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121 Cards in this Set

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'Going up'
Work by Xenophon about the march into persia
'Education of Cyrus'
Work by Xenophon about the political history of the Persian Empire
work by Xenophon about his experience and acquaintance with socrates
'legal defense'
work by Xenophon in defence of socrates in front of the ecclesia
'Writing on the Greeks'
Work by Xenophon, picks up where Thucydides left off at the during the Peleponnesian war in 411BCE
Crisis of the 4th century or Calamity of the 4th century
After Peloponnesian war Sparta became a power player but didn’t know what to do with an empire. Hegemony passed from Sparta to Thebes
Spartan General who established the 30 tyrants in Athens
A persian prince, who was Killed by his brother Artaxerxes II at the battle of Cunaxa. Allied with Lysander, a spartan general
Artaxerxes II
Prince of Persia, stole the throne from his brother Kyros and killed him at the battle of Cunaxa. 401BCE
The field where the Greeks led by Kyros (Persian) fought the Persians, led by Anaxerxes II. Greeks won, but Kyros was killed. 401BCE
Persian solider fighting on the side of Sparta, who led the Spartan/persian army out of persia after Kyros was killed. Was disposed when he tried to murder some Greeks to appease Artxerxes
Xenophon's path out of persia
Cunaxa>Tiberius>Black seas (rest of 1m)>Byzantion
Greek port Xenophon led the Spartan/persians to after the battle of Cunaxa
Spartan King, after the battle at Cunaxa is 401BCE
King's Peace
A paid truce between Sparta and Persia. Arranged by Agesilause and Tissaphernes?
Theban commander, fought against the Spartans at Leuktra and defeated them - took Sparta's territory and freed the helots
Arcadian League
Formed in 370BCE by Arcadia, Megalopolis, Thebes. Led by Epaminondas
Battle of Mantineia
Arcadian League led by Epaminondas vs. Sparta, Athens, Mantineia and Elea. Epaminondas was killed by Agisiluas using Leuktra tactics.
What marked the end of the Theban Hegemony?
The death of Epaminondas
Pupil of Socrates, started writing where Thucydides left off. was exiled from Athens and served in a military expedition to Persia, under Agesilaus. Wrote several works: Anabasis, Hellenika, Kyropaideia, Memorabilia, Apologia, Oikonomikos
'Economy of the household' - Work by Xenophon
reported a dialogue from socrates on household and property
household managment from a 4th CBCE Athenian mindset
Where did the Presocratic and plutonic philosophy originate?
Ionia - had a lot of influence from Anatolia, Egypt and near east
'the first principal' or 'beginning'
The concern of early philosophy
'nature' the core of being in philosophy
'Void' or 'expanse of nothingness'
The first god according to Hesiod in the Theogony 8th CBCE
the 2nd god according to Hesiod in the Theogony 8th CBCE
Sexual Impulse
Created with Gaia
Son of Gaia, who also mates with her. they produce the Titans
Tripartite division of existence
Poseidon,, Zeus and Hades divide up the realms of existence into 3 sphere: Zeus gets the earth and sky; Poseidon the sea; Hades the underworld
Early philosopher from Miletos 625BCE
Predicted the solar eclipse of 585BCE
Arche: Tapanta Hydo all things are of water
Tapanta Hydor
'all thing are of water'. Said by Thales. Thought the arche was water
Miletian school
School of thought started by Thales
Early Philosopher. Introduced the gnomon to the Greeks. Thought there was 4 elements: water, earth, air and fire where all in constant opposition with another
Arche: Aperiron
'gateless' or 'infinite'
Anaximanders suggestion for the arche
Early philosopher, student of Anaximander.
Arche: Aer; associated with the psyche
'air' the arche for Anaximenes. often equated with the psyche as being the thing that animates us
'in-souled' having a soul and therefore being alive
From Samos. Taught that the entire world was explicable through numbers. founded Pythagorean school. believed in Metemphyschosis. Undertook an epidemia to egypt and ended up in Croton, Italy.
'Process of soul changing' or reincarnation. Believed and taught by Pythagoras. thought the soul persisted after death and inhabited other bodies
'going about' Taken by Solon after his reforms and by Pythagoras - Egypt: astronomy and mathematics
'those who practice learning' the closest followers of Pythagoras who lived permanently at the school
Had no possession, strict vegetarians, can't eat beans
Full equality
'the hearers' less devoted followers of Pythagoras. could live at home and have possessions and eat meat
Pythagoras' Arche
Holos Cosmos Arismos
'the whole cosmos is number'
believed by pythagoras
The best number according to Pythagoras
10 - the tetractys
A triangle made of dots - has 4 rows: 4, 3, 2, 1. Sacred in Pythagorean school
Philosopher from Ionia 6th CBCE
everything is constantly changing, opposite things are also identical and everything is and not at the same time
Arche: constant state of flux
Ponta Rei
'Everything flows' Herakleitos
Philosopher, wrote in opposition to Herakleitos. wrote the Peri Physeos
Arche: being/ To On
To On
'what is' or 'being' described by Parmenides
Peri Physeos
'about nature' a poem by Parmenides
Gnorhi Seauton
'know yourself' - Socrates
Year Socrates was executed
Friend of Socrates who went to the Delphic Oracle and asked: is anyone wiser than Socrates? A: No
'cross examination' done by socrates. A person makes an assertion and Socrates asks questions. creates a dialectic
the idea that truth needs to be arrived at by modifying and narrowing things down; a 'dialogue'
According to Socrates is the truth knowable?
No, but we can come close
Accused Socrates of corrupting the youth and asebeia
Contemporaries of Socrates
Plato, Xenophon, Artistophanes
The intellectual fool
Aristophanes portrayal of Socrates in The Clouds
'unholiness' or 'lack of piety'
Committing an offense against the gods. One of Socrates charges by Anytos
Student of Socrates, founded The Academy and carried on the philosophy of Socrates
Travelled to Egypt and Italy (Pythagoras)
3 type of Platonic dialogues
Early, Middle, Late
Theory of Forms
Plato's idea that there is a form behind all things. From are perfect, eternal and invisible - only imperfect copies are present in our reality
'prison' from 'soma'
when a soul is incarnated in a body it brings the knowledge of all the forms
'half barbarian' the people that surrounded Macedonia.
In the Macedonian Monarchy system the friends of the king, were dependent on him for power
Phillip II
King of Macedon, was held hostage by Epaminondas in Thebes where he learnt Greek Culture. Slowly expanded south into Greece
1st City in Greece that Phillip II conquered. regarded as a colonial connection to Athens, but Athens did do anything
Son of Alexander II, murdered by Phillip II so he could get the throne
A city conquered by Philip II. first real greek city - married Olypias and had a son Alexander III
Athenian public speaker who realized how ambitious/dangerous Philip II was, but no body listened
The Philippics
'evictives against philip' speeches given by Demosthenese
'speech writer' for court cases. Hired by people who can write/read/speak. How Demosthenese started out
Jason of Pherai
Demosthenes 2nd candidate for a leader to unite Greece - but wasn't Greek enough
338BCE war between Philip II vs. Greeks - Philip won. Proceeded to destroy Thebes and Sparta, but spared Athens
League of Corinth
After war at Chaironeia established by Philip II
Pan Hellenic Expedition
A vengeance attack on Persian for wars against greece, led by Philip II. Got assassinated before he could leave
Where Alexander III expedition started in 334BCE
Anabasis Alexanderon
Written by Arrian in 2nd CBCE. Claimed Alexander III was drived by 'pothos' pathological desire
Battle of Granokos
1st Battle of Alex III, against a local Satrap. Won
Ancient capital of Phrygia. Visited on a detour by Alex III where he cut the Gordian knot
'loosen' or 'untie'
Battle of Issoss
Alex III vs. Persian
Fought across a river. Ended when Alex III charged at Darius IV
Island city off the coast of Lebanon. Starved them out to form an alliance. built a land bridge
Siwa Oasis
In Egypt where Alex III and his troops went. Alex III was granted Isotheoi temai
Gaugumela, Iraq
Where Alex III fought Darius IV for the 2nd time - ran away again. Chased him for 3 days.
Satrap of Bactria who killed Darius IV so Alex III wouldn't destroy the town
Indian King who fought against Alex III - had war elephants. Alex III killed his sons before he surrendered.
Alex III Persian wife.
Childhood friend of Alex III
What did Alexander III die of?
'Greek-like world'
'inhabited' - inhabited the greek world
with respect to greek language?
'close' - with respect to mystery cults where the eyes are closed until you join the cult
Pathei to mathos
'through suffering learning'
Part of mystery cults where a god suffers, dies and is reborn and you could do the same
3 schools of Philosophy after Alex III
1. Epicureanism
2. Stoicism
3. Cynicism
School of Philosophy. Eat, drink and be merry, but not too much. withdraw from public life. Believe in gods, but they aren't concerned with humans
School of thought. Want to attain ataraxia
'stress-less'. center of the Hedonist school of thought
School of thought in Hellenistic Greece. Accept things the way they are because there is a divine plan (logos).
School of thought in Hellenistic greece. founded by Diogenes. Thought suffering was because of nomos or anything that imposed against physis
Founder of Cynicism. Lived like a dog would live (with nature).
5 Major Hellenistic Zones/Kingdoms after Alex III death
1. Antigonids
2. Ptolemaic
3. Seleucid
4. Attalid
5. Bactria
Ptolemiac political structure of Egypt
King> elite priestly class > Loai
Ptolemaic Kingdom
Egypt and North Africa. Ruled through Alexandria. All rulers were either 'Ptolemy' or 'Cleopatra'. strict caste system
Syria --> Iran/Iraq. Ruled by Seleucus through Polyvent king system (Persian system). Very little immigration/emigration
Pergamon. Rose from a single garrison. Ended up being ruled by Eumenes - legitimized rule through money
General who go Attalid (Pergamon). Entrusted Pergamon to Philetarios before dying in battle with Thrace
Got Pergamon (and treasury) after Lysimachos died. Left everything to his nephew Eumenes
King of Pergamon. Defended it against the Attalids and used Euergesia to legitimize rule. Gave 'gift' to other polis and used mercenary troops
'good deed doing' practiced by Euemens to legitimize his rule as King of Pergamon
Empire ruled by Stanisor (Greek). Had nothing to do with Hellenistic world, but still 'hellenistic'.
Statue of Marsyas
A satyr statue in Bactria. Follower of Dionysus, dedicated to local river go Oxos. The dedication was being made by a Persian, Atrosokes.
Local river god in Bactria to whom the Greek statue Marsyas was being dedicated by Atrosokes
'Keeper of the sacred fire' A persian priest who dedicated a satyr to the river god Oxos
Greek ambassador who made dedications to vishnu in Bactria (or India) in Persian manner
Indian King of Maurian Empire who sent Buddhist missionaries to Seleucids, Ptolemies and Bactria (?).