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73 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Cervical Vertebrae (Number, names)
-7 vertebrae
-atlas, axis, C3-C7
Number of Thoracic vertebrae
- T1-T12
Number of Lumbar Vertebrae
- L1-L5
-5 fused vertebrae
-below lumbar and above coccyx
-4 fused vertebrae
-below sacrum
Vertebral Column Sections
-Cervical (7)
-Thoracic (12)
-Lumbar (5)
-Sacrum (5 fused)
-Coccyx (4 fused)
Where is the costal facet?
-there are two costal facets on the body of the thoracic vertebrae
What is the purpose of the costal facet?
Articulation with the respective rib
What attaches to the vertebral body and what is its purpose?
-posterior and anterior longitudinal ligaments
-stabilize intervertebral joints
What is the origin and insertion of the psoas major?
-origin is on transverse process of L1-L5 (superficial section origin is lateral surfaces of T12-L4)
-joins other muscles and inserts at the lesser trochanter of the femur
Functions of Psoas major?
-flexion/external rotation of hip joint
-bend trunk laterally
-lift trunk from supine
What forms the vertebral canal and what is its function?
-alignment of the vertebral foramen on consecutive vertebrae
-protection of the spinal cord
What forms the intervertebral foramen and what is its function?
-the inferior notch of one vertebra and the superior notch of the following vertebra
-allow for the passage of spinal nerves and radicular vessels
What is the Ligamentum flava?
Ligament that extends from lamina to lamina
What ligaments attach the spinous processes together?
Infra spinous and supra spinous
Where is the costotubercular facet and what is its function?
-lateral edge of the transverse process
-articulation with rib
What is the purpose of the articular facets?
-the superior facet of one vertebra articulates with the inferior facet of the adjacent vertebra
What are the transversospinalis and where are they/where do they attach?
-deep to the erector spinae
-attach at trasverse process of one vertebra and pass to spinous process of more superior vertebra
-rotate/extend vertebral column
Levator scapulae attachment and function
-origin of dorsal edge of transverse process of C1-C4 and inserts on superior angle and adjacent medial border
-lift the scapula
extrinsic vs. intrinsic back muscles
-extrinsic: superficial or intermediate that produce and control limb and respiratory movements
-intrinsic: deep muscles that act on the vertebral column, produce movement and maintain posture
Extrinsic back muscles(& attachments)
-trapezius (spinous process)
-latissmus dorsi (spinous process)
-levator scapulae (attached to C1-4 transverse processes)
-rhomboid (spinous process)
Where are the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments?
-interspinous=between spinous processes
-supraspinous=connects dorsal edge of spinous processes
-interspinous=between spinous processes
-supraspinous=connects dorsal edge of spinous processes
What is the erector spinae and where does it attach?
-group of muscles that lie in the groove on each side of the vertebral column between the spinous processes centrally and the angles of the ribs laterally
-chief extensor of the vertebral column
What is the spinalis?
-the medial column of the erector spinae
-thus attached at the spinous processes
What is the nuchal ligament and where is it located?
-connects spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae
-acts as the supraspinous ligament for the cervical spine
-connects spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae
-acts as the supraspinous ligament for the cervical spine
What is the base of the sacrum and what is its function?
-first body of S1 and the superior articular processes
-articulate with L5
What attaches to the sacral promonotory
-anterior longitudinal ligament
What is a sacral ala?
-L. wing
-flat, wing-like projections from the S1 vertebra
Piriformis attachment and function
-origin on the portions of bone between foramen of S1-S4 and greater sciatic notch (pelvic bone)
-attaches to greater trochanter through tendon
-lateral rotation and abduction of femur
-important in walking because shifts weight to the opposite side of the foot being lifted
Where are the pelvic sacral foramina and what is their function?
-anterior face of sacrum
-transmit ventral rami of sacral nerves and lateral sacral arteries
-anterior face of sacrum
-transmit ventral rami of sacral nerves and lateral sacral arteries
What muscles/ligaments attach to the dorsal surface of the sacrum
-erector spinae
-gluteus maximus
-sacrotuberous ligament
-sacrospinous ligament
sacrospinous ligament vs. sacrotuberous ligament
-both attach sacrum to pelvis
-sacrotub=posterior sacrum to tuberosity of the ischium
-sacropin=deep to sacrotub, posterior sacrum to ischial spine
-both attach sacrum to pelvis
-sacrotub=posterior sacrum to tuberosity of the ischium
-sacropin=deep to sacrotub, posterior sacrum to ischial spine
Where are the dorsal sacral foramina and what is their function?
-posterior side of sacrum
-transmit dorsal rami of sacral nerves
-posterior side of sacrum
-transmit dorsal rami of sacral nerves
What is the function of the sacral apex?
articulate with the coccyx
What is the function of the sacral canal?
house the sacral spinal roots
What muscle attaches to the coccyx?
-coccygeus muscle (attached to spine of the ischium)
What attaches to the iliac crest?
-latissimus dorsi
-tensor fasciae latae
iliacus attachment and function
-attach at iliac crest and joins psoas major at lesser trochanter of femur
-flexing femur forward or lifting trunk from supine
latissmus dorsi attachment and function
-iliac crest
tensor fasciae latae attachment and function
-attachment at iliac crest
-inserted between layers of iliotibial band
-helps brace knee and muscles of thigh
-attaches at lateral condyle of tibia
-attachment at iliac crest
-inserted between layers of iliotibial band
-helps brace knee and muscles of thigh
-attaches at lateral condyle of tibia
Anterior superior iliac spine location and attachments
-adjacent to crest but anterior to it
-inguinal ligament
-tensor fascia latae muscle
-adjacent to crest but anterior to it
-inguinal ligament
-tensor fascia latae muscle
inguinal ligament
-runs from pubic tubercule to anterior superior iliac spine
-contains soft tissue as they run from abdomen to lower extremities
-attached at superior anterior iliac spine and runs obliquely across thigh, crossing distal end of femur medially, ending in a tendon connected to tibia
-"tailors muscle" b/c of crossing legs or inseam measure
-hip flex, abd/add, lateral rotation and knee flex
Anterior inferior iliac spine location and attachments
-inferior to superior iliac spine
-rectus femoris
-iliofemoral ligament
-inferior to superior iliac spine
-rectus femoris
-iliofemoral ligament
What attaches to the posterior superior iliac spine?
-gluteus maximus
Function of the greater sciatic notch (general)?
-transmits muscles, blood vessels, and nerves to gluteal region/lower extremities
Which muscles are transmitted by greater sciatic notch?
Which blood vessels are transmitted by greater sciatic notch?
-superior/inferior gluteal arteries and veins
-internal pudendal art/veins
Which nerves are transmitted by greater sciatic notch?
-superior/inferior gluteal
Which muscles attach the gluteal surface of the ilium?
-gluteus maximas
-gluteus medius
-gluteus minimis
What attaches to the iliac fossa?
What is the function of the articular surface of the ilium?
articulate with the sacrum
What attaches to the iliac tuberosity?
-ligaments that attach ilium and sacram:
-dorsal sacroiliac, interosseous sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligament
-quadratus lumborum muscle
What attaches to the pubic crest?
-rectus abdominis muscle
-adductor longus muscle
What attaches to the pubic tubercule?
-inguinal ligament
What attaches to the superior pubic ramus?
-pectineus muscle
-obturator internus and externus muscles
-pubofemoral ligament
What attaches to the pectin pubis?
-conjoined tendon (connects with ab obliques and supports inguinal area)
-lacunar and pectineal ligaments
What is the function of the obturator groove?
-transmit the obturator nerve and blood vessels
What attaches to the iliopubic eminence?
-pubofemoral ligament
What is the rectus abdominis?
-abdominal muscles
-separated by connective tissues
-run from pubis to xiphoid process
What attaches to the external surface of the inferior pubis ramus?
-adductor brevis
-obturator externus
Adductor muscles of the hip & general origin/insertion & associated nerve
-adductor longus
-adductor brevis
-adductor magnus/minimus
-obturator externus
-origin at hip, intsertion on femur or tibia
-obturator nerve
What is attached to the interior surface of the pubic ramus?
-obturator internus muscle
Function/location of the lesser sciatic notch?
-posterior superior area of ischium; inferior to ischial spine
-transmits obturator internus tendon
-transmits pudendal nerve
-transmits internal pudendal blood vessels
What attaches to the ischial spine?
-sacrospinous ligament
-superior gemellus muscle
What attaches to the anterior surface of the ischial ramus?
-obturator externus muscle
-adductor magnus muscle
What attaches to the posterior surface of the ischial ramus?
-obturator internus muscle
What attaches to the tuberosity of the ischium?
-sacrotuberous ligament
-gemellus inferior
-adductor magnus (hip adductor)
-semimembranous and semitendinosus muscles
-biceps femoris and quadratus femoris
What is the function of the obturator foramen?
-transmit the obturator nerve and blood vessels
Obturator foramen attachments
-obturator internus and externus muscles
Acetabulum attachments
-rectus femoris muscle
-fibrous joint capsule
-ischiofemoral ligament
Function of the lunate surface of the acetabulum
-articulation with the head of the femus
Attachments to notch of the acetabulum
-ligament of head of the femur (teres)