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53 Cards in this Set

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Cartilages of the external nose
Lateral nasal cartilage, great alar cartilage, septal cartilage.
Supratrochlear and Infratrochlear Nerves
Branches of frontal nerve of V1. Innervate skin over the root, bridge, and lateral aspects of the upper nose.
Infraorbital Nerve
Branch of V2. Innervates skin over lower half of nose.
External Nasal Nerve
Branch of anterior ethmoidal branch of nasociliary of V1. Supplies skin of dorsum of nose.
Blood Supply of external nose
Angular artery - branch of facial
Dorsal nasal artery - branch of ophthalmic
External nasal - Branch of anterior ethmoidal
Septal branch - from facial artery
Another name for posterior nasal aperature.
What seperates oral and nasal cavities?
Part of nasal cavity deep to alar portion of nose. Is lined with skin (not respiratory mucosa). Has hairs.
2 parts of nasal cavity not lined with respiratory muscosa.
Vestibule and Olfactory Mucosa
Olfactory Mucosa
Superior part of nasal cavity. In front of opening of sphenoidal sinus.
Components of floor of nasal cavity
palatine process of maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone
Components of roof of nasal cavity
Nasal cartilages, nasal bone, frontal bone, cribiform plate of ethmoidal, body of sphenoid
Components nasal septum (medial wall)
Septal cartilage, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer, nasal crest of maxilla and palatine bones.
Nerves of Nasal Septum
Internal Nasal Nerve, Nasopalatine Nerve, Medial posterior superior nerves, Olfactory Nerve.
Internal Nasal Nerve
Branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve of nasocilliary nerve of V1. Supplies septum. Runs from superior and posterior to anterior and inferior of septum.
Nasopalatine Nerve
A posterior superior nasal branch of TV2. Larger than other branches. Supplies septum. Runs from posterior to anterior on inferior aspect of septum.
Medial Posterior Superior Nerves
Branches of V2. Supply the septum of nose.
Blood Supply of the spetum
-Anterior and Posterior ethmoidal arteries (from ophthalmic)
-septal branch of sphenopalatine artery (from sphenopalatine of maxillary)
-septal branch of facial artery
-terminal branch of greater (descending) palatine artery (from maxillary)
-Kiesselbach's plexus
Kiesselbach's plexus
At anterio-inferior part of septum, anastomosis of all the septum arteries. Where nose bleeds occur.
Olfactory Nerve
(CN 1) Travel from olfactory mucossa through cribiform plate of ethmoid bone to the olfactory bulb in the anterior cranial fossa.
Components of lateral wall of nasal cavity
-Nasal Bone
-Frontal Process of maxilla
-Lacrimal Bone
-Labyrinth and conchae of ethmoid bone
-inferior nasal concha
-perpendicular plate of palatine bone
-medial pterygoid plate
Sphenoethmoidal recess
Located superior and posterior to superior concha. Receives opening of sphenoid sinus.
Superior Meatus
Under superior concha. Receives openings of posterior ethmoidal air cells.
Middle Meatus
Under middle concha. Contains:
Ethmoidal bulla - elevation of labyrinth which receives middle ethmoidal air cells.
Hiatus Semilunaris - curved slit below ethmoidal bulla. recieves opening from maxillary sinus.
Uncinate process - ridge located below hiatus semilunaris
Ethmoidal infundibulum - Narrow pasage that runs antero-superiorly from hiatus. Receives opening of frontal sinus
Inferior Meatus
Under inferior concha. Where nasolacrimal duct terminates.
Inferior Concha
Is its own bone. Not part of ethmoid bones like other concha.
Nerves of Lateral Nasal Wall
-Olfactory Nerve (CN 1)
-Anterior ethmoidal Nerve (of nasociliary nerve of V1)
-Lateral Posterior superior nasal nerves (V2)
-Posterior Inferior lateral nasal???
-Greater palantine nerve (V2)
-Anterior superior alveolar nerve (V2)
Nerves containing OGP fibers from pterygopalatine ganglion for nasal glands
-Posterior Superior Lateral nasal
-Posterior Inferior lateral ????
-Greater palatine
-Anterior superior alveolar
Arteries of Lateral Nasal Wall
-Sphenopalatine (from maxillary)
-Descending palatine (From maxillary)
-Greater Palatine artery (from maxillary)
-Anterior ethmoidal artery (from ophthalmic)
-Superior Labial artery (from facial)
Frontonasal Sinus
located on eithside of median line within frontal bone. Drains into middle meatus via frontonasal duct.
Orbital Plate of ethmoid bone
seperates ethmoid air cells from orbit.
Maxillary Sinus
Largest sinus located in body of maxilla. Opens into hiatus semilunaris.
Sphenoid Sinus
Located in body of sphenoid bone. Opens into sphenoethmoidal recess.
Boundaries of Pterygopalatine Fossa
Superior - Body of sphenoid but mostly inferior orbital fissure.
Anterior - Posterior wall of Maxillary Sinus
Posterior - Pterygoid process and root of greater wing of sphenoid.
Medial - Perpendicular Plate of palatine bone
Inferior - Anterior and posterior wall come together as pterygopalatine canal.
Lateral - Opens into pterygomaxillary fissure.
Pterygomaxillary fissure
How maxillary artery gets into pterygopalatine fossa. Passage for posterior superior alveolar nerve and artery.
Foramen Rotundum
Entryway for maxillary nerve into pterygopalatine fossa.
Pterygoid Canal
Entry way for greater petrosal branch of facial carrying EGP. Entry way for deep petrosal nerve carrying OGS from superior cervical plexus. They merge to become the nerve of pterygoid canal.
Also contains artery of the pterygoid canal.
Inferior Orbital Fissure
Passage way into orbit for zygomatic and infraorbital nerves and vessels.
Sphenopalatine Foramen
Passage way into the nasal cavity for sphenopalatine artery. Also passageway for nasopalatine and posterior superior nasal nerves for the supply of the nasal mucossa.
Pterygopalatine Canal
Leading into greater and lesser palatine foramina. Passageway for greater and lesser palatine vessels and nerves to supply roof of mouth and soft palet.
Pharyngeal canal
Passageway for pharyngeal vessels and nerves to supply upper portion of pharynx.
Contents of Pterygopalatine Fossa
-Maxillary Nerve (V2)
-Pterygopalatine ganglion
-Maxillary Artery (pterygopalatine part)
Maxillary Nerve Branches
-Meningeal branch (given off in cranial cavity)
-Zygomatic nerve
-Posterior Superior Alveolar nerve
-Infraorbital Nerve
Zygomatic Nerve
Branch of Maxillary. Enters orbit through inferior orbital fissure. Carries Sympa and para to lacrimal gland. Divides into zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal branches to supply skin of face.
Posterior Alveolar Nerves
Pass through pterygomaxillary fissure. Supply molar teeth and adjacent tissues and maxillary sinus.
Infraorbital Nerve
Enters orbit through inferior orbital fissure. Lies in infraorbital sulcus before entering infraorbital canal. Reaches face via infraorbital foramen. In canal has middle and anterior superior alveolar nerves. In face has inferior palpebral, nasal, superior labial, and facial branches.
Pterygopalatine Ganglion
Located in pterygopalatine fossa below maxillary nerve. Is suspended by pterygopalatine nerves (V2). Supplies secretory fibers to the lacrimal gland and mucosal glands in the nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities.
Nerves from Pterygopalatine Ganglion
-Greater Palatine branches
-Posterior Inferior nasal branches
-Lesser palatine branches
-Posterior superior nasal branches
-nasopalatine nerve
-Pharyngeal nerve
Greater Palatine Nerve
From Pterygopalatine ganglion. Supplies mucossa for gums and hard palate.
Posterior Inferior Nasal Nerve
From Pterygopalatine ganglion. Pierces palatine bone. Supplies lateral nasal wall
Nasopalatine Nerve
From Pterygopalatine ganglion. Passes through sphenopalatine foramen, supplies nasal septum as it passes toward incisive canal.
Pharyngeal Nerve
From pterygopalatine ganglion. Passes through pharyngeal canal to reach mucossa of upper pharyngeal region.
Pterygopalatine Section of Maxillary artery
Enters from infratemporal fossa viapterygomaxillary fissure.
-posterior superior alveolar artery
-infraorbital artery
-Descending palatine artery (divides into greater and lesser palatine arteries. As it descends, gives off posterior inferior lateral nasal artery)
-Artery of pterygoid canal
-Pharyngeal artery
-Sphenopalatine artery