligula hope for

-How did Claudius undermine their plans?
-Hoped to restore the Republic and dominate role of senate
-Claudius named princeps by praetorian guard and weakened their power and alienated the senate
What evidence was trying to mend bridges with the senate during his reign?
Frequently consulted thema and revived office of censor
-Who made up the majority of Claudius's close supervisors in the imperial palace?

-Had talent
-Claudius is not going to ignore the talent of someone
Name one public works project that Claudius undertook for the benefit of the city of Rome
-Regularized grain supply in winter
-Construction of new aqueduct and port
-Why did Claudius divorce Messaline?

-Why did he marry Agrippina?
-What was odd about his marriage to Agrippina?
-Because Messaline had an affair with a senator
-Married Agrippina because it strengthened his position
-Agrippina is his niece
-Why did Claudius make Nero his heir instead of his natural son Britannicus?
-Why might Nero have wanted Britannicus dead after he became Princeps?
-Britannicus was too young
-Because Britannicus was a threat to his Princeps
Who was Seneca?

-What role did he play in Nero's youth and the first years of his principate?
Seneca wrote about the cover up of Agrippina
-Seneca wants her dead
-How did Claudius die?

-In what ways does Seneca mock Claudius postmortem?
-From poisonous mushrooms
-Pumpkinification -- satire -- parody of the traditional thing to do after an emperor's death
-What was Agrippina's relationship to Nero?

-How did she die?
-Why might Nero have wanted her dead?
-Nero had the praetorian guard kill her
-Nero realizes she is a threat
-What did Nero do in the immediate aftermath of the fire of 64?

-In what ways does this representation in the writings of ancient historians?
-Accused of taking land for construction of new imperial palace
-What was the Pisonian conspiracy?

-Why did it fail?
-Plot led by senators to overthrow Nero
-Failed b/c no real organization
-Who was Poppaea?

-How did she die?
-Nero's reaction to her death?
-Nero's adulteress
-Nero attacked her
-Nero has an elaborate funeral
Why might Roman Gauls have been eager to overthrow Nero?
High taxes because of costly rebuilding efforts from the fire
What charges did Vindex make against Nero regarding Agrippina?
Saying he slept with his mother and killed her
-What role did Verginius Rufus play in the death of Vindex

-Why did Rufus refuse to accept his troops' acclamation of him as emperor?
-Vindex committed suicide because he didn't want Rufus to take him back and parade him in a triumph
-Name one option that Nero considered in response to Vindex's revolt?

-What did eventually decide to do?
-How did he expect things to turn out?
-Considered killing all senators, burning Rome, fleeing to Alexandria
-Decided to march on Gaul
-Expected to cry and then that the enemy would surrender
-What did the senate do after Vindex's revolt?

-How did Nero respond?
-They declared Nero an enemy of the state
-Nero tried to escape and eventually committed suicide very reluctantly
-How did the people in the city of Rome react initially to Nero's death, according to what ancient historians said?

-What evidence contradicts this claim?
-Initially people celebrated the end of tyranny

-Many people continued to be loyal, especially in the Greek East
-What is a false Nero?

-Where did these appear?
-False Nero = people who appeared in the East that claimed to be Nero and said that he didn't die
-How did Otho become emperor?

-How did he position himself vis-a-vis Nero?
-Otho overthrew Galba with aid of praetorian guards
-He encouraged identification with Nero and completed construction on Domus Aurea
-Called himself Nero Otho
Why might Romans have been eager to accept Vespasian as their new emperor?
-Because there was a lack of stability and unity in Rome at the time
-Looming threat of civil war
-What did lex de imperio Vespasiani do?

-What was the significance of this law?
-Specified powers and rights of the emperor
-Shift from personal to legal authority
-Powers of emperor limited now, b/c rules specifically written down
-What title did Vespasian adopt?

-How did this distinguish him from the Julio-Claudian emperors?
-Adopted the title Imperator rather than Princeps
-Julio-Claudians were Princeps
Describe one way that Vespasian distanced himself from the memory of Nero?

-Why might he have done this?
-One way he distanced himself is by not being subtle about putting in place his sons as his heir
-Did so b/c he wanted to justify the rise of a new family dynasty
-Who destroyed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 70AD?

-Significance of this event?
-This was the end of the Jewish Temple -- never rebuilt after this
-Becomes a remembrance for the Jews
-Can no longer make sacrifices
-What happened at Masada in 73AD according to Josephus?

-Historical evidence for this?
-Pockets of resistance remained here
-Refused to come out and taunted Titus
-They set everything on fire and committed mass suicide
-There is no historical evidence for this
-Where did Vespasian station army recruits?

-Outside of their homeland
-Did so b/c thought it would help deal with local revolts
Name one natural disaster that confronted Titus during his reign
-Great Fire
In what ways did Domitian distinguish himself before becoming emperor?
-Not a successful military man
-Hadn't held the same type of offices that Titus had
Describe two ways Domitian positioned himself as the heir of Augustus, as ushering in a new Golden Age for Rome
-Extensive building program
-Revalued Roman coinage
-Strengthened border defenses
-What was the significance of the site of the Flavian Amphitheater?

-What function did the amphitheater have?
-Convenient for everyone
-Meant for entertainment
Why did Domitian erect a temple to his father and brother?
-To show his respect for tradition and family
-Devotion to father
-Show family loyalty
-Celebrate the Flavians
What victory did the Triumphal Arch of Titus commemorate?
Celebrated Titus' exploits around the Roman empire and in Judaea
What was Domitian's relationship with the Roman senate?
-alienated them
-What part of the Roman people remained loyal to the memory of Domitian after his death?

-Roman people liked him
-Not the senate
What was the alimenta?
Child support system put in place by Nerva
-Why did Nerva adopt Trajan?

-Significance of this for imperial succession?
-He was a soldier from Spain who rose to prominence under Domitian
-Not from Rome, From Spain
What role did the aqueduct play for the disposal for human waste?
-Provided hygenic water and would carry away the waste water
-When was the Cloaca Maxima constructed?

-What was its original purpose?
-To drain low-lying swamps
-What was a cesspit?

-Why was this mode of waste disposal less preferable in Rome?
-Hole in ground to pee or poop in
-During floods, the nastiness would rise
What advantage was there to the circular construction in a latrine?
-Less of a chance of waste getting stuck
Who cleaned the sewers?

-Describe some dangers of this job
-Slaves, POW, Convicts
-Could slip in the sewers and drown, get bit by snakes or rats
-Poisonous gas
Name two way that Romans warded off toilet demons
Used magical statements and symbols in the toilet area
What term did Trajan use on his coinage to define himself?
Optimus Princeps
-How did Trajan distinguish himself from Domitian?

-From Vespasian?
-Had good relations with the senate and rejected Domitian's dominus et dues
-Returned to the ideal of Princeps
-What was the "beneficial ideology"?

-Was Trajan the first to claim to practice this?
-Emperor as a loving parent who provides for his "children"
What use did the Markets of Trajan have in Rome?
Ancient version of a massive shopping mall
What victory does Trajan's Column commemorate?
Victory over the Dacian's
-Story told in the panels that wind up the column
-What was a curator ("caretaker")?

-What role did they play in provincial management?
-They managed problems in provinces and report back to Trajan
What advice did Trajan give Pliny concerning the Christians in Bithynia?
-Told him not to get involved and to let them manage their own issues
-What wish did the senate give to all new emperors after Trajan?

-In general, what is Trajan's posthumous reputation?
Luckier/happier than Augustus and better than Trajan
What principle guided Hadrian in establishing a line of succession?
-All men had ties to Southern Gaul and Spain
-Regional dynasty
Compare the policies of Trajan and Hadrian on the issue of Roman expansion
-Hadrian focused on consolidation
-Trajan focused on expansion
-Why did the Jews revolt during Hadrian's reign?

-Hadrian's response?
-Name on consequence of the revolt's suppression for Jews
-Hadrian established a veteran colony there and prohibited circumcision
-Devastated Jewish population and took a serious toll on Jerusalem
-Judaea renamed Syria Palestina and Jews prohibited from entering Jerusalem
-Why did Hadrian construct a mausoleum?

-What earlier roman emperor constructed a mausoleum?
-Not a family burial site, but rather a site for members of his adopted family
-Augustus build a mausoleum
How did Hadrian die?
Natural causes after attempting suicide many times
-What sort of interest did Marcus Aurelius have in philosophy?

-How did he engage with philosophy while on campaign?
-He was a philosopher and wrote"Meditations" while on military campaign
-He corresponded with his tutor, Fronto
-What attitude did Marcus Aurelius have about being emperor?

-What talents did he bring to the office?
-He was reluctant to be emperor
-Good at delegating
-Who was Faustina?
-What was her claim to fame?
-His wife and 1st cousin
-She was daughter of Antoninus Pius
-She was FERTILE -- had 13 children but 5 survived
-Who succeeded Marcus Aurelius as emperor?

-How did this succession alter the principle of succession that had operated since Trajan?
-His son, Commodus
-He ended the line of "adopted" emperors