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100 Cards in this Set

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The vessels that connect the scalp with the cranial cavity are best know as __________ veins.
a. Scalp
b. Emissary
c. Messenger
d. Connecting
e. Carter’s
The fourth layer of the scalp is the _________.
a. Skin
b. Galea aponeurotica
c. Loose areolar tissue
d. Pericranium
e. Superficial fascia
Loose Connective (Areolar) Tissue
The skin of the face is provided with sensory nerve fibers for pain, temperature and touch by the ____________ nerve.
a. Facial
b. Vagus
c. Hypoglossal
d. Trigeminal
e. Glossopharyngeal
1. The danger triangle of the face includes all of the following except:
a. Nose
b. Upper lip
c. Lower lip
d. Lower eyelid
e. Two of the above
Two of the above
5. Where is the cavernous sinus located?
a. Nasal cavity
b. Oral cavity
c. Cranial cavity
d. Infratemporal fossa
e. Pterygopalatine fossa
Cranial Cavity
6. What muscles are attached to the galea aponeurotica
a. Orbicularis oculi and occipitalis
b. Occipitalis and frontalis
c. Frontalis and Orbicularis oculi
d. Auricularis and occipitalis
e. Corrugator supercilli and frontalis
Occiptials and frontalis
7. Which of the following cutaneous sensory nerves is the continuation of the inferior alveolar nerve?
a. Supraorbital n.
b. Infraorbital n.
c. Facial n.
d. Mental n.
e. Inferior labial n.
Mental Nerve
8. When a local anesthetic is injected around the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, all of the following structures are numbed except:
a. Mandibular teeth
b. Lower lip
c. Upper lip
d. Skin covering chin
e. Gingival of mandibular teeth
Upper Lip
9. The muscles of facial expression are unique because they are:
a. Involuntarily controlled
b. Attached to both bone and skin
c. Supplied with motor nerve fibers by more than one cranial nerve
d. Not controlled by any cranial nerve
e. Controlled by the cervical plexus
Attached to both bone and skin
10. What structure contains a nucleus pulposus?
a. Parotid gland
b. Vertebral body
c. Ramus of mandible
d. Intervertebral disc
e. Temporomandibular joint
Intervertebral Disc
11. The external carotid artery has two terminal branches, which include the __________ and ___________ arteries.
a. Lingual and facial
b. Superior thyroid and lingual
c. Maxillary and facial
d. Facial and superficial temporal
e. Superficial temporal and maxillary
Superficial Temporal and Maxillary
12. The cutaneous (sensory) nerves supplying the skin in the anterior cervical triangle are:
a. Branches of the facial nerve
b. Branches of the brachial plexus
c. Branches of the cervical plexus
d. Branches of the trigeminal nerve
e. None of the above
Branches of the cervical plexus
13. The sternomastoid muscle is supplied with motor nerve fibers by the:
a. Vagus n.
b. Spinal accessory n.
c. Cervical plexus
d. Ansa cervicalis
e. Hypoglossal n.
Spinal Accessory Nerve
14. The trigeminal nerve has several cutaneous branches appearing in the facial region. Select the incorrect association of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve and their cutaneous branches from the choices below.
a. Ophthalmic – infraorbital
b. Mandibular – mental nerve
c. Maxillary – infraorbital nerve
d. Ophthalmic – supraorbital nerve
15. The facial vein has connections with numerous venous structures, including the:
a. Internal jugular vein
b. Superior ophthalmic vein
c. Pterygoid plexus
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
All of the Above
16. Select the correct statement which describes the infrahyoid muscles:
a. The sternohyoid attaches to the sternum and the thyroid cartilage
b. The sternothyoid is located superficial to the sternohyoid
c. The only infrahyoid muscle attached to the scapula is the omohyoid
d. The thyrohyoid is attached to the thyroid cartilage and the sternum
e. The omohyoid attaches the thyroid cartilage with the hyoid bone
The only infrahyoid muscle attached to the scapula is the omohyoid
17. The auriculotemporal nerve is a branch of the:
a. Facial nerve
b. Hypoglossal nerve
c. Trigeminal nerve – V1
d. Trigeminal nerve – V2
e. Trigeminal nerve – V3
Trigeminal nerve-V3
18. The parotid gland is surrounded by a capsule, which is comprised of:
a. Epithelium
b. Facial muscles
c. Dense connective tissue
d. Smooth muscle
e. Integument
Dense Connective Tissue
19. The facial nerve has ________ terminal branches.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. 7
20. All of the following nerves are terminal branches of the facial nerve except:
a. Temporal n.
b. Zygomatic n.
c. Buccal n.
d. Mental n.
e. Cervical n.
Mental Nerve
21. In many people an arterial pulse can be felt just in front of the external ear canal. What artery is being palpated at this location?
a. Maxillary artery
b. External carotid artery
c. Auricular artery
d. Facial artery
e. Superficial temporal artery
Superficial temporal artery
22. What tube-like structure lies on top of the masseter and is oriented transversely?
a. Submandibular duct
b. Facial duct
c. Carotid duct
d. Parotid duct
e. Daffy duct
Parotid Duct
23. Which statements correctly describe the nasal cavities?
a. The nasolacrimal duct opens into the inferior nasal meatus.
b. The frontal and maxillary sinuses open into the middle nasal meatus.
c. The sphenoid sinus opens into the atrium.
d. The ethmoidal sinus (air cells) opens into the superior nasal meatus.
e. Two of the above
Two of the above
24. Innervation of the nasal cavities is provided by:
a. Special sensory fibers for smell in CN I
b. Sensory fibers for pain, temperature, and touch in CN V2
c. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers which synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion with preganglionic parasympathetic fibers carried in CN VII
d. All of the above
e. Two of the above
All of the above
25. Which of the following structures is not a feature of the nasal cavities?
a. Inferior nasal meatus and the opening of the nasolacrimal duct
b. Superior concha
c. Opening of the maxillary sinus
d. Opening of the auditory (Eustachian) tube
e. Olfactory epithelium containing sensory receptor for smell
Opening of the auditory tube
26. The cribriform plate ____________________.
a. Is part of the ethmoid bone
b. Has numerous openings which transmit branches of CN V2
c. Is solid bone without any foramina
d. Separates the nasal cavities from the cranial cavity
e. Is bilateral structures located superior to each nasal cavity
f. Separates the pharynx from the cranial cavity
g. Two of the above
h. Three of the above
Three of above
27. The nasal cavities contain mucosa which ________________
a. Is supplied with blood by branches of the maxillary artery
b. Is innervated with sensory branches of CN V2
c. Is lined with ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium
d. Two of the above
e. All of the above
All of Above
28. Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves going to the nasal mucosa results in:
a. Vasodilation of blood vessels
b. Vasoconstriction of blood vessels
c. Decreased mucous secretion by mucous glands
d. None of the above
None of above
29. Which of the following structures is not contained in the nasal septum?
a. Vomer
b. Septal cartilage
c. Cribriform plate
d. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
Cribriform Plate
30. Which portion of the trigeminal nerve contains motor fibers?
a. V1
b. V2
c. V3
d. V4
e. V5
f. No correct answer – the trigeminal n. does not have motor fibers
31. Which branch of the trigeminal nerve supplies cutaneous fibers to the skin of the chin?
a. Supratrochlear n.
b. Supraorbital n.
c. Mental n.
d. Infraorbital n.
Mental Nerve
32. Which of the following muscles is supplied by the cervical branch of CN VII?
a. Thyrohyoid
b. Platysma
c. Omohyoid
d. Sternohyoid
e. Sternothyroid
f. No correct answer
33. Lacerations of the scalp are potentially dangerous because:
a. Skin leasions of the scalp can become infected if not treated properly.
b. The amount of blood loss can be excessive, compared to lacerations in other regions of the body
c. Bacteria introduced into the wound can spread to the cranial cavity via emissary veins
d. All of the above
All of Above
34. On ER a 62-year-old man is brought in for treatment of herpes zoster of the face. The patient complains of excruciating pain on the right side of the head in the upper lip and cheek area. Which sensory nerve is associated with the skin lesions in this patient?
a. Buccal branch of facial n.
b. Infraorbital n.
c. Mental n.
d. Zygomatic branch of facial n.
e. Ophthalmic division of trigeminal n.
Infraorbital Nerve
35. The thyroid gland has:
a. Two lobes and an istmus
b. Two pairs of arteries supplying it
c. Three pairs of veins supplying it
d. The parathyroid glands embedded in its posterior surface
e. All of the above
f. Two of the above
Two of Above
36. Which subdivision of the anterior cervical triangle contains the trachea?
a. Submandibular
b. Submental
c. Muscular
d. Carotid
37. Which of the following muscles in the neck is supplied by CN XI?
a. Thyrohyoid
b. Platysma
c. Sternomastoid
d. Sternohyoid
e. Sternothyroid
38. Which subdivision of the anterior cervical triangle is defined by the body of the mandible and the two bellies of the digastric body?
a. Submandibular
b. Carotid
c. Muscular
d. Submental
39. You are working in the hospital ER when a victim of an auto accident is brought in for treatment. Your patient complains of difficulty speaking. During the exam you ask him to stick out his tongue. When he does his tongue deviates to the right side; it does not deviate to the left side. This clinical sign can best be explained by injury to the:
a. Right facial nerve
b. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve on right side
c. Right inferior alveolar nerve
d. Right hypoglossal nerve
e. Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve on right side
Right Hypoglossal nerve
40. The facial nerve exits the skull by passing through the:
a. Foamen spinosum
b. Foramen ovale
c. Foramen rotundum
d. Zygomaticofacial foramen
e. Stylomastoid foramen
Stylomastoid foramen
41. The clinical condition know as “mumps” can produce pain in the masseteric region because the mumps virus:
a. Invades the facial nerve resulting in multiple sclerosis
b. Irritates the auriculotemporal nerve with potent chemicals
c. Produces swelling which compresses the auriculotemporal nerve
d. Prevents the production of saliva
e. Invades the cervical plexus resulting gin irritation of the transverse cervical nerve
Produces swelling which compresses the auriculotemporal nerve
42. Select the incorrect answer regarding the boundaries of the anterior cervical triangle.
a. Sternomastoid
b. Ramus of mandible
c. Body of mandible
d. Anterior midline
Ramus of mandible
43. Nerve fibers in carotid sinus measure ____________ and this data is carried to the brain stem by the _____________ nerve.
a. Blood oxygen, vagus
b. Blood carbon dioxide, glossopharyngeal
c. Blood pressure, glossopharyngeal
d. Blood sugar, vagus
Blood Pressure, glossopharyngeal
44. Which of the following arteries supply blood to the brain?
a. Deep temporal a.
b. External carotid a.
c. Maxillary a.
d. Occipital a.
e. Vertebral a.
Verterbral Artery
45. What branch of the facial nerve supplies the buccinator?
a. Temporal
b. Zygomatic
c. Buccal
d. Mandibular
e. Cervical
46. Which layer of tissue in the scalp is known as the 5th layer?
a. Skin
b. Galea aponeurotica
c. Subcutaneous connective tissue
d. Pericranium
e. Loose areolar tissue
47. The muscles of mastications:
a. Include the masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid
b. Are supplied by branches of maxillary artery
c. Include the medial pterygoid which has one attachment to the articular disc of the TMJ
d. All of the above
e. Two of the above
Two of Above
48. The trigeminal nerve is described by all of the following statements except:
a. The trigeminal nerve is sensory nerve of the face
b. CN V3 supplies sensory branches to the sensory branches to the anterior 2/3’s of the tongue for taste
c. CN V2 supplies cutaneous branches to the upper lip
d. CN V3 supplies motor branches to the muscles of mastication
e. The buccal branch of CN V supplies sensory fibers to the buccal region
CN V3 supplies sensory branches to the anterior 2/3's of the tongue for taste
49. The trigeminal nerve is correctly described by all of the following statements except:
a. CN V1 contains no motor fibers
b. CN V3 has motor fibers which supply the buccinator muscle
c. CN V3 contains both sensory and motor fibers
d. CN V3 does not pass through the submandibular gland
e. CN V does not contain any sympathetic fibers
CN V3 has motor fibers which supply the buccinator muscle
50. Which branch of the maxillary artery supplies cranial dura mater?
a. Pterygopalatine a.
b. Sphenopalatine a.
c. Deep temporal a.
d. Zygomatic a.
e. Middle meningeal a.
Middle meningeal Artery
51. Which layer of tissue in the scalp is associated with the occipitalis muscle?
a. Skin
b. Galea aponeurotica
c. Subcutaneous connective tissue
d. Pericranium
e. Loose areolar tissue
Galea Aponeurotica
52. The maxillary artery:
a. Is a branch of the internal carotid artery
b. Passes through the parotid gland before entering the temporal fossa
c. Supplies branches to all the muscles of mastication
d. Passes through the sublingual gland
e. Runs parallel to the parotid duct
Supplies branches to all the muscles of mastication (chewing)
53. The craninal cavity is described as having:
a. A cribriform plate which is associated with CN II
b. Dural venous sinuses which drain blood away from the spinal cord
c. A pair of cavernous sinuses, located lateral to the sella turcica
d. A posterior cranial fossa which contains CN IV and CN VI
e. A falx cerebri which separates the two cerebellar hemispheres from one another
f. Two of the above
A pair a cavernous sinuses, located lateral to sella turcica
54. Which bony openings appear in the roof of the infratemporal fossa?
a. Pterygomaxillary fissure
b. Sphenopalatine foramen
c. Stylomastoid foramen
d. Foramen spinosum
e. Opening into pterygoid canal
f. Two of the above
Foramen Spinosum
55. Which muscle protrudes or protracts the mandible?
a. Masseter
b. Medial pterygoid
c. Lateral pterygoid
d. Temporalis
e. Buccinator
Lateral Pterygoid
56. Which of the following muscles will elevate the mandible?
a. Masseter
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Temporalis (anterior fibers)
d. Medial pterygoid
e. Temporalis (posterior fibers)
f. All of the above
g. Three of the above
Three of Above
57. Which cutaneous nerve passes through the parotid gland and is susceptible to injury whenever a person is infected with mumps virus?
a. Great auricular n.
b. Lesser auricular n.
c. Lesser occipital n.
d. Chorda tympani n.
e. Masseteric n.
f. Nerves to medial pterygoid
g. Nerves to mumpus interuptus
h. Auriculotemporal n.
Auriculotemporal Nerve
58. The boundaries of the carotid triangle include all of the following except:
a. Sternomastoid
b. Omohyoid
c. Posterior digastric
d. Anterior digastric
Anterior Disgastric
59. The thyrohyoid:
a. Is supplied by the ansa cervicalis
b. Functions to depress the larynx
c. Is supplied by the facial nerve
d. Is supplied by the transverse cervical nerve
e. Is supplied by the hypoglossal nerve
is supplied by the ansa cervicalis
60. Which of the following structures does not pass through parotid gland?
a. External carotid artery
b. Retromandibular vein
c. Facial nerve
d. Auriculotemporal nerve
e. Great auricular nerve
Great Auricular Nerve
61. The subclavian arteries have different origins such that the:
a. Right subclavian is a branch of the aortic arch
b. Right subclavian is a branch of the brachiocephalic trunk
c. Left subclavian is a branch of the brachiocephalic trunk
d. Left subclavian is a branch of the left common carotid
Right Subclavian is a branch of brachiocephalic trunk
62. Which branches of the cervical plexus provides cutaneous innervation to the skin of the anterior cervical triangle?
a. Supraclavicular nerve
b. Great auricular nerve
c. Transverse cervical nerve
d. Lesser occipital nerve
e. Superior root of ansa cervicalis
Transverse cervical nerve
63. Which of the following nerves is not part of cervical plexus?
a. Supraclavicular nerve
b. Great auricular nerve
c. Transverse cervical nerve
d. Ansa cervicalis
e. Auriculotemporal nerve
Auriculotemporal nerve
64. The carotid body:
a. Is part of internal carotid artery
b. Contains sensory nerve endings which measure arterial blood pressure
c. Is innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Is innervated by vagus nerve
e. Two of the above
innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve
65. The chorda tympani nerve contains:
a. GVE fibers which synapse in submandibular ganglion
b. GVE fibers which originate in superior salivatory nucleus
c. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
d. SVA fibers that supply the anterior 2/3’s of the tongue
e. All of the above
All of the Above
66. Which cranial nerve passes through the posterior cervical triangle?
a. Facial
b. Hypoglossal
c. Glossopharyngeal
d. Spinal accessory
e. Vagus
Spinal Accessory
67. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers which supply the parotid gland travel with the ____________ nerve.
a. Transverse cervical
b. Hypoglossal
c. Trigeminal
d. Auriculotemporal
e. Great auricular
f. Vagus
g. Facial
68. The cervical plexus originates from which ventral primary rami?
a. C2-C5
b. C1-C5
c. C1-C4
d. C2-C4
69. Structures found between the anterior and middle scalene muscles include:
a. Subclavian vein
b. Subclavian artery
c. Thyrocervical trunk
d. Vertebral artery
Subclavian Artery
70. Which cranial nerves innervate structures in the orbit?
a. III
b. IV
c. VI
d. II
e. All the above
All of Above
71. Which of the following structures pass through the internal auditory meatus?
a. VII
c. IX
d. X
e. XI
f. Two of the above
g. Three of the above
Two of Above
72. Select the correct statement which describes the posterior cranial fossa. The posterior cranial fossa:
a. Contains the foramen ovale
b. Contains the hypoglossal canal
c. Lies between the lesser wing of the sphenoid and the petrosal ridge
d. Contains the temporal lobe of the cerebrum
e. Contains the jugular foramen
f. Two of the above
Two of Above
73. The clinical sign resulting from Bell’s palsy is the:
a. Inability to protrude the tongue
b. Paralysis of the tensory veli palatini
c. Paralysis of the face on one side
d. Paralysis of pharynx resulting in inability to swallow
e. Paralysis of the infrahyoid muscle
Paralysis of the face on one side
74. The facial nerve performs all of the following functions except:
a. Controls muscles of facial expression
b. Supplies sensory fibers for taste to the anterior 2/3’s of tongue
c. Supplies parasympathetic motor fibers to parotid gland
d. Supplies parasympathetic motor fibers to mucous glands in nasal cavities
Supplies parasympathetic motor fibers to parotid gland
75. Which of the following arteries supplies the larynx?
a. Lingual
b. Superior thyroid
c. Facial
d. Ascending pharyngeal
e. Vertebral
Superior Thyroid
76. The parotid duct pierces what muscle to enter the vestibule of the oral cavity?
a. Temporalis
b. Masseter
c. Buccinator
d. Orbicularis oris
e. Zygomaticus major
77. The parotid gland is supplied by:
a. Sympathetic nerve fibers which decrease saliva production
b. Parasympathetic nerve fibers in the glossopharyngeal nerve which increase saliva production
c. Parasympathetic nerve fibers in vagus nerve which increase saliva
d. Sympathetic nerve fibers in facial nerve which increase saliva
e. Two of the above
Two of the above
78. Which of the following arteries supply blood to the brain?
a. Deep temporal
b. External carotid
c. Maxillary
d. Occipital
e. Vertebral
79. What muscle is used for smiling?
a. Orbicularis oris
b. Buccinator
c. Levator labii superioris
d. Zygomaticus major
e. Depressor anguli oris
Zygomaticus Major
80. Posterior border of parotid region is formed by:
a. Mastoid
b. Ramus of mandible
c. Styloid process
d. Lateral pterygoid plate
e. Medial pterygoid plate
81. Thyroid and parathyroid glands are both involved in regulating ___________ metabolism?
a. Iodine
b. Calcium
c. Phosphorus
d. Sodium
e. Carbon
82. What structure marks the boundary between the oral acavity and the pharynx?
a. Palatine tonsil
b. Palatoglossal fold
c. Palatopharyngeal fold
d. Uvula
Palatoglossal Fold
83. What salivary gland duct empties at the sublingual caruncle?
a. Parotid
b. Sublingual
c. Submandibular
84. What salivary gland is innervated by parasympathetic fibers contained in cranial nerve IX?
a. Parotid
b. Sublingual
c. Submandibular
85. The chorda tympani nerve provides what types of innervation to anterior 2/3’s of tongue?
a. Touch
b. Temperature
c. Pain
d. Taste
e. All of the above
86. The muscles of the tongue are innervated by cranial nerve
a. IX
b. X
c. XI
d. XII
87. What structures comprise the nasal septum?
a. Septal cartilage
b. Vomer
c. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
d. Conchae
e. All of the above
f. A, B, and C
88. Unpaired paranasal air sinuses include:
a. Frontal sinus
b. Maxillary sinus
c. Sphenoid sinus
d. Ethmoid sinus
e. A, B and C
f. A and C
A and C
89. Where is the palatine tonsil located?
a. Posterior to palatonglossal arch
b. In the nasal cavity
c. In the pharynx, just posterior to nasal cavity
d. On the dorsum of tongue
e. In larynx
Posterior to palatonglossal arch
90. The intrinsic muscles of the tongue
a. Are four in number
b. Are innervated by CN XII
c. Are innervated by CN X
d. Consist of smooth muscle
e. Are innervated by postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
Are innverated by CN XII
91. The sublingual salivary glands
a. Are located in the floor of the mouth
b. Are emptied by numerous ducts
c. Are innervated by postganglionic parasympathetic fibers originating in the submandibular ganglion
d. Are innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers originating in superior cervical ganglion
e. All of the above
f. Two of the above
All of the above
92. The hard palate
a. Forms the floor of the nasal cavities
b. Is comprised of four bones that fuse together before birth
c. Is covered with mucosa contains numerous mucous glands
d. Is continuous with the soft palate
e. All of the above
All of the above
93. Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves going to nasal mucosa results in:
a. Vasodilatation of blood vessels
b. Vasoconstriction of blood vessels
c. Decreased mucous secretion by mucous glands
d. None of the above
None of the above
94. Which of the following structures passes through formane spinosum?
a. V1
b. V2
c. V3
d. Middle meningeal artery
e. Facial nerve
Middle Meningeal artery
95. Which dural venous sinuses are located in falx cerebri?
a. Straight sinus
b. Occipital sinus
c. Transverse sinus
d. Superior petrosal sinus
e. Inferior sagittal sinus
Inferior Sagittal Sinus
96. The internal vertebral plexus is directly connected to the _________ in the cranial cavity?
a. Cavernous sinus
b. Occipital sinus
c. Basilar plexus
d. Inferior petrosal sinus
e. Sigmoid sinus
Basilar Plexus
97. Which cranial nerve supplies parasympathetic fibers to smooth muscle fibers in levator palpebrae superioris?
a. Oculomotor
b. Facial
c. Glossopharyngeal
d. Trochlear
e. Abducens
98. What signs and symptoms affecting the right eye would you expect to see in Horner’s syndrome?
a. Constricted pupil
b. Dilated pupil
c. No accommodation
d. Excess production of tears
e. No production of tears
Constricted pupils
99. Where is the most likely place for food to lodge in the throat?
a. Pharyngeal recess
b. Vallecula
c. Piriform recess
d. Sphenoethmoid recess
e. Sphenopalatine recess
100. The nasopharynx:
a. Is the space anterior to choanae
b. Contains the opening of submandibular duct
c. Has lymphoid organ, the pharyngeal tonsil, located in its roof
d. Is fluid filled space
e. Is not part of the respiratory tract
Has lympoid organ, the paryngeal tonsil, located in its roof