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16 Cards in this Set

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Possible motions of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column and for each motion identify the single factor or structure that limits that motion
Flexion- ligamentum flavum
Extension-anterior longitudinal ligament
Axial rotation-orientation of zygopophyseal joints
lateral flexion- ligamentum flavum, zygopophyseal joints
What effect does parasympathetic nervous system have on:

what nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic axons out of CNS for production of effect?
a)bronchial diameter
b)heart rate
c)pyloric sphincter
d)urinary bladder
e)external anal sphincter
a)bronchial diameter- lessens, vagus
b)heart rate- lessens, vagus
c)pyloric sphincter-relaxes, vagus
d)urinary bladder- contracts, pelvic splanchic
e)external anal sphincter - none
trace pain pathway from appendix to spinal cord
appendix-->iliocolic plexus-->superior mesenteric plexus-->SM gaglia-->thoracic splanchnic-->T10 sympathetic ganglion-->T10 w.r.c.-->T10 ventral ramus-->T10 sp.n-->T10 dorsal root-->spinal cord
vertebral levels corresponding to the following:
c)origin of superior mesenteric artery
d)end of spinal cord
e)bifurcation of aorta
a)manubrium- T3-T4
c)origin of superior mesenteric artery- L1
d)end of spinal cord-L1/2
e)bifurcation of aorta-L4
Trace the normal lymphatic drainage of the right breast to the vascular system:
right breast--> pectoral nodes-->nodes along axillary vein-->subclavian trunk-->r. brachiocephalic

or right breast-->parasternal nodes--> brochomediastinal trunk-- r. brachiocephalic
aortic coarctation
notching of inferior borders of ribs- posterior intercostal aa become dilated due to extra blood
3 signs and symptoms of portal hypertension and give anatomical explanation
a) vomiting blood-dilation of esophageal veins as they reroute blood from left gastric v. to azygos vv. the dilated vv can rupture

b)fresh blood in stool- dilation of rectal veins as they reroute blood from superior rectal v. to inverior rectal v. the dilated vv. can rupture
c) caput medusae- dilation of thoracoepigastric vv. as they reroute blood from periumbilical vv to vena cavae.
femoral artery to left hepatic artery route?
femoral-->external iliac--> common iliac--> aorta-->celiac-->common hepatic-->proper hepatic-->left hepatic
name the structures that lie immediately
a)posterior to the pubic symphysis
b)superior to the prostate gland
c)anterior to uterine cervix
urinary bladder
the epiploic foramen (of Winslow) is a passageway between _______ and _______. Excluding peritoneum, name the structures that form its boundaries
greater sac and lesser sac.
a)portal vein
lymph nodes most likely to have metastases of cancer arising
a)in the ovary
b)in the testis
c)in the glas penis
d)in the prostate gland
e)in bronchus intermedius
a)in the ovary- paraaortic, pelvic
b)in the testis-paraaortic
c)in the glas penis-superficial inguinal
d)in the prostate gland-pelvic
e)in bronchus intermedius- hilar
relationship between ureter and the
a)psoas major
b)iliac arteries
c)infundibulopelvic liagament
d)lateral fornix of vagina
relationship between ureter and the
a)psoas major-ureter lies on anterior surface of psoas major in abdomen
b)iliac arteries- ureter crosses anterior to common iliac
c)infundibulopelvic ligament- ureter lies 1 fb posterosuperior to ligament
d)lateral fornix of vagina- ureter lies 1fb lateral to vagina or cervix
during colonoscopy you see a red object shining through the wall of the bowel. what is this and where are you?
tells you you are at junction between transverse and descending colon.
what is perineal cleft?
the space between deep perineal fascia and Colle's fascia.

must disrupt urethra and deep perineal fascia
blood supply to ovary
aorta-->ovarian a-->ovary
aorta--> common iliac a--> internal iliac a--> uterine a--->ovary
blunt trauma to left kidney, bleeding to perirenal space. What organs are likely to come into contact with blood?
suprarenal gland