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310 Cards in this Set

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What are the boundaries of the abdominal cavity?
diaphragm, pelvic brim, vertebrae, discs, paravertebral musculature, thoracolumbar fascia
What lines divide the abdomen into 9 regions?
R/L midclavicular lines, subcostal plane, intertubercular plane
In general, what are the layers of the abdominal cavity from superficial to deep?
skin, superficial superficial fascia, superficial deep fascia, (deep investing fascia, muscle) x3, endoabdominal fascia/transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fascia, parietal peritoneum
The pyramidalis is located (anterior/posterior) to rectus abdominus (when present).
What is the function of the anterolateral wall muscles when the glottis is open? When the glottis is closed?
pushes superiorly on diaphragm to assist with forcible expiration, assists in evacuating pelvic organs
Hyperpigmentation of the _____ _____ may occur during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. What is this called?
Linea Alba, linea nigra
What is the innervation of the external oblique? Internal oblique? transversus abdominus?
Anterior primary rami of T7-T12 & L1
What innervates rectus abdominus?
Anterior primary rami of T7-T12
What is the function of the oblique muscles?
flexes trunk, rotate trunk, compress and support abdominal viscera
What is the function of the transversus abdominus?
compresses and supports abdominal viscera
What is the function of the rectus abdominus?
flexes trunk, small contribution to compressing and supporting abdominal viscera
Where is the neurovascular plane within the anterolateral wall muscles?
between the internal oblique and the transversus abdominus
What nerves run in the neurovascular plane of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
anterior primary rami of T7-T11 (thoracoabdominal nn), subcostal n, iliohypogastric n, ilioinguinal n
What vascular structures run in the neurovascular plane within the anterolateral abdominal wall?
T10-T11 intercostal aa & vv, subcostal a & v, lumbar aa & vv, deep circumflex iliac aa & vv
Where is the extraperitoneal fat located?
between the transversalis/endoabdominal fascia and the parietal peritoneum
The parietal peritoneum is richly innervated with _______ traveling in ________________________.
GSAs, anterior primary rami of segmental spinal nerves
What sensations to the GSAs of the parietal peritoneum convey?
irritation and pain (easily localizable)
Where does the posterior portion of the rectus sheath end?
arcuate line
What is the anterior rectus sheath composed of (superior portion)?
aponeuroses of EAO and anterior 1/2 of the IAO
What is the posterior rectus sheath composed of (inferiorly)?
transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fascia, parietal peritoneum
The superior and inferior epigastric vessels are ensheathed within...
the rectus sheath (posteriorly)
What is the significance of the semilunar line?
Where anterior and posterior rectus sheath aponeuroses fuse
What does the median peritoneal fold contain?
some tributaries of paraumbilical venous network, median umbilical ligament (remnant of the urachus)
What do the medial peritoneal folds contain?
medial umbilical ligaments (remnants of umbilical arteries)
What do the lateral peritoneal folds contain?
inferior epigastric arteries and veins
What are the borders of the medial inguinal fossae?
semilunar line, inferior epigastric vessels, inguinal ligament
Which type of hernias occur in the medial inguinal fossa?
direct inguinal hernias
Where are the lateral inguinal fossae located?
lateral to the lateral peritoneal folds
Which type of hernias occur in the lateral inguinal fossa?
indirect inguinal hernias
What innervates quadratus lumborum?
anterior primary rami of T12, L1-L4
What is the action of quadratus lumborum?
B- stabilize 12th rib during inspiration, flexes lumbar spine
U- lateral flexion of VC
What innervates psoas major?
lumbar nerve plexus via anterior primary rami of L2-L4
What is the action of psoas major?
with trunk fixed- flexes femur
with thigh fixed- U: lateral flexion of VC B: tilt trunk anteriorly
What innervates iliacus?
femoral nerve arising from anterior primary rami of L2-L4
What is the action of iliacus?
flexes femur and flexes trunk at hip, stabilizes hip joint
Where does the iliopsoas insert?
lesser trochanter
What covers the quadratus lumborum anteriorly?
anterior layer of thoracolumbar fascia
The anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia represents the _________ boundary of the ___________ cavity.
posterior, retroperitoneal
From what does the superior epigastric artery arise?
internal thoracic artery
What does the superior epigastric artery supply?
rectus abdominus and superior part of anterolateral wall
From what does the inferior epigastric artery arise?
external iliac artery
What does the inferior epigastric artery supply?
rectus abdominus and medial part of anterolateral abdominal wall
Where do the superior and inferior epigastric arteries anastomose?
umbilical region
From what does the musculophrenic artery arise? What does it supply?
internal thoracic artery, supplies numerous branches in anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm
From what do the posterior intercostal, subcostal, and lumbar arteries arise? What do they supply?
aorta, enter neurovascular plane to segmentally supply anterior abdominal wall
From what does the deep circumflex iliac artery arise? What does it supply? With what does it anastomose?
external iliac artery, supplies deep inguinal region, inferior intercostal arteries
From what does the superficial epigastric artery arise? What do they supply? With what do they anastomose?
femoral artery, superficial inguinal region, inferior intercostal arteries
What do the thyroepigastric veins link?
link femoral v and superficial epigastric v of the inguinal region with the lateral thoracic v and the axillary v
What does the paraumbilical venous network link?
hepatic portal vein, inferior epigastric vein, superior epigastric vein
An enlarged paraumbilical anastomoses due to portal hypertension is known as...
caput medusa
The superficial supraumbilical region drains lymphatically to which nodes?
The superficial infraumbilical region drains lymphatically to which nodes?
superficial inguinal nodes
To where do the deep lymphatic vessels drain?
lateral aortic nodes, external iliac nodes
The thoracoabdominal nn contain GSEs to? GSAs from?
anterior abdominal mm & rectus abdominus skeletal mm. from skin of anterior abdomen and perimeter of diaphragm, from underlying parietal peritoneum
The subcostal n contains GSEs to? GSAs from?
inferior EAO. from skin over ASIS and skin over hip, from underlying parietal peritoneum
The iliohypogastric branch contains GSEs to? GSAs from?
IAO & TA. from skin of hypogastric region, skin over iliac crest, IAO and TA, from underlying parietal peritoneum
The ilioinguinal branch contains GSEs to? GSAs from?
IAO and TA. from skin of anterior scrotum or labia majora, mons pubis and adjacent superior medial thigh
The genitofemoral n contains GSEs to? GSAs from?
femoral branch doesn't carry GSEs, genital branch to cremaster muscle. femoral branch from skin of anterior thigh, genital branch from skin of anterior scrotum or labia majora, mons pubis
The lateral femoral cutaneous n contains GSAs from?
skin of lateral thigh
All abdominal wall nerves contain _________________________. No abdominal wall nerves contain _________________________.
sympathetic postganglionic GVEs, parasympathetic GVEs
The pathways of the cremasteric reflex are carried by what nerves?
GSAs by ilioinguinal n, GSEs by genital brach of genitofemoral n.
The epigastric region can have referred pain from...
distal esophagus, stomach, duodenum
The hypochondriac region can have referred pain from...
L- stomach, spleen
R- late gall bladder
The interscapular area can have referred pain from...
The R shoulder can have referred pain from...
The periumbilical region can have referred pain from...
jejunum and ilium, early appendix
The inferior epigastric region can have referred pain from...
The flanks can have referred pain from...
superior- spleen
entire- kidneys/ureters
The hypogastric region can have referred pain from...
proximal large intestine
The L lower quadrant can have referred pain from...
distal large intestine
The R lower quadrant can have referred pain from...
late appendix
The genitals and inguinal region can have referred pain from...
What organs can be found in the RUQ?
R kidney, R suprarenal gland, R lobe of liver, gallbladder, head of pancreas, distal portions of stomach, proximal small intestine, portions of large intestine
What organs can be found in the LUQ?
L kidney, L suprarenal gland, L lobe of liver, spleen, body and tail of pancreas, most of stomach, portions of small intestine, portions of large intestine
What organs can be found in the RLQ?
portions of small intestine, proximal portions of large intestine, vermiform appendix, abdominal part of R ureter, urinary bladder (when very full), R ovary, R uterine tube, uterus (in pregnancy), abdominal part of R spermatic cord
What organs can be found in the LLQ?
much of small intestine, distal portion of large intestine, abdominal part of L ureter, urinary bladder (when very full), L ovary, L uterine tube, uterus (in pregnancy), abdominal part of L spermatic cord
What forms the medial boundary of the femoral ring?
lacunar ligament
The inguinal ligament passes from ______ to _______.
ASIS, pubic tubercle
The pectineal ligament is the __________ border of the femoral canal
The deep inguinal ring is an oval opening in the _________ fascia.
Where is the superficial inguinal ring located in relation to the pubic tubercle?
What wall of the inguinal canal does the conjoin tendon reinforce? What is it made of?
medial portion of posterior wall, fusion of IAO and TA aponeuroses as they form the anterior wall of the rectus sheath
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
inferior- inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament
superior- arched fibers of IAO & TA
anterior- EAO aponeurosis
posterior- transversalis fascia
The ilioinguinal nerve passes through _______________ and supplies __________________.
Inguinal canal. Skin sensation from scrotum or labia majora, mons pubis and adjacent superior medial thigh
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord (superficial to deep)?
skin, external spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle and fascia, internal spermatic fascia
What are the boundaries of Hesselbach's triangle?
inferior- inguinal ligament
lateral- inferior epigastric vessels
medial- lateral edge of RA mucle
List the structures within the spermatic cord.
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, ductus deferens
In a direct hernia, the protrusion passes ________ to inferior epigasatric vessels.
An indirect hernia enters the inguinal canal at...
the deep ring
Femoral hernias are the most common hernia in ____________.
Blood supply to structures in the foregut comes from...
Celiac trunk
Pain from structures in the foregut localizes in...
epigastric region
The foregut rotates ______________ during development.
90 degrees clockwise
Rotation of the stomach during development creates the __________ sac
Blood supply to structures of the midgut comes from...
superior mesenteric artery
The midgut rotates _______________ during development.
90 degrees counterclockwise, then another 180 degrees counterclockwise
The physiological midgut hernia retracts around the ____ week
Pain from structures of the midgut localizes in...
periumbilical area
Blood supply to the structures of the hindgut comes from...
inferior mesenteric artery
Pain from structures of the hindgut localizes in...
hypogastric region
What structures in the abdomen arise from the foregut?
esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, proximal duodenum
What structures in the abdomen arise from the midgut?
duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon, proximal 2/3 of the transverse colon
What structures in the abdomen arise from the hindgut?
distal 1/3 of the transverse colon, sigmoid colon, recum, proximal portion of the anal canal
What anomaly of the foregut causes distention and projectile vomiting in a newborn?
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
What is a congenital omphalocele?
when the midgut loop fails to return into the abdominal cavity
What is gastroschisis?
defect in the ventral abdominal wall allowing protrusion of the viscera without involving the umbilical cord
What midgut anomaly can cause misdiagnosis of appendicitis?
A congenital ileal diverticulum (Meckel diverticulum) can mimic what condition (often leading to misdiagnosis)?
What is the term for when the anal membrane fails to perforate?
Imperforate anus
The greater sac and lesser sac communicate through the...
epiploic foramen
The subphrenic and subhepatic recesses can be found in the ____________ compartment, a division of the _______ sac.
supracolic, greater
What is the most frequently infected area of the abdomen?
Pouch of Morison (formed by subhepatic recess and hepatorenal recess)
The paracolic gutters are found in the _________ compartment of the ________ sac.
infracolic, greater
Which of the infracolic spaces communicates with the pelvic cavity?
What are the boundaries of the epiploic foramen?
ant- hepatoduodenal ligament
post- IVC
superior- caudate lobe of liver
inferior- first part of duodenum
Mesentery is...
a double layer of peritoneum
Fusion fascia is created when the dorsal mesentery of the ascending and descending colon fuse to...
parietal peritoneum of posterior abdominal wall
Truly retroperitoneal organs have never been invested by...
dorsal nor ventral mesentery
What structures are retroperitoneal?
kidneys, suprarenal glands, ureters, abdominal aorta, autonomic nerve plexuses associated with aorta, IVC, sympathetic trunks, inferior 1/3 of rectum
The retroperitoneal sac is found posterior to __________________ and anterior to _________________.
peritoneal sac, anterior layer of retroperitoneal fascia
What is a secondary retroperitoneal organ?
organ that had a mesentery but lost it by the end of fetal development.
What are the secondary retroperitoneal organs?
head, neck, & body of pancreas, duodenum from aborad 1/2 of the first part to just before the duodenojejunal flexure, ascending colon, descending colon
What are the component visceral ligaments of the greater omentum?
gastrocolic ligament, gastrophrenic ligament, gastrosplenic ligament, splenorenal ligament
What are the component visceral ligaments of the lesser omentum?
hepatogastric ligament, hepatoduodenal ligament
What is included in the portal triad?
common bile duct, proper hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein
The round ligament of the liver is the remnant of what fetal structure?
umbilical vein
What ligaments border the bare area of the liver?
coronary ligaments and the triangular ligaments
What structures pass through the aortic hiatus?
aorta, thoracic duct/cisterna chyli, azygous vein, hemiazygous vein
The abdominal aorta ends as it bifurcates into the ________________ at the ____ level
R&L common iliac arteries L4
The inferior vena cava is formed at level ____ by the ________________.
L5 confluence of R&L common iliac veins
What defines a portal system?
Blood passing from one capillary bed to another before returning to the right atrium
The hepatic portal vein is formed by the confluence of what 2 veins?
splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein
The hepatic portal vein brahces into an expanded capillary network within the liver called the _________________________.
hepatic venous sinusoids
The inferior mesentery vein is typically a tributary of...
splenic v
What are the 3 major lymph trunks that empty into the cysterna chyli?
intestinal trunk, R lumbar trunk, L lumbar trunk
Enlargement of the signal lymph node is significant of disease in what structures?
foregut derived structures
Parasympathetic innervation to the foregut and midgut is via...? The hindgut?
vagus nn, pelvic splanchnic nn from S2-S4
The anterior vagal trunk arborizes in the peritoneal cavity to innervate _____________ structures.
The ____________ vagal trunk arborizes to innervate foregut and midgut structures.
Preganglionic sympathetics destined for the digestive tub arise from _____ pass through the ___________________ without synapsing and form __________________________ nerves.
T5-L2, sympathetic chain ganglia, greater, lesser, least, lumbar splanchnic nn
No visceral pain is referred to the __________ dermatomes
Where is the gut tube pain line?
imaginary line in the mid-sigmoid colon.
Proximal to the gut tube pain line most gut pain is carried along...
GVAs that accompany sympathetic pathways (enter T5-L2)
Distal to the gut tube pain line most gut pain is carried along...
GVAs that accompany parasympathetic pathways (enter S2-S4)
GVAs that accompany sympathetic pathways convey pain originating as..
chemical irritation or mechanical distention
GVAs that accompany parasympathetic pathways convey sensations of..
nausea and/or hunger and are sensitive to distention with poor localization
What ligament attaches the esophagus to the diaphragm?
phrenicoesophageal ligament
The characteristic separation at the esophagogastric juction is know as the...
The transpyloric plane is located at what vertebral level?
What supplies blood to the lesser curvature of the stomach? From what vessels do these originate?
L Gastric a. from celiac trunk
R Gastric a from common hepatic a
What supplies blood to the greater curvature of the stomach? From what vessels do these originate?
R gastro-omental a (terminal brach of gastroduodenal a) from common hepatic a
L gastro-omental a from distal splenic artery
short gastric aa from distal splenic a
The L&R gastric vv drain into the..
hepatic portal v
The short gastric vv and the left gastro-omental v drain into the...
splenic v
The R gastro-omental v drains into the...
superior mesenteric v
Lymphatic drainage from the stomach goes to...
the celiac nodes
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the stomach originate from_____ and course in ________________ to the _______ ganglia
T6-T9, greater splanchnic nn, celiac ganglia
GVAs that accompany sympathetic GVEs to the stomach will refer pain to...
epigastric region, L hypochondriac regions, interscapular region
Which part of the stomach is innervated by both the anterior and posterior vagal trunks?
anterior portion
Hiatal hernias are a result of weakening of ...
R crus and phrenicoesophageal ligament
The spleen is not a derivative of...
the gut
What is the function of the spleen?
largest lymphatic organ. Filters worn out blood cells and reacts immunologically to blood antigens
The spleen is located in the _______ sac between the ____________ and __________.
greater, diaphragm, stomach
The spleen is located in the _______ _________ quadrant
left upper
Spleen enlargement is a sign of what diseases? What is enlargement of the spleen called?
mononeucleosis or leukemia, splenomegaly
The spleen is typically located approximately between ribs...
What organs contact the spleen's visceral surface?
stomach, L kidney, splenic flexure of large intestine
Through what part of the spleen does the neurovasculature enter/exit?
What ligaments are part of the spleen's mesentery?
gastrosplenic ligament, splenorenal ligament
What organ touches the spleen without an intervening layer of peritoneum?
tail of pancreas
Which ligament contains the arterial supply to the spleen?
splenorenal ligament
What are the branches of the splenic artery?
short gastric aa and left gastroepiploic aa
What drains into the splenic vein?
pancreatic veins and IMV
The splenic vein drains into...
the SMV
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the spleen.
Splenic lymph vessels drain to the pancreaticosplenic nodes, to the celiac nodes, to the intestinal trunk, to the cisterna chyli, to the thoracic duct
Where do presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the spleen originate?
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the spleen course in the ______________ nerve to the _______ ganglia.
greater splanchnic, celiac
Postsynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the spleen course with the _______ artery.
Visceral pain referred from the spleen localizes in...
left hypochondriac and superior flank regions (T6-T8 dermatomes)
Somatic pain referred form the spleen is perceived in...
the L shoulder
The duodenum is secondary retroperitoneal except...
the orad 1/2 of the 1st part and the last few millimeters before the duodenojejunal junction
The duodenum receives...
bile from common bile duct
pancreatic juices from pancreatic duct
Which part of the superior duodenum has a mesentery?
ampulla of duodenum
The descending part of the duodenum accounts for __% of its total length
The common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct usually join to form... which empties into the...
hepatopancreatic ampulla, major duodenal papilla
The superior mesenteric vessels are located (anterior/posterior) to the horizontal part of the duodenum.
What is the function of the suspensory ligament of the duodenum? Where is it located?
secures the end of the ascending portion of the duodenum. Runs from the duodenojejunal flexure to the diaphragm
What are the types of duodenal fossae?
superior, inferior, paraduodenal
The foregut derived duodenum gets its blood supply from the... the midgut derived duodenum from...
celiac trunk (gastroduodenal---> superior pancreaticoduodenal), SMA (inferior pancreaticoduodenal)
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the duodenum originate from...
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the duodenum course in the ___________ nerves and terminate in ____________ ganglia.
greater, lesser, and least
Celiac and SM
Which vagal trunk contributes more parasympathetics to the duodenum?
Duodenal ulcers refer pain to...
midepigastric region, dermatome of T7-T8
A perforated duodenal ulcer can present like...
A serious consequence of a perforated duodenal ulcer can erode the ______________ artery, referring pain to ________________.
gastroduodenal, R shoulder
Which part of the pancreas lies within the transpyloric plane?
What mesentery attaches to the anterior surface of the pancreas?
transverse mesocolon
The pancreas is attached to the posterior wall via _______ ________ to the ____________ _____.
fusion fascia, extraperitoneal fat/fascia
What is the process that projects inferiorly from the head of the pancreas?
uncinate process
What vessels join at the posterior surface of the pancreas?
splenic v and SMV to form hepatic portal vein
What part of the pancreas forms the stomach bed?
The main pancreatic duct typically joins with the common bile duct to form... which opens into the...
hepatopancreatic ampulla, major duodenal papilla
What is the arterial supply to the head and neck of the pancreas?
Celiac trunk-- gastroduodenal a-- superior pancreaticoduodenal aa, SMA-- inferior pancreaticoduodenal aa
What is the arterial supply to the body and tail of the pancreas?
splenic artery
The body and tail of the pancreas have lymphatic drainage to the... the head and neck to the...
pancreaticosplenic nodes-- celiac nodes,
pancreaticoduodenal nodes
Where do presynaptic sympathetics to the pancreas originate?
Presynaptic sympathetics to the pancreas travel in the ________ nerves and terminate in the ______________ ganglia.
greater splanchnic, celiac ganglia and SM ganglia
Pain from the pancreas is carried by ____ that accompany _____________ GVEs and refers pain to __________________.
GVAs, sympathetic, inferior epigastric regions contained within the T6-T9 dermatomes
The liver is derived from the...
What is glisson's capsule? What does it extend into?
CT that ensheaths the entire liver including the bare area, porta hepatis
Most of the liver is found in the ______ quadrant deep to ribs _______.
RUQ, 7-11
What is the remnant of the umbilical vein?
ligamentum teres
What makes an impression on the liver?
gallbladder, fissure for the ligamentum teres, porta hepatis
What are the 3 parts to the liver based on a functional classification scheme?
right, left, posterior
Segments of the liver are determined based upon...
blood supply
What separates the functional R&L parts of liver?
Cantlie line on diaphragmatic surface, R saggital fissure on visceral surface
The posterior part of the liver is the same as the ___________ lobe.
The quadrate lobe is located in the _________ part of the liver.
Which structure of the portal triad is located most posterior?
hepatic portal vein
The hepatic portal vein is formed by the confluence of...
splenic vein and SMV
The proper hepatic artery is a branch of...
common hepatic artery from the celiac trunk
What portion of blood to the liver comes from the hepatic arteries?
Cleansed and modified blood from the liver flows to ______________ veins which form the ___________ veins.
collecting, hepatic
Blockage of the liver causes blood to take advantage of...
portacaval venous anastomoses
What are the major sites of portal-systemic venous anastomoses?
esophageal, paraumbilical, retroperitnoneal, rectal
Esophageal or gastric varices, caput medusa sign, and rectal varices are signs of....
portal hypertension
Most lymphatic drainage from the liver enters the __________ nodes.
What can enlarged signal lymph nodes indicate?
liver, stomach, or pancreatic cancer
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs for the liver originate in...
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs for the liver travel in ____________ nerves and synapse in ________ ganglia.
greater splanchnic, celiac
Presynaptic parasympathetic GVEs for the liver travel in ________________ then pass through the ____________ plexus.
anterior and posterior vagal trunks, celiac
Visceral pain from the liver refers to...
T6-T9 dermatome (epigastric or R hypochondriac region)
Somatic pain from the liver refers to...
R shoulder
The position of the gallbladder can be approximated at...
subcostal margin and the linea semilunaris
What are the parts of the gallbladder?
fundus, body, neck
The right and left hepatic ducts join to form...
common hepatic duct
The common hepatic duct and the ___________ _________ from the gallbladder join to form...
cystic duct, common bile duct
What is the sphincter of the hepaticopancreatic ampulla?
sphincter of oddi
What artery supplies the gallbladder? From what does it originate?
cystic artery, R hepatic artery
At what vertebral level does the jejunum start?
What artery supplies the jejunum and ileum?
____________ _____________ give rise to the straight __________ _________ to supply the small intestine.
Arterial arcades, vasa recta
Presynaptic sympathetics innervating the jejunum and ileum originate in...
Presynaptic sympathetics innervating the jejunum and ileum travel in _______________ nerves and synapse in ____________ ganglia.
greater lesser and least splanchnic nerves, SM ganglia
Preganglioniic parasympathetics to the ileum and jejunum travel through which plexus?
celiac and SM
Visceral pain from the jejunum and ileum refers to...
T8-T12 periumbilical region
What is located at the junction of the ascending colon and the transverse colon? At the transverse colon and the descending colon?
hepatic flexure, splenic flexure
Sacculations of the large intestine are called...
_________ __________ are most numerous in the transverse and sigmoid colons.
omental appendices
Which segments of the large intestine are intraperitoneal?
cecum, appendix, transverse, sigmoid
What segments of the colon are secondary retroperitoneal?
ascending colon, descending colon, rectum
What valve enters the cecum?
ileocecal valve
What is the most common location of the appendix?
retrocecal recess
The R paracolic gutter permits communication between...
pelvic cavity and hepatorenal recess
What is volvulus?
A condition in which the ascending colon has a short mesentery which allows it to twist upon itself
The transverse colon is (anterior/posterior) to the second part of the duodenum
The inferior pole of the spleen rests on what mesentery?
phrenicocolic ligament
What connects the transverse colon to the posterior abdominal wall?
transverse mesocolon
Which part of the colon can often be palpated? Why?
descending due to presence of solid fecal matter
What disease of the large intestine can present with LLQ pain?
The recto-sigmoid junction is just anterior to what vertebrae?
What courses along the floor of the intersigmoid recess?
L ureter
What is the arterial supply to the colon?
SMA supplies cecum, appendix, ascending colon and proximal 1/2-2/3 of transverse colon, IMA supplies distal 1/2-1/3 of transverse colon, descending colon, rectum, and proximal anal canal
Describe the origins of the appendicular a.
from posterior cecal brach of the ileocolic a of the SMA
Describe the origins of the cecal a?
anterior and posterior cecal aa from the ileocolic a from SMA
The ascending colon is supplied arterially by
ileocolic a and right colic a (of SMA)
The transverse colon is supplied arterially by
prox 2/3 from midddle colic a of SMA, distal 1/3 from left colic a of IMA
The descending colon is supplied arterially by
left colic a and sigmoidal aa of IMA
The sigmoid colon is supplied arterially by
sigmoidal aa of IMA
The marginal artery forms an arterial-arterial anastomoses between...
The SMV and IMV are part of what system?
hepatic portal system
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the colon.
epicolic nodes to the paracolic nodes to the mesocolic nodes to the nodes at the origins of SMA and IMA to intestinal trunks to cysterna chyli
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the large intestine originate in...
T8-T12 for prox colon
T12 & L1-2 for distal colon
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the colon travel in _________ nerves and synapse in ___________ ganglia.
greater, lesser, least, and lumbar splanchnics, primarily the SM ganglia (except lumbar splanchnics synapse in IM ganglia)
Parasympathetic innervation to the proximal colon comes from... the distal colon?
posterior vagal trunks, S2-S4 to pelvic splanchnic nerves
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers in pelvic splanchnic nerves run through which plexuses?
R/L inferior hypogastric
R/L hypogastric nn
superior hypogastric plexus
inferior mesenteric plexus
GVAs of the proximal colon (to prox 1/2 of sigmoid) refer pain to...
hypogastric regions contained within T10-T12 dermatomes or to LLQ within L1-L2 dermatomes (for prox sigmoid colon)
GVAs from the distal colon (after prox 1/2 of sigmoid) refer pain to...
perineal region (S2-S4 dermatomes)
What is the shape of the R suprarenal gland? The L?
The suprarenal glands are (inside/outside) the renal fascia?
What are the parts of the suprarenal glands?
cortex (outside), medulla (inside)
What is the blood supply to the suprarenal glands?
superior suprarenal aa (from prox inferior phrenic aa), middle suprarenal a (from AA), inferior suprarenal a (from renal a)
Where do the suprarenal veins empty?
L- L renal v
How do preganglionic sympathetic fibers reach the suprarenal cortex?
via greater splanchnic n and the celiac ganglion & plexus & aorticorenal gland and plexus
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the suprarenal cortex emerge from what ganglia?
celiac and aorticorenal
How do preganglionic sympathetic fibers reach the suprarenal medulla?
Via greater, lesser, least splanchnic nerves passing through celiac and aorticorenal ganglia without synapse
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers within the suprarenal medulla, when stimulated, release...
catecholamines into suprarenal vv
Which kidney is higher?
From what fetal structure are the kidneys formed?
What is it called when a fetus is born with only one kidney?
renal agenesis
What is it called when one kidney resides in the pelvic cavity?
pelvic kidney
What is it called when the inferior poles of the kidneys fuse?
horseshoe kidney
What rib, when fractured, can damage the kidney?
Describe the layers of kidney fascia from deep to superficial.
Renal sinus, renal capsule, perirenal fat, renal fascia, pararenal fat
Pararenal fat is a specific subvolume of which fascia?
extraperitoneal fat/fascia
What is at the apex of the renal pyramids?
renal papilla
Describe the path of urine from interior of kidney to bladder.
minor calyces to major calyces, infundibulum, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder
Where do the main arteries to the kidney arise?
renal arteries arise from AA
Which is more anterior, renal arteries or renal veins?
renal veins
Which renal vein crosses anterior to the AA?
L renal vein
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the kidneys.
lumbar nodes to lumbar trunk to cysterna chyli to thoracic duct
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the kidneys arise from...
Presynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the kidneys travel in _________ n to __________ ganglia.
lesser and least splanchnic, aorticorenal
Presynaptic parasympathetic GVEs to the kidney travel in what plexuses?
celiac and aorticorenal plexuses
GVAs from the kidneys refer pain to...
flank regions within the T10-L1 dermatomes
The ureters pass (anterior/posterior) to the psoas muscles and (anterior/posterior) to the gonadal vessels.
anterior, posterior
Where are the constrictions of the ureters?
UPJ, crossing of iliac vessels, ureterovesical junction
The ureters receive presynaptic sympathetic GVEs from.... via...
T11-T12, lesser, least, lumbar, sacral splanchnic nn
Postsynaptic sympathetic GVEs to the ureters travel in which plexuses?
aoriticorenal, superior hypogastric, inferior hypogastric
What attaches the bladder to the anterior abdominal wall?
median umbilical ligament
What is the most anterior point of the bladder?