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77 Cards in this Set

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Allopurinol and colchicine each is used when?
allopurinol - maintenance to keep uric acid low
colchicine - acute gout attack
Dysdiadochokinesia refers to:
Neuro triad of symptoms with gait, memory, and speech - common in MS.
How do antioxidants help MS?
- MS is believed to be destruction of myelin sheaths via oxidation by oxygen-free radicals. Antioxidants (i.e. cranberries) may benefit.
Someone with post-polio symptoms, wearing leg brace, why do you have them keep their affected from the exposure to cold or chilling?
- Cold temperatures can cause loss of muscle strength in the affected group muscle (“cold limb”)
How do you tell a migraine from a tension HA?
- Sleep pattern disturbances (too little or too little). Alcohol, lighting, noxious stimuli, stress can all trigger both HAs.
ALP is found mostly where?
Liver (mainly), then bones
ALP high, GGT high
liver problem
ALP high, GGT normal
bone disease (Paget's disease)
AST high, GGT high
liver problem (alcohol abuse)
What chemical in the CNS change during a migraine?
- Serotonin levels decrease
What are the differences of symptoms that show in a TIA of ANTERIOR cerebral circulation vs. POSTERIOR?
- Anterior: behavior and cognition disorders
- Posterior: b/l vision disturbance with diplopia, dysarthria, motor/sensory b/l
In a pt who has sustained a closed head injury, lethargic, follow commands slowly, what abnormal VS will alert you?
- Increase in BP, decrease HR  increasing cerebral edema and ICP
Child with purpuric rash with centrifugal distribution (with well-demarcated borders) and fever.
- Meningococcemia; due to impairment of protein C anticoagulation pathway
Tx for myasthenia gravis:
- Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) (Ach-ase inhibitor)
Horner’s syndrome:
- Horney PAMELa = Ptosis, Anhidrosis, Miosis, Enophthalmos, Loss of ciliospinal reflex)
- Due to lesion or compression of one side of the cervical or thoracic sympathetic chain which generates symptoms on the ipsilateral (same side as lesion) side of the body.
- Congenital, tumor, iatrogenic (meds)
Where is AST and ALT found?
AST = S for skeletal, myocardium, brain, kidneys (major organs)

ALT = L for liver
What is the circulatory 1/2 life of AST and ALT? What is important about this?
AST = 12-24 hrs
ALT = 37-57 (longer)

ALT can detect hepatic damage even after damage has ceased.
However, remember AST > ALT indicates alcohol, statin, and tylenol use. And ALT > AST indicates infectious hepatitis.
urine has conjugated or unconjugated bilirubin?
what medication for gout oversecretors? undersecretors?
- oversecretors: allopurinol
- undersecretors (90%): probenecid
Homonymous hemianopia:
- Loss of vision in both eyes in either the R or L half of the visual field; due to CVA
Where is the best place to evaluate skin turgor in adult?
- Just below the clavicle or abdomen
What skin disorder is sometimes associated with arthritis but may not be directed associated?
- Psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis)
Difference between nummular eczema and dyshidrotic eczema?
- Nummular: coin-liked plaques, discoid, chronic pruritic, papules and vesicles on erythematous base
- Dyshidrotic: no evidence of sweating, bullous form called pompholyx, d/t emotional stress
Maculopapular skin lesion on back, warty, scaly, greasy, light tan.
- Seborrheic keratosis (raised, tan-brown)
What is medical mgmt of a brown recluse spider bite?
- Ice pack for inflammation, elevate area; also associated with black eschar of sloughing tissue
Severe reaction to black widow spider bite:
- Abd rigidity, nausea, HA, bronchospasm, HTN, seizures, AMS
What is a major side effect of sulfa drugs?
- Erythema multiforme – high fever, weakness, blisters, bulla, ulcerations of mucous membranes
When can kid with Fifth’s Disease (Erythema infectiosum) go back to school?
- Communicable before rash erupts, so may go back to school when rash appears
Where does roseola and rubella start?
- Roseola starts on trunk after fever; spreads to extremities; supportive care
- Rubella starts on face and goes down trunk, while facial rashes disappear; clears in 3-5 days
How do BBs exacerbate psoriasis?
- Decreases cAMP-dependent protein kinase (inhibitor of cell proliferation)
Do not give what med in true postherpetic neuralgia?
- Antiviral (acyclovir or valcyclovir); bc won’t work anymore (must give during early symptoms of tingling pain)
Tx of rosacea:
- Low-dose tetracycline or topical metronidazole
Lidocaine with Epi 1-2% as local anesthesia maximum dose allowed is:
- 7mg/kg
Motor function of L4
foot dorsiflexion
knee jerk reflex
Motor function of L5
great toe dorsiflexion
Motor function of S1
foot eversion
1. What drugs can cause hyperglycemia?

2. What drugs can precipitate gout attack?

3. What drugs can cause acute pancreatitis?
- corticosteroids, niacin, thiazide diuretics

- niacin, thiazide diuretics, ASA, cyclosporine

- corticosteroids, thiazides (causes increase of Ca2+), alcohol
Lab that tests for autoimmune thyroid disease.
TPOAb (thyroid peroxidase antibody)
Sulfonylurea mechanism of action.
insulin secretagogues (they stimulate pancrease to release more insulin); long-acting.
Meglitinides mech of action.
same like sulfonylureas, but SHORT-acting (works in 20 minutes).
Metformin mech of action.
Inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis; ↑ peripheral sensitivity
to insulin.
Why is weight loss seen in Metformin?
- decreases intestinal absorption of glucose.
Thiazolidinediones mech of action.
↑ insulin sensitivity
Caution what when giving sulfonylureas?
- make sure pt has functioning beta cells.

- make sure pt does not have sulfa allergy.
Caution what when giving Metformin?
- impaired renal function
Caution what when giving Thiazolidinediones?
- must monitor for hepatic toxicity (ALTs)
Januvia must be used in combo with?
- Metformin or a TZD.
Acute weight loss --> think 6 reasons:
DM type 1
Dawn phenomenon
insulin wears DOWN by DAWN

solution: move PM dose of insulin closer to bedtime.
Somogyi effect
Pt is hypoglycemic in middle of night and REBOUNDS to hyperglycemia in morning.

solution: eliminate or reduce PM insulin.
How do corticosteroids cause hyperglycemia?
Steroids prevent the uptake of glucose in cells.
How do steroids cause HTN?
steroids cause vasoconstriction.
pt taking ethambutol for TB. Monitor what?
- visual acuity, green-red preception (optic neuritis)
prophylactic migraine treatment
BB (propranolol?)
CCB (Verapamil)
TCAs (amitriptyline)
Most common pathogen in Acute Bronchitis?
A BOGGY and tender prostate gland is consistent with __? Treatment for man >35yo? <35yo?
acute bacterial prostatitis.

Tx with bactrim or cipro x 14 days if >35yo

Tx with ceftriaxone 250mg IM + doxy if <35yo
What are 3 causes of secondary hypertriglycemia?
- excessive alcohol use
- uncontrolled DM
- untreated or undertreated hyperthryoidism
delaying; tending to delay, slow to act : he had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor.
What can you Rx to PREVENT duodenal ulcers?
does serum albumin increase or decrease in elderly?
- decrease
The general principle of how drug absorption is altered in the eldery is:
rate of absorption
How does age affect ACE-I?
less effective in elderly because they have reduced renal elimination.
T or F: majority of ectopics resolve unpredictably without intervention.
What do you use to treat chlamydia in a pregnant woman?
Erythromycin is recommended.
The best advice to give someone who is taking a medication with a narrow therapeutic index is to tell them to take the medication HOW?
- take it at the same time every day.
When you prescribe a drug >90% protein-bound, it means that ___.
Only protein-bound portion of the drug is therapeutically active.
T/F: The charge of the State Board of Nursing is to ensure public safety.
T/F: Once I am certified, I can practice as a nurse practitioner.
False, you practice even without certification.
T/F: State level authorization dictates the ability of the NP to obtain a Federal DEA number.
What is the ethical principle of beneficence?
- to help people in need.
someone taking TZD, monitor what?
crescendo-decrescendo murmur
aortic stenosis
clue cells on smear
bacterial vaginosis
First-line treatment of:
1) syphillis
2) gonorrhea
3) chlamydia
1) penicillin G
2) Suprax or ceftriaxone
3) azithromycin or doxy
boggy prostate gland
acute prostatitis
prevent recurrence of duodenal ulcers, Rx:
when is a child allowed to sit in a forward-facing car seat?
- 1 year AND at least 20 lbs