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78 Cards in this Set

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What is the general function of the cardiovascular system
It provides oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and removes wastes.
Size and location of the heart
1)approx. 14cm long, 9cm wide.
2)located within the mediastinum, and rests on the diaphragm.
The heart is enclosed by the ___. The ___ cavity is a space between the ___ and ___ layers of the ____.
pericardium, pericardial, parietal, visceral, pericardium
Name the layers of the heart wall.
1)epicardium (outermost layer)
Name the chambers of the heart
2 atria and 2 ventricles
The right atrium receives blood from the ____ ____ and ___ ___.
venae cavae(superior and inferior vena cavae), coronary sinus
Which valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
tricuspid valve
What two structures does the pulmonary valve separate?
right ventricle, and the base of the pulmonary trunk
The left atrium receives blood from the ____ ____.
pulmonary veins
What separates the left atrium from the left ventricle
the bicuspid (mitral) valve
The aortic valve separates the ___ ____ from the ____.
left ventricle, aorta
The ___ of the heart consists of ___ rings that enclose the bases of the _____ ____ and ____.
skeleton, fibrous, pulmonary artery, aorta
Blood low in ___ and high in ___ ___ enters the right side of the heart and is pumped into the ____ circulation.
oxygen, carbon dioxide, pulmonary circulation
In the path of blood through the heart, after blood is oxygenated in the ___, and some ___ ____ is removed, it returns to the ___side of the heart.
lungs, carbon dioxide, left
The blood supply to the heart is via the ____ ____.
coronary arteries
Blood returns from the heart muscle itself to the right atrium through the ___ ___ and ____ ___.
cardiac veins, coronary sinus
During the ___ ___, the atria contract while the ventricles ____. The ____ contract while the atria ____.
cardiac cycle, relax, ventricles, relax.
During the cardiac cycle, ____ within the chambers rises and falls in repeated cycles
What produces the heart sounds
the vibrations produced by the valve movements.
Cardiac muscle fibers connect to form a functional ____. If any part of the ___ is stimulated, the whole structure ___ as a unit.
syncytium, syncytium, contracts
What is the function of the cardiac conduction system.
to initiate and conduct impulses throughout the myocardium
Impulses from the ___ node pass slowly to the ___ node. From there, impulses travel rapidly along the ___ bundle and ___ ___.
S-A (sinoatrial), A-V (atrioventicular), A-V, Purkinje fibers.
What does ECG stand for?
What does an ECG represent?
An electrocardiogram is a record of the electrical changes occurring in the myocardium during a cardiac cycle.
Name the main parts of a cardiac cycle on the ECG, and what each represents.
1)P wave - atrial depolarization.
2)QRS compolex - ventricular depolarization.
3)T wave - ventricular repolarization
Name five things that regulate the cardiac cycle.
1)physical exercise - affect heartbeat
2)body temperature - affects heartbeat
3)concentration of various ions - affects heartbeat.
4)branches of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers
5)cardiac center in the medulla oblongata
Branches of the ___ and ____ nerve fibers innervate the ___ and ___ nodes, and thus help regulate the cardiac cycle
sympathetic, parasympathetic, S-A and A-V
The ___ ___ in the ____ ___ (part of central nervous system) regulates autonomic impulses to the heart
cardiac center, medulla oblongata
Blood vessels form a ____ circuit of tubes that carry blood from the ___ to ___ ___ and back again.
close, heart, body cells
___ are adapted to carry ___ under high pressure away from the heart.
arteries, blood
Name the parts of the walls of arteries and areterioles
2)smooth muscle
3)connective tissue
Smooth muscle in vessel walls are innervated by ___ fibers that can stimulate ____ or vasodilatation
autonomic, vasoconstriction
Capillaries contatin ___ and ___
arterioles, venules
The capillary wall is made up of what? What type of membrane does this form?
1)a single layer of cells
2)semipermeable membrane
Openings in capillary walls, where ___ cells overlap, vary in ___ from tissue to tissue
endothelial, size
What regulates capillary blood flow?
precapillary sphincters
capillary blood and tissue fluid exchange what things (3)?
gases, nutrients, metabolic by-products.
What mechanism provides the most important means of transport between capillary blood and tissue fluid?
Filtration, which is due to the ___ ___ of blood, causes what to happen, and where?
It causes a net outward movement of fluid at the arteriolar end of a capillary.
What is the direction of movement of fluid at the venular end of a capillary? What is the cause of this?
1)net INWARD movement
2)Osmosis, due to colloid osmotic pressure
What is a venule?
A type of blood vessel that continues from capillaries, and merges to form veins
what is the role of veins? What do some veins have, that helps in this role?
1)to carry blood to the heart.
2)some veins have one-way valves
How do vein walls differ from artery walls?
Venous walls are thinner and contain less smooth muscle and elastic tissue.
What is the definition of blood pressure?
the force blood exerts against the insides of blood vessels
Arterial blood pressure rises and falls with the ___ of the ___ ___.
phases, cardiac cycle
How is systolic pressure produced? Diastolic pressure?
Systolic pressure-produced whe the ventricle CONTRACTS. Diastolic pressure when the ventricle relaxes.
What factors influence arterial blood pressure (4)? What effect do they have on the bp?
1)cardiac output
2)blood volume
3)peripheral resistance
4)blood viscosity
As each of these increases, the bp increases
Blood pressure is controlled in part by the mechanisms that regulate ___ ___ and ___ ____
cardiac output, peripheral resistance
How does the amount of blood entering the heart affect cardiac output?
the MORE blood that enters the heart, the STRONGER the ventricular contraction, the GREATER the stroke volume, and the GREATER the cardiac output.
what part of the central nervous system contains the cardiac center? What does it regulate?
medulla oblongata
heart rate
What three things cause or influence venous blood flow? What things are found in many veins, that aid in venous blood flow (1)?
1)skeletal muscle contraction
2)breathing movements
Venoconstriction can ____ venous pressure and blood flow
Briefly describe the pulmonary circuit of blood flow
Vessels carry blood from the RIGHT ventricle to the LUNGS and back to the LEFT ATRIUM.
Briefly describe the systemic circuit of blood flow.
Vessels carry blood from the heart to the body cells (including those of the heart itself) and back to the heart.
Whic is the largest artery (diameter) in the body?
the aorta
What are the major branches of the ascending aorta and the arch of the aorta?
1)coronary arteries
3)left common carotid
4)left subclavian artery
The branches of the descending aorta include the ____ and ___ groups.
thoracic, abdominal
the abdominal aorta separates into which arteries?
Right and left common iliac arteries
Branches of the ____ and ___ ____ arteries supply the neck, head, and____
subclavian, common carotid, brain
The subclavian artery, as it passes into the upper limb, becomes the ____ and then the ____ artery.
axillary, brachial
The brachial artery is where? What are its two main branches?
in the upper limb.
2)ulna artery
Branches of the ____ artery and ___ ____ supply the thoracic wall.
subclavian, thoracic aorta
Branches of the ____ ___ and other arteries supply the abdominal wall
abdominal aorta
the common iliac arteries supply the ___ organs, ____ region, and ___ ____
pelvic, gluteal, lower limbs
Larger veins usually parallel the paths of the major _____
Which veins drain the brain, head, and neck?
jugular veins
Which two veins form the brachiocephalic veins?
Jugular and subclavian
The upper limbs and shoulders, and the lower limbs and pelvis are drained by sets of ____ and ____ veins.
superficial, deep
In the upper limbs, the deep veins parallel ____ with similar ____
arteries, names
The abominal and thoracic walls are drained by tributaries of the ____ and ____ veins.
brachiocephalic, azygos
Blood from the abdominal viscera enters which venous system. Where does this blood go?
1)hepatic portal venous system
2)to the liver
The blood FROM the liver goes through which veins? and to which vein?
The hepatic veins to the inferior vena cava.
Name a deep vein of the lower limbs. Name a superficial vein of the lower limbs.
tibial vein is a deep vein
saphenous vein is a superficial vein.
Name the three layers of the pericardium
1)outermost layer is the fibrous pericardium
2)inner most layer is visceral pericardium
3)in between is parietal pericardium.
Describe the three layers of the heart wall.
1)epicardium, outer layer, a serous membrane
2)myocardium, middle layer, muscle
3)endocardium, inner layer, epithelium and connective tissue, blood vessels, Purkinje fibers.
the cardiac conduction system is made up of what tissue?
specialized cardiac fibers.
Describe the path of an impulse through the cardiac conduction system.
SA node initiates it (right atrium) ->
atrial syncytium->junctional fibers ->AV node (slows it so atria con contract fully)->bundle branches->Purkinje fibers ->ventricular syncytium
The sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (___ fibers) stimulate ____ ____ in the walls of arteries/arterioles to ____.
vasomotor, smooth muscle, contract.