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41 Cards in this Set

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-female gamete
-stored in the ovaries, one released ~once/month
-will become zygote/embryo if fertilized by sperm
-male gamete
-stored in testes
-if introduced into female, may fertilize an ovum to become a zygote/embryo
24 hour process of complex molecular steps following the contact of a sperm and oocyte that ends with the mixing of maternal/paternal DNA during metaphase of the first mitotic division of the zygote
Function of fertilization
-restores diploid number of chromosomes
-determination of genetic sex
-initiates cleavage
first mitotic divisions of the zygote
initial single cell formed after fusion of male and female gametes
Location of fertilization
ampulla of uterine tube (fallopian tube)
-intial cells formed by cleavage
-created during the first two-three days after fertilization
-solid ball of cells formed by end of day three of cell division after fertilization
-consists of zona pellucida, outer cell mass (trophoblasts), and inner cell mass (embryoblasts)
-morula located near the end of the uterine tube
Destiny of layers of morula
-outer cell mass/trophoblasts: placenta
-inner cell mass/embryoblasts: embryo
Development of blastocyst
-inner cell mass/embryoblasts gather at the embryonic pole
-trophoblasts remain along the outside, helping to form the blastocoel, which includes the blastocystic cavity
area formed by blastocystic cavity and layer of trophoblast cells
Location/timing of blastocyst development
-Day 5
-lining of the uterus
-location of implantation of blastocyst
-becomes blood vessel filled/increased during points of menstrual cycle and post-implantation
-trophoblast cells invade endometrium
-process of the embryo embedding itself in the endometrium
-begins at the end of week 1
ectopic pregnancy
-implantation of the embryo somewhere besides the endometrium
-usually in the uterine tube, but may also end up in the abdominal cavity
-does not support development of the embryo and very dangerous to mother
Week 1 of embryonic development
-fertilization (ampulla of uterine tube)
-cleavage: blastomeres-->morula (end of uterine tube)
-morula-->blastocyst (enters uterus)
-blastocyst implants in uterine wall (endometrium)
Development of blastocyst after attachment (Day 7)
-embryoblasts differentiate into hypoblast and epiblast layers
-epiblasts are directly adjacent to the trophoblast layer; longer, more column-like cells
-hypoblasts remain next to the blastocele (now yoke sac)
Trophoblast differentiation
-synciotrophoblasts (invade maternal blood supply)
-cytotrophoblasts maintain layer around embryoblasts
Epiblasts during D8
-begin to gather/grow as lining to form a cavity
-form the amniotic cavity
-differentiate into amnioblasts to form amnion/amniotic membrane/extraembryonic ectoderm
hypoblasts during D8
-grow so as to line the cytotrophoblasts and form the membrane of exocoelimic cavity (yolk sac), aka extraembryonic endoderm
uteroplacental circulation
-synciotrophoblasts invade maternal blood supply between D12-D13 to gain nutrients for growing embryo
Bilaminar embryonic disc
layer of cells that develops between the amniotic cavity and the ecoceolimic cavity and includes one layer derived from hypoblasts and one layer derived from amnioblasts
Formation of the chorionic cavity
-mesoderm form from hypoblast cells to fill space between two main cavities and cytotrophoblasts
-cavities form within mesoderm; cavities fuse/grow together to form chorionic cavity
Week II Embryonic development
-blastocyst becomes completely implanted (w/in endometrium)
-establishment of uteroplacental circulation
-formation of bilaminar disc
-formation of extraembryonic mesoderm
-formation of amniotic and chorionic cavities
-formation of extraembryonic ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
-formative process by which the 3 embryonic germ layers and axial orientation are established in the embryo
-bilaminar germ disc (2 layers) --> 3 layers
Main steps of gastrulation
-D14/15 brings formation of the primitive streak which arises from cell division in the epiblast at the edge of the bilaminar germ disc
-primitive streak begins migrate from cloacal membrane towards the prechordal plate/buccopharyngeal membrane
-while migrating, primitive streak forms the primitive groove and is being led by the primitive node, which contains the primitive pit
-these dividing cells are responsible for forming the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) and for establishing the axes of the body (caudal/cranial and ventral/dorsal)
3 germ layers and origin
-all derived from epiblast cells
-derives from prenotochordal cells of the primitive node
-forms in the mesoderm layer, cranial to the primitive node
-forms the backbone of the embryo
-cells that derive from the mesoderm
-undifferentiated loose connective tissue
paraxial mesoderm
-runs directly alongside/around notochord
-destined to become "tomes":
intermediate mesoderm
-surrounding paraxial mesoderm
-destined to become kidneys, ureters, and gonads
lateral plate mesoderm
-splits into two layers: somatic/parietal and splanchnic/visceral
-intraembryonic coelom formed between the two layers
-both layers are continuous with the extraembryonic lateral plate mesoderm layers
-intraembryonic coelom is continuous with extraembryonic coelom at midline of embryo
Fate of lateral plate mesodermal layers/intraembryonic coelom
-somatic=anterior body wall
-visceral/splanchnic=GI tract
-intraec=body cavities
Week III Embryonic Development
-gastrulation forms trilaminar disc
-formation of primitive streak/node
-establishment of body axes
-epithelial to mesenchymal transition
-formation of 3 germ layers
-formation of notochord
-beginnings of neuraltion
-migration of mesoderm
-growth of embryo
-process by which the brain/spinal cord form
-begins in week III; ends in week IV
Process of neurulation
-ectoderm layer outside of the notochord thickens and forms the neural groove/neural folds
-neural folds eventually come together to form neural tube with a neural canal inside
-by about D22/23 the neural tube as completely formed with two open ends: cranial neuropore and caudal neuropore
-this is the precursor to the brain and spinal
neural crest cells
-cells that form during the folding/formation of the neural tube
-give rise to dorsal root ganglia/primary sensory neurons
-also migrate and insert other places to form different structures
Problems resulting from improper neural tube formation
-abnormal closure of neural folds can lead to congenital abnormalities
-meronenchephaly/anencephlay: partial/nearly complete absence of brain when the anterior neural tube does not completely close
-spina bifida cystica results when posterior neuropore does not properly close
embryonic folding
-occurs in a cranial/caudal direction and a lateral direction
-head fold occurs to bring forebrain to most cranial position and form foregut
-tail fold occurs to form hindgut
-midgut is between
-lateral folding helps close off gut/separate from yolk sac
Purpose of embryonic folding
-move cells/layers structure to the correct 3D anatomical locations
-after folding, embryo is a comma-shaped, ectoderm-covered tbue containing an endoderm lined gut tube