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94 Cards in this Set

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functions of kidney
filter blood plasma
regulate blood volume and pressure
regulate osmolarity
regulate PCO2
acid-base balance
synthesize calcitrol
enzymes kidney secretes
enzyme that activates hormonal response to control BP
secreted from JG cells in nephron loop when drop in BP
stimulates production of red blood cells
amino acids to energy in extreme starvation; occurs in kidneys
by-product of protein catabolism
protein --> AA and then NH2 group removed
most toxic of wastes, but liver quickly converts ammonia to urea
uric acid
catabolism by-product of nucleic acids
catabolism of creatine phosphate
blood nitrogenous waste level
10-20 mg/dL
elevated BUN
azotemia = renal insufficiency and can progress to uremia (diarrhea/vomiting)
caused by low rates of filtration
respiratory system excretes
small amts other gases and water
integumentary system excretes....
inorganic salts
lactic acid
digestive system eliminates.... and excretes....
food residue;
urinary system excretes....
metabolic wastes
glomerular filtration
water and some solutes in blood plasma pass from capillaries of glomerulus into capsular space of nephron
filtration membrane layers
fenestrated endothelium
basement membrane
filtration slits of podocytes
fenestrated endothelium
highly permeable, but exclude blood cells from filtrate
70-90 nm
basement membrane
proteogylcan gel that excludes > 8 nm
blood protein level 7% and filtrate protein level .03%
filtration slits of podocytes
arms with pedicles that wrap around capillaries
negatively charged filtration slits between them additional obstacle to large anions
what can pass through the filtration membrane?
fatty acids
amino acids
kidney deficiency that allows proteins/blood to pass through the urine
blood hydrostatic pressure
much higher than elsewhere
60 mmHg
hydrostatic pressure in capular space
~18 mmHg
due to high filtration rate and continual accumulation of fluid
colloid osmotic pressure
blood about the same as everywhere else in the body
32 mmHg
Net filtration pressure
high outward of 60
opposed by two inward of 18 and 32
net = 10 mmHg out
scarring of the kidney from rupture
renal blood vessels from rupture
positive feedback loop --> renal failure
glomerular filtration rate
amt of filtrate formed per minute between two kidneys
for every 1 mmHg net filtration pressure, kidneys produce 12.5 mL filtrate (10 times 12.5 = 125 mL/min)
filtration coefficient Kf
depend on permeability and surface area
10% lower in women (10.5 mL)
daily filtration
about 60X blood volume per day
99% reabsorbed --> 1-2L of urine/day
if GFR is too high...
fluid flows too rapidly for them to reabsorb usual amount so urine output rises
electrolyte depletion
if GFR is too low....
fluid sluggish and reabsorb waste --> azotemia
3 ways to change GFR =
renal autroregulation
sympathetic control
hormonal control
renal autoregulation
ability of nephrons to adjust their own blood flow independent of systemic blood pressure
myogenic mechanism
tubuloglomerular feedback
myogenic mechanism
tendency of smooth muscles to contract when stretched
increasing arterial BP in myogenic mechanism
stretch afferent arteriole which constricts and prevents blood flow into glomerulus
decreasing arterial BP in myogenic mechanism
afferent arteriole relaxes and allows blood to flow more easily into glomerulus
mechanism of vasoconstriction
pressure induced vascular wall stretch --> depolarization --> Ca 2+ influx
tubuloglomerular feedback
function adjusted based on downstream feedback from juxtaglomerular apparatus
juxtaglomerular apparatus
end of nephron loop where it comes into contact with afferent and efferent arterioles from the glomerulus
macula densa
patch of close epithelia cells facing arterioles to sense variations in flow
secrete paracrine that stimulates JG cells
JG cells
enlarged smooth muscle cells in afferent arteriole directly across from macula dense that dilate/constrict
secrete renin in response to drop in BP
mesangial cells
clef between afferent and efferent arterioles
also to build supportive matrix for glomerulus
constrict/relax to regulate capillary flow
communicate via paracrines
When GFR rises with tubuloglomerular response...
flow of tubular fluid increase and more NaCl reabsorbed
macula densa stimulates JG with paracrine which constrict afferent
mesangial may contract too
when GFR falls with tubulogomerular response...
macula relaxes afferent and mesangial cells --> blood flow increase
MAP range GFR remains stable
90-180 mmHg
sympathetic control
in strenuous exercise and acute conditions
adrenal epinephrine constricts afferent arterioles --> reduced GFR and urine output and redirects blood from kidneys to heart/brain/muscles
hormonal control drop in BP....
sympathetic fibers stimulate JG cells to secrete renin
what does renin do in hormonal control
converts angiotensinogen (blood protein) --> angiotensin I
lungs and kidneys convert angiotensin I --> II which is active via ACE
effects angiotensin II at glomerulus and peritubular capillaries
widespread vasoconstriction throughout the body
constricts more efferent than afferent, raising GFR
lowers BP in peritubular capillaries which enhances reabsorption of NaCl and water from nephron
effects angiotensin II at DCT and CD
stimulates adrenal cortex to release aldosterone which targets DCT and CD to reabsorb Na and water
angiotensin II effects at collecting tubule
stimulates posterior pituitary to secrete ADH which promotes water reabsorption by CD
angiotensin II effects at hypothalamus
stimulates thirst and H2O intake
angiotensin II effects overall
increase reabsorption rate of Na and H2O
why can filtration occur in glomerulus
high BP of glomerular capillaries override colloid osmotic pressure
most plasma solutes into capsular space while retaining formed elements and protein in bloodstream
tubular reabsorption
reclaiming water and solutes from tubular fluid and returning them to blood
conversion of glomerular filtrate to urine
where does tubular reabsorption occur?
from PCT to DCT
most return through walls of peritubular capillaries and vasa recta
what gets reabsorbed in tubular?
PCT reabsorption
about 65% glomerular filtrate reabsorbed
microvilli and SA
lots of mitochondria for active transport
PCT transcellular route
through cytoplasm and out base of epithelia cells
PCT paracellular route
between cells where junctions are leaky and allow water to drag substances through
PCT Na reabsorption
creates osmotic/electrical gradient that drives others
simulatenously bind Na and glucose/AA/lactate
no ATP, but driven by Na/K pumps at base of the cell which pump Na out of the cell into capillaries
pulls Na into cell while pumping H out into tubular fluid
Cl reabsorption
Cl follows Na into tubular cells
also antiports in exchange for other ions
Cl and K reabsorption
driven out through basal by symport
K/Mg/P reabsorption
through paracellular route
P also co-transported with Na
Glucose reabsorption
co-transported with Na and ejected by facilitated diffusion
finite # carrier molecules so removal depends on BGL
urea reabsorption
through tubular epithelium with water
about half of urea
water reabsorption
about 2/3 of all
tissue fluid is hypertonic because of all the salts/organic solutes while osmolarity of tubular fluid remains the same because equal amts of water and solutes are reabsorbed in PCT
uptake into capillaries in PCT
H2O reabsorbed by capillaries via osmosis and solvent drag
factors that promote osmotic movement into peritubular capillaries
high interstitial fluid pressure
less resistance to absorption
proteins remain in blood
high interstitial fluid pressure
from accumulation of reabsorbed fluid around basolateral that drives water into capillaries
less resistance to reabsorption
narrow efferent arterioles lower BHP in capillaries so less resistance to more entering fluids
proteins remain in blood after filtration
elevating COP
high COP and low BHP in capillaries and high hydrostatic pressure in tissue fluid --> reabsorption
accentuation of reabsorbing properties by angiotensin II
constricts arterioles, reducing BP in PTC, reducing resistance to reabsorption
tubular secretion in PCT waste removal of:
uric acid
bile acids
some creatine
tubular secretion in acid-base balance
secretion of H and H2CO3 ions
nephron loop
generates osmotic gradient that enables CD to concentrate urine and conserve water
reabsorb useful electrolytes from filtrate
~ 25% of Na, K and Cl
cells in thick segment of ascending nephron loop
simulatenously bind 1 Na, 1 K and 2 Cl
Na transported out of epithelial to medullary tissue fluid while K/Cl diffuse out
K --> through epithelial Na/K pump and then back to tubular fluid
H2O can't follow --> diluted urine
DST and CD reabsorb
variable amounts of water and salts regulated by hormones
still contains 20% of water and 7% of salts from glomerule filtrate
principle cells of DST and CD
more abundant
receptors for hormones involved in solute and H2O balance
intercalated cells of DST and CD
reabsorb K and secrete H into tubule for acid-base balance
water conservation of CD
begins in cortex which receives multiple nephron inputs
as it passes through medulla, it reabsorbs water and concentrates urine 4X
four hormones involved in reabsorption in DCT/ CD
ADH, aldosterone, parathyroid hormone, natriuretic peptides
medulla for water conservation
as you go deeper, it gets saltier
CD not permeable to NaCl, but it is permeable to water so more water leaves as CD gets deeper into medulla
concentrates urine
drinking lots of water on CD...
water diuresis so cortical CD reabsorbs NaCl, but is impermeable to water
this means that there is less of an osmolarity gradient when passes through salty medulla so it reabsorbs less water and urine becomes dilute
dehydration on CD....
high blood osmolarity --> ADH released which increases water reabsorption
increase in number at surface stimulated by ADH
if lasts more than a day, will transcribe more
extreme dehydration
BP so low that GFR significantly reduce --> increased water reabsorption, decreased urine volume
filtrate is slow so more time
countercurrent multiplier
ability to concentrate urine depends on osmotic gradient of renal medulla
how does nephron loop recapture salt and return it to deep medullary tissue
since descending is only permeable to water and ascending is only permeable to salt, this keeps the salinity of the medulla
tubular fluid is really concentrated at bottom and then dilute at top
vasa recta
network of vessels that arise from nephrons deep in cortex close to medulla
from efferent arterioles
carry away water and solutes reabsorbed by tubule
countercurrent system with vasa recta
descending capillaries exchange H2O for salt and ascending do the opposite
net effect --> vasa recta gives salt back and doesn't subtract from osmolarity of medulla