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94 Cards in this Set

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Name for Cranial Nerve I
Olfactory n.
Name for Cranial Nerve II
Optic n.
Name for Cranial Nerve III
Occulomotor n.
Name for Cranial Nerve IV
Trochlear n.
Name for Cranial Nerve V
Trigeminal n.
Name for Cranial Nerve VI
Abducens n.
Name for Cranial Nerve VII
Facial n.
Name for Cranial Nerve VIII
Vestibulocochlear n.
Name for Cranial Nerve IX
Glossopharyngeal n.
Name for Cranial Nerve X
Vagus n.
Name for Cranial Nerve XI
Acessory n.
Name for Cranial Nerve XII
Hypoglossal n.
Which two CNN are purely sensory?
- Olfactory n. (I)
- Optic n. (II)
Where does CN I enter?
Rostrally through the cribiform plate
What type of nerve is CN I?
What happens when CN I is damaged?
Inability to smell
Where does CN II enter?
Optic canal
What type of nerve is CN II?
What two things happen due to damage to CN II?
- Blindness on affected side
- Absence of pupillary light reflex on both sides
Where does CN III exit?
Orbital fissure
What type of nerve is CN III? (2)
What is CN III motor to? (5)
- Medial rectus m.
- Dorsal rectus m.
- Ventral rectus m.
- Ventral oblique m.
- Levator palpebrae superioris m.
What is CN III visceral to? (2)
PSNS to:
- Sphincter muscle of the pupil
- Ciliary muscle
What happens due to CN III damage? (4)
- Ventrolateral strabismus
- Ptosis
- Mydriasis
- Absence of pupillary light reflex in both eyes
Where does CN IV exit?
Orbital fissure
What type of nerve is CN IV?
What is CN IV motor to?
Dorsal oblique m.
What happens due to damage of CN IV?
Rotation of dorsal aspect of the eye laterally
Three branches of CN V
- Opthalmic n.
- Maxillary n.
- Mandibular n.
Where does the Opthalmic n. enter?
Orbital fissure
What type of nerve is CN V (and its branches)?
What is the Opthalmic n. sensory to? (3)
- Globe
- Superior lid
- Area between eyes
What happens due to opthalmic n. damage?
Anesthesia of autonomous zone
Where does the maxillary n. enter?
Rostral alar foramen --> round foramen
What is the maxillary n. sensory to? (4)
- Inferior lid
- Superior arcade
- Superior lip
- Nose
What happens due to damage of the maxillary n.?
Anesthesia of the autonomous zone
Where does the mandibular n. enter through?
Oval foramen
5 branches of the mandibular n.
- Lingual n.
- Inferior alveolar n.
- Mylohyoid n.
- Auriculotemporal n.
- Buccal n.
What is the mandibular n. motor to? (4)
- Masseter m.
- Temporalis m.
- Pterygoids mm.
- Digastricus m.

(The muscles of mastication)
What does the inferior alveolar n. innervate? (2)
- Inferior arcade
- Lower lip
What does the lingual n. innervate?
What does the buccal n. innervate?
Cheek within the oral cavity
What does the mylohyoid n. innervate?
Skin between the mandibles
What does the auriculotemporal n. innervate?
Skin rostral to the ear in temporal region
What happens due to damage of the mandibular n.? (3)
- Dropped jaw
- Atrophy of muscles of mastication (prominent zygomatic arch)
- Anesthesia of autonomous zone
Where does CN VI exit?
Orbital fissure
What neuron type is CN VI?
What is CN VI motor to? (2)
- Lateral rectus m.
- Retractor bulbi m.
What happens due to damage of CN VI?
Medial strabismus
What does CN VII exit through?
Stylomastoid foramen
What types of neurons are present in CN VII? (3)
What is CN VII motor to? (3)
- Muscles of fascial expression
- Auricular mm.
- Orbicularis oculi m.
What is CN VII parasympathetic to? (2)
- Salivary glands
- Lacrimal glands
What is CN VII sensory to?
Inner aspect of external ear canal
What happens due to damage of CN VII? (4)
- Facial paralysis
- Dry eye
- Inability to blink
- Inability to move ears
Which CN doesn't exit the braincase?
Vestibulocochlear n. (VIII)
What is the sensory function of CN VIII?
What is the special function of CN VIII?
What happens due to damage of CN VIII? (2)
- Deafness
- Balance and equilibrium problems
Where does cranial nerve IX enter?
Tympanooccipital fissure
What three neuron types are in CN IX?
What is CN IX motor to?
Pharyngeal muscles
What is CN IX sensory to?
Pharyngeal mucosa
What happens due to damage of CN IX?
Where does CN X enter?
Tympanooccipital fissure
What neuron types are present in CN X? (4)
What is CN X motor to? (2)
- Pharyngeal mm.
- Laryngeal mm.
What is CN X sensory to? (5)
- Pharyngeal mucosa
- Laryngeal mucosa
- Tracheal mucosa

- Abdominal viscera
- Thoracic viscera
What three things occur due to damage of CN X?
- Dysphagia
- Dysphonia
- Dyspnea
Where does CN XI exit?
Tympanooccipital fissure
What neuron type is CN XI?
What is CN XI motor to?
Trapezius m.

(ONLY innervation of the trapezius m.)
What happens due to damage of CN XI?
Nothing clinically obvious/relevant
Where does CN XII exit through?
Hypoglossal canal
What neuron type is CN XII?
What is CN XII motor to? (2)
- Lingual mm.
- Geniohyoideus m.
What happens due to damage of CN XII? (3)
- Dysphagia
- Lingual paralysis (if bilateral)
- Atrophy of tongue on affected side
What is the trigeminal nerves primary function?
Two branches of the maxillary n.
- Infraorbital n.
- Superior alveolar nn.
What supplies the roots of the teeth?
Superior alveolar nn.
What is sensory to the nose?
Infraorbital n.
4 ways to assess the trigeminal n.
- Palpebral reflex (V and VII)
- Corneal reflex (V and VII)
- Trigeminofacial reflex (V and VII)
- Conscious pain perception
What is the main function of CN VII?
Branches of CN VII (3)
- Dorsal and ventral buccal branches
- Auriculopalpebral n.
What are the buccal nn. motor to?
Muscles of fascial expression
What is the auriculopalpebral n. motor to? (2)
- Ear muscles
- Orbicularis oculi m.
Branches of auriculopalpebral n. (2)
- Rostral and caudal auricular nn.
- Palpebral n.
Fxn of palpebral n.
Motor to orbicularis oculi m.

Assessment of CN VII (4)
- Palpebral reflex (V and VII)
- Corneal reflex (V and VII)
- Trigeminofacial reflex (V and VII)
- Menace response (VII)
Three CN that are purely sensory
- I
- II
Assessment of CN IX
Gag reflex (IX/X & IX/X/XII)
2 branches of CN X
- Cranial laryngeal n.
- Recurrent laryngeal n.
Fxn of cranial laryngeal n.
Sensory to larynx
Fxn of recurrent laryngeal n.
Motor to larynx (after terminal to caudal laryngeal n.)