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18 Cards in this Set

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Development of Face

Develops from 3 processes

1) Fronto Nasal process - From mesenchyme covering forebrain, supplied by Opthalmic division

2) Mandibular process - From 1st arch, supplied by Mandibular division

3) Maxillary process - From bud of dorsal end of mandibular process, supplied by maxillary division

[See diagram, Monitor 9th edition, page 690]

Congenital Anomalies of Face

1) Bilateral Cleft Lip

2) Oblique Facial Cleft

3) Median Cleft Lip

4) Unilateral Macrostomia

Cutaneous Nerve Supply of Face

1) Opthalmic

2) Maxillary

3) Mandibular

4) Cervical Plexus

5) Dorsal Rami of Cervical Plexus

Cutaneous Nerve supply of face

Sensory Innervations of Face

Division of Trigeminal Nerve

1) Opthalmic Division

2) Maxillary Division

3) Mandubular Division

Skin over angle of mandible by

4) Cervical Plexus

Sensory Innervations of Face supplied by

1) Opthalmic Division of Trigeminal Nerve

1) Supra Trochlea Nerve

2) Supra Orbital Nerve

3) Lacrimal Nerve

4) Infra Trochlea Nerve

5) External Nasal Nerve

Sensory Innervations of Face supplied by

2) Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve

6) Infra Orbital nerve

7) Zygomatico Facial Nerve

8) Zygomatico Temporal Nerve

Sensory Innervations of Face Supplied by

3) Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve

9) Auriculo Temporal Nerve

10) Buccal Branch

11) Mental Nerve

Sensory Innervations of Face Supplied by

4) Cervical Plexus

12) Great Auricular Nerve

13) Transverse Cutaneous Nerve of Neck

How many cutaneous Nerves supply face from the divisions of Trigeminal Nerve?


1) Opthalmic - 5

2) Maxillary - 3

4) Mandibular - 3

How many muscles of facial expression are there?


Name the different groups of muscles of Facial Expression

1) Orbital

2) Nasal

3) Oral

Name the muscles of facial expression from Orbital Group

(4 are there)

1) Occipito Frontalis

2) Orbicularis Oculi

3) Corrugator Super Cilli

4) Levator Palpebrae Superioris

Name the muscles of facial expression from Nasal group

(4 are there)

5) Procerus

6) Dilator Naris

7) Compressor Naris / Depressor Septi Naris

8) Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi

Name the Upper muscles of Facial expression from oral group

(3 are there)

9) Levator Anguli Oris
10) Levator Labii Superioris
11) Zygomaticus Major AND minor

Name the Middle muscles of Facial expression from oral group

(3 are there)

12) Orbicularis Oris
13) Risorius
14) Buccinator

Name the lower muscles of Facial expression from oral group

(4 are there)

15) Depressor Angularis Oris
16) Depressor Labii Inferioris
17) Mentalis
18) Transversus menti

Nerve supply if the muscle of Face

By Facial Nerve

Except for Levator Palpebrae Superioris.

It is supplied by the 3rd Cranial Nerve