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50 Cards in this Set

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Where is China located (relative location)?
China is located in Asia
Southeast of Europe
West of Pacific Ocean
East of U.S.
What mountain range separates India from China?
What desert is in the North-Central part of China?
Gobi Desert
What 2 rivers have shaped China's history?
Chang Jiang-Yangtze River
Huang He-Yellow River
Why are the farmers able to grow crops on the banks of the Huang He or Yellow River?
Fertile Soil/Loess
The Chang Jiang or Yangtze River provides more than just fertile soil (loess). How else did this river help the people of China?
Provided trade, transportation, and travel
What 4 natural barriers can be found in China?
Gobi Desert
Pacific Ocean
Tibetan Plateau
What barrier made it possible for China to develop a unique culture and civilization?
Gobi Desert
Pacific Ocean
What was one negative effect of the rivers?
Flooding caused many deaths
What plateau can be found in the Western part of China?
Tibetan Plateau
What ocean is located East of China?
Pacific Ocean
What is a warlord?
A military leader who has his own army and helps the king control territories
What is an aristocrat?
Upper class; royal officials; gained wealth from land
What is an ancestor?
Long-dead family members that people respected and made offerings to. Believed ancestors could bring good luck.
What is a pictograph?
Characters that represent objects
What is and ideograph?
Link pictographs to express ideas
What is bureaucracy?
Zhou Dynasty; selected official that do different government jobs
What does hereditary mean?
Passed down in a family, usually land from father to son
Explain the Mandate of Heaven.
Kings believed that the gods gave them the right to rule China as long as they followed Dao (way), it was kings duty to honor and please the gods
What does Dao mean?
Dao is a system of beliefs that describes the way a king must rule
Explain Confucianism.
Confucianism is the teachings of Confucius that believed that everyone had a duty; after Confucius died, Confucianism spread across China
Explain Daoism.
Teachings of Laozi; aimed to create a peaceful society; Laozi and followers believed that Daoism was the way or path to a better life; Dao means the "Way"; many Chinese followed Confucianism and Daoism
What is legalism?
Hanfeizi believed all humans were evil and the only way to get them to do what they needed to do was by strict laws and harsh punishments, even small crimes ended in very harsh punishments; people did not like legalism
What does social class mean?
Group of people in a society with the same economic and social position; 4 social classes in China: Aristocrats, Farmers, Artisans and Merchants
What is filial piety?
Children's duty to respect, obey and take care of their parents; family is the building block of society
Who is a censor?
A person who makes sure government officials are doing their job
What is currency?
Part of Qin's efforts to unify China; everyone had to use the same currency or money
What is civil service?
Government jobs given based on test scores
What is a tenant farmer?
Poor farmer that works on someone else's land
What is acupuncture?
Practice of inserting thin needles into certain points on the body to relieve pain
Where did China's first civilization develop?
Huang He Valley
How long did the Shang and Zhou dynasties rule in China?
1750 B.C. to 221 B.C.; or 1,529 years
What do you think would happen if the king did not rule by Dao?
The gods would bring bad fortune
Which of the social classes had the most people, which had the least?
The farmers had the most people and the aristocrats had the least people
How was family viewed in China?
Family was the building block of society
Why did the 3 philosophies (religions; Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism) develop in China?
From a need of order
Which philosophy does not look at the needs of people?
How was the Qin Dynasty different from the Han Dynasty?
Qin used Legalism
Han was unified by inventing
What was life like after the Han dynasty ended?
China went 300 years without a central government, warlords fought over territory and people turned to Buddhism for peace and comfort
What dynasty reunited China? List some of their accomplishments.
The Sui dynasty reunited China and brought back law and order, built Grand Canal, and helped China's economy grow
Describe the Tang Dynasty.
Brought back civil service exams, gave land to farmers, brought order to countryside, and made China's military stronger
Describe the lives of the Mongols.
Nomads; lived in clans; raised animals; fierce warriors
Compare Genghis Khan and his grandson, Kublai Khan.
Genghis Khan-United Mongols into a strong group
Kublai Khan-Expanded Mongol rule to China
How did the Ming dynasty get established?
Weak leaders after Kublai Khan's death
People Revolted
China drove Mongols away
Rebel Leader reunited China
Describe the Ming dynasty.
Canals and farms rebuilt
New forests planted
New roads built
Farming grew
Silk industry supported
Art and culture grew
Forbidden City built
What is a census?
A counting of people of people in a place
What allowed Chinese culture to advance?
Ming rulers strengthened China's government and brought back peace
Notes on China's geography
provided rich soil for Chinese farmers
caused many deaths by flooding
used as waterways for trade and transportation
formed a barrier around the country, making it difficult for invaders to enter
made it possible for China to develop a unique culture and civilization
Created a barrier around the country, the mountains did
Notes on Early China
Shang and Zhou dynasties ruled from 1750 B.C. to 221 B.C.
Confucianism was based on the belief that people should put the needs of their family and community first
Daoism was based on the belief that people should give up worldly desires in favor of nature and the Dao, the force that guides all things
Legalism was based on the belief that society needed a system of harsh laws and strict punishment
Qin accomplishments:
strong central government
single form of currency
construction of roads and canal
Han accomplishments:
inventions of the waterwheel, paper, acupuncture, and the rudder
Notes on China in the Middle Ages
Sui accomplishments:
brought back law and order
built Grand Canal
helped China's economy grow
reunited China
Yang Di-emperor
peasant rebellions caused by envy of emperor
Tang accomplishments:
brought back civil service exams
gave land to farmers
brought order to countryside
made military stronger
Ming accomplishments:
canals and farms rebuilt
new forests planted
new roads built
farming grew
silk industry supported
arts and culture grew
Forbidden City built
giant armada
Zheng He commanded armada
Zheng He died suddenly in India
Great Wall was reinforced