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125 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the lower extremity
-weight bearing
-maintenance of equilibrium
Composition of Pelvis (bones)
-2 innominate/coxal bones (ilium, ischium, pubis)
Sex differences of pelvic girdle
-subpubic angle: male=70deg., female=90-100deg.
-females have wider sacral width and iliac flare
-females tend to have less thigh muscle development
Joints of the pelvic girdle
-sacroiliac joint
-hip joint
-pubic symphysis
SI joint stabilizer ligaments
-sacrospinous ligament (dorsal sacrum to ischial spine)
-sacrotuberous ligament (dorsal sacrum to ischial tuberosity)
Boundaries of the greater sciatic foramen
-anterior sacroiliac lig. (sup)
-sacrotub (post)
-sacrospin (inf)
-greater sciatic notch (ant)
Boundaries of lesser sciatic foramen
-spine of ischium (sup/posterior)
-sacrotuberous (post/inf)
-tuberosity of ischium (inf)
-lesser sciatic notch (ant)
Contents of greater sciatic foramen
-sciatic nerve
-internal pudendal bv/n.
-sup./inf. gluteal nerve/bv
-posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Contents of the lesser sciatic foramen
-obturator internus
-internal pudendal vessels
-pudendal nerve
Hip joint
-acetabulum articulates with the head of the femur
-lunate lines inside of acetabulum but is incomplete
-ligament of the head of the femur attached to inferior aspect
-fibrous joint capsule w/deep synovial membrane
Diagnostic measurements of the lower extremity
-angle of inclination
-quadriceps angle
-angle of torsion
Angle of inclination/normal measurement
-angle between median axis of femoral head and axis of femoral shaft
Coxa valga
-angle of inclination > 125 deg.
-leads to genu varum ("bowed-legs")
-lengthens the lower extremity
-increases load on femoral head, decreases load on femoral neck
Coxa varum
-angle of inclination <125 deg.
-leads genu valga ("knocked-knees")
-shortens lower extremity
-reduces load on femoral head, increases load on femoral neck
Quadriceps angle/normal measurement
-angle between axis that connects ASIS-patella midpoint and axis between patella midpoint-tibial tubercle
-men: 12 deg.
-women: 17 deg.
-estimates degree of genu valgum--part of basis of sex differences
Sex differences in lower extremity function
-females: less muscular thigh development, less-developed VMO, increased flexibility in knee joint/genu valgum
-females: more muscular thigh development, VMO hypertrophy, less knee flexibility/genu varum
Angle of torsion/normal measurement
-angle between axis of femoral condyles at knee and axis of femoral head
-normal=8-15 deg.
Abnormal angles of torsion
-anteversion=increased angle-->pigeon-toed
-retroversion=decreased-->duck feet
-abnormal angle causes the natural femur/extremity position to shift so as to maximize femoral head articulation with acetabulum
Capsular ligaments and purpose
-restrict extension of the hip
Hip disolaction (posterior)
-most common, often MVC
-displacement/tearing of ischiofemoral ligament, ligament of femoral head
-critical because possibility of disruption of sciatic nerve
Fascia lata
-extension of inguinal ligament
Femoral sheath
-continuation of iliacus/transversalis fascia inferior to inguinal ligament
-contains femoral a. v.
Anterior fascia
-area of venous drainage
-saphenous opening: allows for passage of femoral a. and v.
Muscles of the gluteal region
-gluteus maximus
-gluteus medius
-gluteus minimus
Gluteus maximus function & innervation
-extends, laterally rotates the thigh
-inferior gluteal nerve
-extends, laterally rotates the thigh
-inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius location
-deep/superior to maximus
-deep/superior to maximus
Gluteus medius/minimus action/innervation
-abducts/medially rotates the thigh
-superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus location
-deep to gluteus medius
-deep to gluteus medius
Clinical presentation of hip abductor weakness
-trendelengurg gait
-pelvis tilts away from affected side while walking
-gluteals (med/min) are abductors and help to keep pelvis level (tends to sink during leg swing); if they are weak, pelvis on opposite side will sink
Lateral rotators of the hip (5/6), general attachments, innervation
-superior gemellus
-obturator internus
-inferior gemellus
-quadratus femoris
-general attachments: posterior hip--greater trochanter/ intertrochanteric crest
-superior gemellus
-obturator internus
-inferior gemellus
-quadratus femoris
-general attachments: posterior hip--greater trochanter/ intertrochanteric crest
Lateral rotator of hip (6/6), attachment, innervation
-obturator externus (anterior quadratus femoris)
-obturator externus (anterior quadratus femoris)
Adductor longus attachments/action/innervation
-pubic crest to midshaft posterior femur
-adducts, flex thigh; also internal rotation due to anterior bowing of femur making distal attachment anterior to axis of femoral head
-obturator nerve
Compartments of the thigh
Fascia of thigh
-lateral intermuscular septum separates anterior/posterior compartments
-medial intermuscular septum separates anterior/medial compartments
Muscles of anterior compartment of the thigh
-rectus femoris*
-vastus medialis*
-vastus lateralis*
-vastus intermedius*
*make up "quads"
Action of the muscles of anterior thigh
-flex hip
-extend knee
Innervation of the muscles of anterior compartment of thigh
femoral nerve
Bloody supply of the muscles of anterior compartment of thigh
femoral artery
Muscles of medial compartment of thigh
-adductor longus
-adductor brevis (deep to adductor longus)
-adductor magnus
Action of muscles of medial compartment of thigh
-adduct thigh
-medially rotate thigh
Innervation of muscles of medial compartment of thigh
obturator nerve
Blood supply of muscles of medial compartment of thigh
obturator artery
Adductor magnus attachments, action, innervation
-hamstring part: ischial tuberosity-adductor tubercle of distal femur, extends thigh, tibial division of sciatic nerve
-adductor part: ischial tuberosity-posterior femur, adducts thigh, obturator nerve
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh
-biceps femoris (long & short heads)
Action of muscles of posterior compartment of thigh
-extend hip
-flex knee
Innervation of muscles of posterior compartment of thigh
tibial division of the sciatic nerve
Blood supply of muscles of posterior compartment of thigh
-profunda femoris artery
Lateral "aspect" of thigh
-iliotibial tract: thickening of the fascia lata
-attaches to gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae
-runs alongside of thigh muscles and attaches at knee
Femoral nerve (spinal nerve) origin
Femoral nerve course
-saphenous branch descends through femoral triangle
-enters adductor canal
-posterior/deep to inguinal ligament
Obturator nerve (spinal nerve) origin
L2, L3, L4
Obturator nerve course
-emerges inferior to superior pubic ramus
-splits into anterior/posterior branch
Sciatic nerve course
-between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity
-splits (@biceps femoris?) into common fibular nerve and tibial nerve
Borders/contents of femoral triangle
-inguinal ligament, adductor longus, sartories
-contains femoral nerve, a. and v.
Joints of the knee
-superior (proximal) tibiofibular
Movements of the leg at the knee joint
-flex (heel towards butt)/extension
Function of the popliteus/attachment
-tibia laterally rotates as the knee reaches full extension b/c of large medial condyle of femur
-popliteus attaches to lateral condyle of femur and posterior tibia; medially rotates the tibia to allow for initiation of flexion
-i.e. "unlocks" the knee
Patellofemoral joint
-posterior surface of patella covered w/thick hyaline cartilage
-patella slides w/in trochlear groove of the femur
Patella (sesamoid) bony landmarks
-base (superior)
-rounded anterior surface
-apex (inferior)
-flat posterior w/two articular surfaces: lateral (larger) and medial (smaller)
Purpose/location of patellar ligament
-anterior to sesamoid;lying overtop
-resists knee flexion
Bursae of knee/function
-suprapatellar bursa: lubrication for patellar tendon; articularis genu prevents bursa from collapsing into joint
-several other bursa (infrapatellar;subpopliteal recess) w/in joint
Fibrous capsule of knee joint attachment
-margins of femoral condyle to margins of tibial condyles
Major ligaments of the knee
-Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
-Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
-Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
-Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
-Medial meniscus
-Lateral meniscus
ACL attachments
-intercondylar fossa/posteromedial aspect of lateral femoral condyle (proximal)
-anterior intercondylar area (medial to anterior attachment of lateral mensicus) (distal)
-lateral to PCL
PCL attachments
-intercondylar fossa; posterolateral aspect of medial femoral condyle (proximal)
-posterior interondylar area (distal)
-medial to ACL
ACL function
resists anterior displacement of tibia
PCL function
prevents posterior displacement of tibia
MCL function/attachment
-resists genu valgus stress (knock-kneed)
-can be injured from blow to outside of knee
-closely applied to joint capsule/medial meniscus
LCL function
-resists genu varus stress
-injured from blow to inside of knee
-lateral condyle to origin to distal attachment of biceps femoris
Muscles that provide knee support
-"pes anserine"=goose's foot (b/c attachments looks like goose foot)
Menisci purpose
-medial & lateral
-medial="C" shaped and larger; attached to MCL
-lateral="O" shaped and smaller
-absorb shock, decrease friction, increase contact area for joint
tibiofibular joints
-proximal/distal ends articulate at notches
-crural interosseus membrane between the shafts of the bones provides stability
Movements of the foot at the ankle joint
-plantar flex (toes point down); dorsiflexion
-inversion (medial edge rotate towards midline); eversion
-flexion (towards sole of foot)/extension of toes
-abduction (big toe away from others)/adduction of toes
Joints of the ankle/foot
-talocalcaneal joint/subtalar joints
-tarsometatarsal joints
-metatarsalphalangeal joints
-proximal interphalangeal joints
-distal interphalangeal joints
Talocrural joint
-"mortise" joint
-talus fits into section formed by lateral malleolus, distal tibia, and medial malleolus
Compartments of the leg
-posterior superficial
-posterior deep
Deep fascia that surrounds anterior compartment of the leg?
Anterior intermuscular septum
Deep fascia that surrounds lateral compartment of the leg?
Posterior intermuscular septum
Deep fascia that surrounds posterior superficial compartment of the leg?
transverse intermuscular septum
Deep fascia that surrounds posterior deep compartment of the leg?
interosseus membrane
Muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg
-tibialis anterior
-extensor hallucis longus
-extensory digitorum longus
-fibularis teritius
Action of muscles of anterior compartment of the leg
-toe extension
Innervation of muscles of anterior compartment of the leg
deep fibular nerve
Blood supply of muscles of anterior compartment of the leg
anterior tibial artery
Muscles of lateral compartment of the leg
-fibularis longus (most superficial)
-fibularis brevis
Action of muscles of lateral compartment of the leg
-plantar flexion
Innervation of muscles of lateral compartment of the leg
superficial fibular nerve
Blood supply of muscles of lateral compartment of the leg
fibular artery
Muscles of the posterior superficial compartment of the leg
-gastrocnemius (two heads, medial and lateral) + soleus (deep to gastro) = triceps surae
-plantaris (mostly tendon alongside medial edge of soleus)
Actions of the posterior superficial compartment of the leg
-plantar flexion
-knee flexion (only gastro and plantaris)
Innervation of the posterior superficial compartment of the leg
tibial nerve
Bloody supply of the posterior superficial compartment of the leg
posterior tibial artery
Muscles of the posterior deep compartment of the leg
-popliteus (exception--very superior to others)
-flexor digitorum longus
-flexor hallucis longus
-tibialis posterior
Actions of the posterior deep compartment of the leg
-plantar flexion
-toe flexion
-knee flexion (popliteus)
Innervation of the posterior deep compartment of the leg
tibial nerve
Blood supply of the posterior deep compartment of the leg
posterior tibial artery
Causes/symptoms/treatment of compartment syndrome
-trauma, burns, intense use may produce edema or hemorrhage w/in compartments
-compression of nerves/vessels compromises fxn
-fasciotomy may be performed
Symptoms of anterior compartment syndrome
-weakness in dorsiflexion or toe extension
-parathesias (tingling) over dorsum of foot
Symptoms of deep posterior compartment syndrome
-weakness in toe flexion and inversion
-parasthesias (tingling) in plantar aspect
Symptoms of superficial posterior compartment syndrome
-weakness in plantar flexion
-dorsolateral foot hypoesthesia (partial/total loss of sensation)
Course of the common fibular nerve
-branches from sciatic nerve
-deep to proximal fibularis longus
-curves lateral to neck of fibula
-splits deep to fibularis longus
Course of superficial fibular nerve
-begins at bifurcation of common fibular n.
-innervates fibularis longus and brevis m.
-emerges as cutaneous branch
-innervates lateral compartment of leg
Course of deep fibular nerve
-approaches interosseus membrane
-between tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus
-descends with anterior tibial artery
-innervates anterior compartment of leg
Course of tibial nerve
-joins with popliteal a. v.
-continues with posterior tibial artery
-gives off sural n. (posterior cutaneous)
-splits into lateral and medial plantar n. in foot
-innervates posterior superficial compartment of leg
Major ligaments of the ankle
-medial collateral (deltoid) ligament
-lateral ligament complex
Medial collateral (deltoid) ligament attachments/function
-medial malleoulus to talus, navicular, sustentaculum tali of calcaneous
-stabilizes joint
-resists eversion
-much stronger than lateral collateral ligaments
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
-tibial n. and posterior tibial a. v. are w/in tarsal tunnel
-entrapment/compression of tibial n.
-edema, tightness of ankle
-pain, tingling, numbness in plantar
-weakness of intrinsic foot muscles
Function/attachments of lateral ligament complex of angle
-lateral malleolus to talus and calcaneous
-stabilize joint
-resist inversion
-much weaker than medial
Typical ankle sprain
-90% of ankle spains are inversion
-b/c ligaments of lateral complex are weaker/less able to resist inversion than the medial are able to resist eversion
Plantar ligaments of the foot
-long plantar ligament
-short plantar (calcaneocuboid) ligament (deep to long)
-plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring)
What covers plantar surface of foot
-plantar fascia/plantar apoeneurosis
First layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
-flexor digitorum brevis
-abductor hallucis
-abductor digiti minimi
Innervation of first layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
lateral/medial plantar nn.
Second layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
-quadratus plantae
-lumbricals (from flex digitorum longus)
Innervation of second layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
lateral/medial plantar nn.
Third layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
-adductor hallucis
-flexor hallucis brevis
-flexor digiti minimi brevis
Innervation of third layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
lateral/medial plantar nn.
Fourth layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
-plantar interossei (3)
-dorsal interossei (4)
Innervation of fourth layer of muscles on plantar surface of foot
lateral plantar nerve
Muscles of dorsal aspect of foot
-extensor hallucis brevis
-extensor digitorum brevis
Innervation of muscles of dorsal aspect of foot
deep fibular nerve
Arterial supply of the foot (plantar)
Nerve supply of the foot
Arterial supply of foot (dorsal)
Arterial supply to leg